
Finishing My Unfinished Dimension

I received an email from the God of Writing to finish an unfinished dimension, I thought it was some kind of scam but I clicked it anyway and was transported into my fan-fic world. Although I couldn't control the changes anymore, I'll control the change as a character in the fan-fic myself. Finishing my Unfinished Dimension(A Better Goku) by going into the dimension myself. Chapter Release rate: When I have a chapter finished, I'll publish right away. Picture Link: https://www,pinterest,ph/pin/148900331416809059/

JustaLazyGuy · Tranh châm biếm
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29 Chs

Collecting the 6 Dragon Balls

Chapter 4 - Collecting the 6 Dragon Balls




"That was so strong, Haru-niisan!" Goku praised Haru as he saw the ki blast

"It's nothing. You can do it too when you grow up" Haru replied


"Really." Haru laughed lightly with Goku's reaction

"Wow! I can do that too when I become big? I can't wait!" Goku said in excitement

Uppa's dad approached them and said "Thank you for saving my life! I can't thank you enough!"

"It's nothing. This kid here was going to use the dragon ball wish to bring you back to life if you died so I intervened. I have a use for the use myself

"I see… but still thank you for saving my life." Uppa's dad said thankfully

Uppa also chimed in and said "Yes! Thank you for saving my dad's life!"

Haru just smiled and said "You're welcome."

He then turned to Goku and told him "Goku. Let me borrow your 4 star ball for the wish I have. Of course I'll teach you something when we meet again in the future. It won't be that long when we meet again once we parted. You can just find the 4 star ball again the next time the dragon ball's are available."

"Wow, really?! I can't wait. You can borrow it. Haru-niisan!"

Haru chuckled and said "Thanks. By the way, why don't you climb the Korin's tower. You'll find Korin at the top. He'll teach you to be stronger than your master, Muten Roushi in just a few days."

"Really? Then I'll climb the tower!"

Haru said as Goku began to climb the tower"Good luck! By the way let me stay in your place for now to repay me for saving your life Uppa's dad. I don't recall your name, what is it?"

"Of course you can stay with us. It's the least I can do to repay my life's saviour. My name is Bora." Bora replied to Haru

"I see… Then Bora, I hope you take care of me for the time being."

"No problem!"

2 days passed and Goku fell down from the sky seemingly annoyed but went to climb the tower again

"It seems like Korin threw Goku down to let him notice the change in his strength." Haru laughed as he felt Goku fall down from the tower

Bora, who was sitting against him at the table, was amazed at Haru's perception of being able to sense Goku despite not seeing him and just thought in his heart that Haru was exceptionally strong.

Another day passed and Goku went to see Korin "I'm done with training, Haru-niisan!"

Haru, who was drinking tea from his cup, looked at Goku and said "Is that so? Wanna try your strength against me?"

"Really?! I can do that! Yes please!" Goku said excitedly as he could fight a strong opponent like Haru

Haru stood up and floated into the opposite of Goku "Ready when you are."

"Yes!" Goku shouted as he dashed towards Haru with a kick

Haru just dodged to the left slightly and controlled his strength and kicked Goku in the stomach

"Guah!" Goku groaned in pain as he was sent flying by the kick but stood up immediately "As expected, I knew you were stronger even after training. I'll go again!" Goku jumped up and used his power pole to hit Haru in the head which was dodged to the left again by Haru but Goku saw this coming and rotated his body and use his power pole to smash Haru in the stomach

Haru jumped up and stood at the top of the power pole, and smiled "You should try harder Goku."

"Yes!" Goku directed his power pole towards the sky and to send Haru flying and Haru just back flipped using the momentum of Goku's power pole

Goku kept his power pole in it's sheath and went into a kamehameha stance "Kame…"

Haru smiled and dashed towards Goku, when he was at face value against Goku he said "Too slow." and kicked him in the jaw

"Ahhhh!" Goku cried in pain as he was sent flying again upwards this time.

"That's unfair… Haru-niisan… You didn't let me finish the kamehameha…" Goku complained as he stood up from the ground after he was sent flying

"Are you stupid? Which enemy will let you finish such a strong attack? You have to make sure your opponent is powerless to stop you first before doing such an attack." Haru educated Goku in battle

"Understood…" Goku complained but knew Haru was right

Uppa and Bora just stood there amazed at the battle that was happening.

"Anyway. Let's go now. You'll meet me some time in the future after you meet the god of earth. I'll train you then."

"Yes!" Goku's eyes shined again when he heard Haru would train him in the future.

Haru went towards Bora and said as he smiled "Thank you for your hospitality for the past few days. We'll be going now."

"It was nothing. Haru-san!" Bora said as he scratched his head laughed a bit

"Bye, Bora. Bye, Uppa." Haru smiled at them and signalled to Goku "say your goodbyes too Goku. We're going now.

"Ah! Yes! Bye Uppa! Bye Uppa's dad!" Goku said as he rode his flying cloud

"Bye Haru-niisan! Bye Goku!" Uppa said as he saw both of the flying in the sky

Bora just waved his hands in goodbye

"Haru-niisan!" Where are we going next?" Goku asked

"Of course we're looking for the dragon balls."

"Ah, I forgot… hehe…" Goku scratched his head in embarrassment and looked at the dragon radar "It looks like two of the dragon balls are at the same place. We're lucky"

"Yeah and you could also use this to test your strength."

"Test my strength?" Goku asked

"Yup! Those two dragon balls are in the red ribbon army. I won't interfere. It's your fight."

"I see…" As Goku and Haru was travelling they saw a flying drone in their left

"What is this?" Goku asked

"That's a drone, Bulma created. They see us from faraway so wave your hand." Haru said as he smiled and also waved his left hand.

"I see… Hello! Bulma!" Goku said as he waved his hands towards the drone.

Kame house…

Bulma who went to the kame house again because she was bored, looked at the tv with Goku and Haru and said in envy "No fair! I also wanna go on an adventure with Haru!"

"Ah! That's the bastard from before!" Blonde Launch reacted to seeing Haru in the tv

Muten Roushi just scolded her "Don't be rude! Lord Haru is a god you know!"

"I know but he's really handsome and kind." Bulma said as if he was hypnotized

Muten Roushi just sighed and said "You're lucky, Lord Haru is not an evil God or you'll both be gone from this world in no time."

"I know I know." Bulma responded and looked at the surrounding from the video and saw the red ribbon army base "Isn't that a full army base? Goku's probably looking for the dragonballs and it's there. Goku's in danger."

Muten Roushi just replied "Fool! How could he be in danger if Lord Haru is there. It's obviously to test Goku's strength."

Bulma then said "Oh right. I forgot how strong Haru is."

After that Haru just watched over Goku destroying the base on his own and Muten Roushi and Bulma were just as surprised as they saw Goku destroying the base on his own.

"It seems Goku has become stronger. He might be stronger than me now."

"How strong can an old man like you be?" Bulma snorted to mock Muten Roushi

"Don't mock me. I'm Goku's master, you know."

"Yes, Yes…" Bulma just replied half heartedly

"Haru-niisan! We already have 6 dragon balls just one left" Goku said in excitement

"We do have them now the last one is a bit tricky."

"Why is the last dragon ball tricky?"

"Well… it's not really tricky but we'll fight five opponents if we beat them we'll get the dragon ball."

"Isn't that easy? Haru-niisan is strong after all." Goku asked in confusion

Haru just laughed lightly and replied "Yup. It'll be easy after all. I'll fight the first 3 opponents, you'll fight the last two."

"That's unfair! I can only fight two?"

"It's not that unfair. You'll fight the last 2 which are the strongest among them."

"Really?! Thanks! Haru-niisan!" Goku's eyes shined as he heard Goku's statement.

"Alright! Bring out the dragon radar and we'll head over there now." Haru instructed

"Yes!" Goku brought out the dragon radar and pointed in the direction of the last dragon ball "It's over there"

"Alright let's go faster. So I can train to be stronger."

"Why would you even train? You're already so strong." Goku asked

Haru laughed and said "You'll surpass me in 10 years if I don't train so I have to train too."

"Really? Will I become that strong?" Goku asked in amazement

"No, you won't"

Goku who was excited suddenly felt sad but heard Haru say "You'll become much stronger than that!"

"Really?!?!?! Wow! I can't wait! At that time fight me again. Haru-niisan!" Goku said excitedly as he imagined himself with all that power

Haru just chuckled and replied "Sure."




(A/N: Leave Power Stones if you like the story. Thank you!)