
Finding me...........What does that even mean?????

Since the mirror didn't tell me much I went to the next best thing... Guess what that was??????

It was the Husband, now he had a lot to say.

All my faults and short comings kept rolling off I was like damn bro... where is all this coming from????

But in that conversation I learned something valueable..... Only when we see ourselves through someone else's eyes can we truly understand where we are going wrong.

This does not mean that we should take everyone's advice, because not everyone has our best interest at heart.

A very old proverb: "Kin teeth kiba bun hart" meaning someone may be holding grudges against you but will never tell you, and inturn do things to you in the guise of doing it for your own good...

I am sure a few of you have experienced this before most people" call back bitting".

What we need to keep in mind though is we can see someone's face however we can't see their heart, hence their true intentions are always hidden.

Now after I got over my feelings of being bashed with all my short comings i quickly got a pen and book to write down the things I need to improve on.

I most say this was not easy, but i'm looking for the areas that I needed to improve so i just got to suck it up and get to work.