

I slowly lifted his arm. I helped him stand up and stepped away from there.

"Let's go." I'll help you." I said.

I took his arm and slung it over my shoulder.

Both of us have been wounded and are dealing with the pain and agony of the wounds and scars we have received. I led Lily slowly.

We passed by some tall trees and grass.

We circled around looking for a possible passage. I just realized that we're so stupid to even scatter when we can just go together. We no longer know where our comrades are, whether they are still in good condition or what is happening to them now.

I was just shaken.

Even though it was difficult to take a step, I just tried to be brave.

Soon, Lily's condition improved.

"Thank you," she said.

I let her walk on her own.

"Are you sure you can do that?" I asked.

She nodded.

We continued to search for our companions until we saw Francine again.

She was still running while being chased by a large snake.

"Francine!" I called her.

But he seemed to hear nothing because he just kept on running. I turned to Lily. She immediately got what I wanted to happen. Although it was difficult to walk because of the wounds, we ran the distance to where Francine was.

It seems that because he was tired and afraid that the snake would catch him, he did not notice us calling him.

Sweat is dripping down my forehead.

So was Lily.

We are both out of breath.

I tried to get Francine's attention again, but she really couldn't make me even look away.

He just kept running.

"Hey, look! Oh, shit!" Lily screamed.

I followed the look of his finger and just covered my mouth because of what I saw.

On the one hand, there is a trap set up.

A thin line of barbed wire is attached to a massive tree's bodies.

Francine was not looking where she was going, and now she was on her way there. "Francine! Stop!" I called her again.

I'm completely cheap in my mind. My heartbeat is also speeding up. Several times, I tried to get his attention, but he couldn't hear us.

It was too late when he got to the part with the barbed wire.

"Francine!" Lily and I screamed.

I covered my mouth when Francine let out a shrill cry. I could feel the pain fading in his voice.

I was just a statue in my position.

I could clearly see how Francine's body collapsed after tripping over the line of barbed wire tied to two trees facing each other.

"Ah!" she shouted.

My eyes widened even more as I watched the ground he was about to fall on.

Rows of barbed wire were driven into the ground.

I burst into tears when my two eyes witnessed firsthand how Francine fell to the ground. His blood gushed out as his body lay on the ground.

"Oh... Oh my gosh!" I said weakly.

I could clearly see the barbed wire piercing his body.

A few seconds after the agreement happened, a large snake like Francine did not seem to see the danger. I stared at the blood almost reaching Lily and me. The blood of the snake that had been chasing Francine.