
Finding Me.........What does that even mean????

After all those shocking discoveries of nothingness I felt a little depressed, because I expected myself to be more than I realized I was.

Now for the juicy part.... In asking myself who am I? Something jerked my mind into think mode, even though I had to think long and hard about it, I am just starting to figure out where I need to trim and where I need to improve.

Next question was " How do I self Improve"?

And of course" again the self searching begun......I was like damn this is too hard!!!

No wonder I never agrued it takes too much to think, not to mention thinking about so many things at the same time.

Now I see my brain like the world just going around in circle never stoping, then knocking myself on the side of my head realizing the level of stupidity that just came from my own thought.

I suddenly remembered when I was a child my mother never bought us toys, instead she would buy us books, and of course being the little rebel I was, never sitting still to actually grasp anything meaningful from these books i was oblivious to most conversational topics that would add some substance to my life in the long run.

Now after all that self depridation, I went to look in the mirror for {2} Two minutes. Guess what I learned standing there looking at myself? Not a damn thing.....shocking isn't it???? My reflection only repeated the words that I said back to me, which didn't do me much good but "hey" at least I got some time to talk to myself.