
chapter 8: the day before the court

Thomas and I finally get home from the solicitors office it is quite late I take Thomas everywhere with me due to the fact of all the mental health and my heart problems I have social work since I was 2 years old and still have them I have been in and out of doctors with my heart condition and in and out of the social work unit due to my mental health problems and the abuse I went through when I was younger and Thomas is now my full time carer I am happy that my social workers made Thomas my carer couldn't ask for anyone better than him to do it he knows what I need and what's best for me and I trust him with my life, Thomas says "let's get food then watch a movie and go to bed baby" I respond with "okay let's do that" Thomas goes to the kitchen to make us something to eat he starts to cook us some chicken wings while he is cooking I go and have a bubble bath as me being to stressed out can cause me to go in to hospital which I dont want to happen I then get out and get my pajamas on and go through to the dinning table as Thomas is nearly done cooking he brings both plates through and we sit down together to eat once we finish Thomas goes to have a bath and I sit and draw he likes to shout through to me sometimes just to make sure I am okay he worries a lot like me he worries about me and I worry about him we are inseparable its like a match made in heaven he gets out the bath and gets his pyjamas on as well then he brings the double cover off the bed through to the living room it has black and blue roses on it I make two hot chocolates and bring them from the kitchen we cuddle up on the couch under the cover and watch a movie drinking our hot chocolates, the movie finishes after about an hour and we get ready for bed once we have done everything we need to do we both go to bed he wraps his arms around me to keep me warm and safe as he knows its the only way I can have a peaceful sleep we both drift off to sleep.

Its the next morning and Thomas gets woke up from a knock at my door its the social workers kirsty and Kathleen , Kathleen is the boss social worker the big fat one thats makes all the decisions about me the fat fuck has made a few bad decisions but she is doing better since her decision was to make Thomas my full time carer kirsty is my main social worker that comes out and does the check ups on me she gets really annoying she ain't fat she is just a fucking cunt half the time but shit happens I guess, the worst decision Kathleen ever made was putting me with that sket that I call mother surprised she hasn't been redeemed as obeast from the doctors yet just like I am surprised that we still have Chinese food take ways left I mean its funny how we have any take away shops left like my god hasn't she ain't them all out yet, Thomas let's the social workers in and Kathleen said "we are here to do our daily check ups on Julie" I come out the room and reply with "oh the fat bastard and the cunt is here how nice what do you want" kirsty responds with "just here to do our check up on you and to see how you are doing as well as me Kathleen and Thomas all have to be present for the solicitor calling" I just give them a dirty look then say aggressively "right let's get the check up done and the court shit all over an done with what you waiting on a fucking medal because you got here on time let's get a fuckibg move on I can't be fucked with this shit as it is" Kathleen and kirsty take a seat on the cream corner leather sofa and Thomas goes to the kitchen to make coffees for us all once he has made them he brings them through and puts them on the brown oak wooden coffee table where we are all sitting Kathleen pulls out a big blue folder from her black back pack and she starts hauling out paper work and said "first things first Julies safety plan for when she kicks off" I do a fake yawn as if to say yes we know what's in the paper work you dont have to remind us just get on with it all then I say "I just woke up dont want to become tired again through boredom from yous" kirsty just rolls her eyes and says "what's up with you today" Thomas responds to kirsty with "its because you just woke her up and she hates that" Kathleen nods her head and says "we need to do our jobs and the court call is very important Julie its to tell you about the court case and When you need to go to court and what time it will be at after we eventually finish with all the boring social work shit Thomas goes and makes more coffees while we all wait on the court calling, the solicitor finally calls and says is everyone who needs to be there already sitting and ready I say " yes we are all here waiting on you to get this over with so hurry it up when do I need to be up at court and what time at" the social work just look at Thomas as if to say you are suppose to be doing something about this, Thomas then stands up and says "baby come over here a minute" I go over he hugs into me and follows up with "I know your annoyed at them but you need to calm down a bit before you get in to serious trouble" we then go back over and sit down the solicitor proceeds by saying "your due at the court tomorrow morning at 10am and you need to bring a statement and thats all" the solicitor then hangs up and Kathleen says "right we will get going we will see you both tomorrow at the court and Julie you need to be there your younger sister will also be there" then they leave and Thomas closes and locks the door.