
Chapter 2

Flame didn't even try to stop the tears that run freely down her cheeks. 

She was in agony. 

Waves of pain unimaginable shot down her spine. Causing every muscle in her body to contract. She screamed as they shocked her with God knew how many volts of electricity. Her back arched up at an unnatural angle. Her arms and legs started to shake. 

She screamed till her throat hurt. 

It was a wonder that after all this time she still hadn't gotten used to the pain. It was all she knew. 

The torture went on for minutes but it felt like hours. And once they were done she sagged on the cursed chair that was also the source of her misery. 

She panted heavily as she tried her best to steady her breathing. But they didn't give her a chance to get a grip on herself. 

"Take her back to the cell! " she heard the director instruct. And soon after, two of her tortures held her by both her arms and literally dragged her away. 

Her feet were still numb, and her head hurt like crazy. But it was the pain she was filling inside that was truly her undoing. As soon as they got to her cell, the men got in and dropped her on the ground. As if she were nothing more than trash. 

And truth be told, that is exactly what she felt like. 

Discarded rubbish which no one wanted. 

She struggled till she managed to roll herself onto her back. The concrete floor was extremely hard, just like the bed she slept in. A stupid piece of steel with a feather of a blanket and a worn out three inch wide mattress. Apparently she hadn't earned the right to get a pillow. 

Like she even cared! 

So this was her life now, locked up in a mental asylum for something she couldn't explain. She squeezed her eyes shut. Doing her best to push away the haunting memory of that night. 

"Nothing happened Flame... nothing happened.... nothing.... " she repeated the words over and over until she believed them. 

After a while, the numbness died down and she crawled to the bed, still too weak to stand. The bed was barely raised off the ground so getting on it wasn't that hard... considering the circumstances. 

She covered herself with the light and tiny blanket and curled up into a ball. Wrapping her arms around her legs. The action didn't have anything to do with generating heat, she was trying to offer herself comfort. 

But it was all going to end soon. She had all the pills she'd been saving up. And tonight, she was going to take them. 

She would end it all. For such an existence was not worth living. 

Only death would be her freedom. It might be a cowardly thing to do, but she didn't care. It was all too much, she just couldn't be strong anymore. 

She honestly couldn't. 

She moved her dark brown hair out of her face and wiped her tears, though others still flowed down. 

So this was her fate? And she'd thought growing up as a foster child had been bad. How wrong she'd been. 

She sniffled back her cry and sat up, leaning her back against the dirty wall. Using her hospital gown to cover her legs before laying the blanket on top of herself. 

The cell was dark and she could barely see a thing, but she knew that it was about noon. She could take the pills now, but there is a chance of someone finding her. So it was better to wait till the night fell. When everyone was asleep. 

"Flame.. " she stated to herself and let out a short sarcastic laugh. "Which genius came up with that idea? " she shook her head then let out a long needed breath. 

She had no one in this godforsaken world. The only thing that belonged to her was that name. And it didn't define her at all. 

"Chill out hell... I'm on my way, " she said as she stared at the nothingness in front of her. 

With way things were going, the devil actually didn't sound like bad company. And she couldn't wait to meet him.