
Fix your game

"What are you doing?" Said the boy behind Louc. Louc looked behind him and said "Im fixing things." "But why?" "... Money i need money now leave me alone i still have to do stuff," Louc stated and told the boy to leave. "Alright goodbye mister. But wait what is that game your fixing?" out of curiousness the little boy asked. "Its League of legends." "What? What's that?" Louc looked at the little boy behind him 'so innocent you dont need to know the toxic planet, i can't let you be infected!' he thought then said, "Its nothing." "Okay mister thank you for your time." the little boy said and left. That was interesting.

LordPool · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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2 Chs


1 Week has passed since the update, and the players all over the world has been loving it. People are now praising the balance team and telling them the game is much more better now that it is actually more playable and more fair? Is what they thought.

After 1 week passed Louc uploaded another video on the League channel titled (Talking about things).

The video was about 12 minutes long.

The people saw this and started watching it.

"So today i wanted to talk about what would happen and what we would do, and as once again i am Louc Miller bringing you another video about the patch we made. So today i'll be talking about a new feature added onto the game, its called bug replay its the same as the one used in the league tournaments, if you were to encounter a bug/glitch inside the game affecting the gameplay. The game will detect the bug and rewind the match to a certain point, but sir what about if it is a harmless bug and does nothing to the player's experience? Then you have the chance to report it by tapping on the right side of the screen...." Louc continued on explaining ofcourse this is a more advanced system that he made.

"God thank you for blessing us with this amazing man." The comments started spamming, other celebs/streamers/youtubers commented on how good this was as this could help the players and the devs/mods to fix up the bugs/glitches that will occur on the match. Atleast this time no one will blame a "bug" because it is almost impossible to blame a bug because of this new advanced system that Louc implemented.

Louc on the otherhand has been looking alot better, his old slightly tattered beard now is newly shaved, he kept it as like a buzzcut. With new clothes, confidence, hair he looks like he was just born.

With Louc doing alot, and changing alot eventually this reached the higher ups, that allowed it. They also played League from time to time and notcied that there was some things missing they felt something's missing but didn't do anything about it as they thought that they shouldn't meddle on matters that aren't for them.

Louc who used to be a temporary leader for the balance team, now fully implemented as the leader of the team. The members of the team ofcourse accepted Louc as they themselves saw the abilities/skills Louc had, its only normal for somebody better than them to lead them.

Suddenly a slightly fat man who was wearing a tuxedo walked in, and yelled "Its your day off today you can do anything you want for the rest of the week. There is no bugs/glitches or any updates for now so we will be giving people a week off. Go swimming or go to twitchcon to watch the league matches."

The office erupted like a volcano with all the people yelling and shouting.

"Louc what will you do?" The tall man named Tony asked.

"Nothing much maybe i'll go to Twitchcon, i wanna see some twitch streamers." Louc said while looking at the time.

Tony nodded in understanding and said "Alright i'll catch you next week me and the team will go swimming, if you want you can come?" he asked.

"Nah im good, i dont like swimming." He always had a fear of swimming, the depths of the ocean you may never know what kind of creatures are on the bottom of the ocean.. just thinking about it makes him feel nauseous.

"Alright bye leader." Tony said then left to grab the other members.

'Alright lets go and start packing, it starts in 2 days so i still have time but better than ever' Louc thought then went to his apartment to pack bags to go to twitchcon.

meanwhile on social media's people are asking if Louc the leader of the balance team has an account.

"Does Louc have a social media account?"

"He does, its called Louc Miller League Moderator."

"What a long ass name."

"Lmao why so lazy?"

"Alright let me check."

Then the thread exploded, people started going to Louc's account checking every social media.

Meanwhile Louc who doesn't have any idea of what's going on. Packed his bag and took a picture while putting in a text (Going to Twitchcon.) he posted it on twitter, he only had a twitter account so naturally he went to twitter to post it, not expecting anyone to know him.

the people though who were still checking the accounts saw Louc's face and post.

"Its this account! Its verified!" One commenter started spreading the news while others also spread the news.

"Oh! oh! It really is look its his face with that beard!"

"His going to twitchcon? might as well go too."

"Yeah i forgot there was twitchcon this year."

"Is tyler and other League streamers going too?"

"Yeah all of the famous, well probably those who are available would be going to this years Twitchcon."



2 days passed Louc was late, he started running through the crowds finally making it. He searched for the seats meanwhile a security guard who saw Louc's face got all sparkly. And pulled Louc out of the crowd onto the vip seats.

Louc glanced at the guard asked ".... What's happening?"

The guard heard Louc and said "We can't be having one of League's Moderators on normal seats, so i contacted the higher-ups to put you into vip seats."

"R-really? But how did you even regonize me..? Im not that popular." He asked confused of how the guard recognized him, after all he was still not well known, or so he thought.

... The guard who was standing beside Louc looked speechless and decided not to say anything and just took his phone and said to Louc "Cheese!" he took a picture and ran away.

... Well that was weird..? Louc thought and sat down with his Gigantic popcorn and hotdogs with his hat filled with water.

With everything done and the producers + the people on the stands finally seated down, the matches/event finally started.

"Welcome everyone to Twitchcon! today we have special guests! We welcome you the amazing and talented streamers!"

The host started to introduce all of the streamers that participated, and then glanced to the vip area where he saw something odd...

"Is that Louc...?" He exclaimed outloud, while Louc who was sitting and drinking from his water hat, spat his drink out and whispered "... how did he know me..?"

Then all the people on the stands looked at the vip area and saw the man in flesh, it was Louc Miller! The leader of the moderators that changed the entire game and made it balanced and fair!

Tyler1 also looked at the vip area and started to run towards Louc while screaming.

"HEY! BUDDY! Its me! Tyler!" He screamed while getting close to Louc.

While Louc was still sitting down and eating his popcorn.

Finally Tyler was close and told Louc "Hi my name is Tyler."

"And there goes Tyler." The caster said while laughing.

"My name is Louc." Louc said while looking at Tyler up and down.

"Go and win the whole thing." Louc bumped his fist onto his chest and slapped his back giving tyler encouragement and motivation to win the wholr thing even more.

"I already know that hehe no need to tell me. Thanks though!" He said then moved back onto the stage.

'Youth.' He whispered and began to suck his water hat again.

Meanwhile people were taking pictures of Louc drinking his water, he looked magestic.

a bunch of people from the stands laughed.

"Alright game 1 start! So what teams are playing against each other today?"

"Its between Tyler1 Versus Yassuo the 2 rivals."

"Mhm your right about that, this match will truly be amazing....."


After the games ended with 2-1 with Tyler1's team winning.

"So Tyler what would you like to day to the viewers that is watching?" the caster gestured and pointed towards the camera and the stands.

"First off amazing game played by us and the other team as well, but obviously my team is better no need for anymore stuff but what did make an impact is Louc." Tyler said and pointed to Louc.

"Huh? What do you mean?" the caster asked.

"He gave me confidence and motivation to win." Tyler said to the mic.

"Alright, thank you for that tyler and lets ask for Louc Miller to join us on stage! Give it up for Louc!" The caster said intending on making headlines.

"Wait what?! What the fuck?" Louc exclaimed outloud while feeling defeated as he got played by the caster.

Well i cant just not go on stage.. Ah.. fuck it dude. He then went up the stage sending a couple glares to the caster.

"Hello Mr. Miller why have you gone to twitchcon in this time?"

"Louc is fine. And i had a day off so i thought why not go to Twitchcon.?"

"day off..? Um okay so why did you give Tyler motivation and encouraged him?"


... What? The caster thought, then changed the question.

"When will you be updating the game?" The caster asked being a bit greedy, if Louc answered this question there would definitely be headlines.

Thought about it and then came to the conclusion that this would be free publicity for the game and answered. "There would be a patch 1 month later, i cant specify when though but it should be one month later, there would be an event."

The crowd started screaming, while the caster was also excited on what's to come next. But decided to end the interview there as he saw that Louc was getting uncomfortable.

"Alright thank you Louc and we hope you have a nice day!" He sent Louc off with applause but Louc went close to voyboy and said.

"The next update will have visual updates of the old champs, here's some content for you." Louc winked at him and then left, he thought that he did good.

While voyboy was screaming inside. 'Free Content? Sign me up!'

After Twitchcon ended, Louc went back home to prepare the Visual updates of the old champs like Kog maw, Tristana, alot more champs that need new fresh animations. He thought that it would take awhile to complete all of the old champs visual updates so he decided on doing 10 visual updates per patch/update of the game.

With that he used the system to draw the visual effects, and started on the champs. He first called the arts team if he could borrow their team. he thought that he had alot of authority on the teams now.

"Alright we'll assign you as our leader for until the visual updates our done or until you have another idea." A hoarse voice sounded at the other side of the phone.

"Alright thanks, i'll tell the boss to give a good word to you guys." Louc said making the hoarse voice on the other side delighted.

"Thanks sir!" He said and hanged up the call.

'Alright.. the headache's are done all i have to do is finish the animations.' then started on working on the sketches of what the old champs will look like.


Voyboy uploaded a new video titled (Louc Miller told me some content) people were confused at first but when they watched the video, they now truly knew that this man Louc is the messiah of the balance team.

"Visual updates for old champs? Is there gonna be like a voting system that we use so we can vote what champs we want to have a visual update on?"

"Hey thats a good idea. Hopefully Louc is reading our comments."

"I think he does, he's probably the most active moderator on the team."

"Yeah mans on crack always online. Does he ever go to sleep?"

"We dont know.. and will never know.."

"I hope the update will have alot of old champs having new fresh animations."

"Yep just by thinking about it makes me hard!"


Author's note: Sup peeps nice day, nice night well have a nice day! lmao pretty cringy chapter ain't it?