

On one cold stormy night, a wolf pup was abandoned at the Pine River Pack boarder. The Alpha couldn't in good heart leave a pup that young to fend for itself. Ash grew up coming into her wolf at 16 like everyone else had, only to be left behind in finding a mate. At 21, and no mate. Everyone her age including her brother had found their mate at least a year or two after they turned 16. The Alpha throws a Masquerade ball in her honour, will she find her wolf? Will her unique looks through off her potential mate?

courtnie_manning · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Chapter Seven

Storm River pack She thought to herself, where even is storm river? Ash just shrugged she had not been to many packs or heard of many. She started to shake a little, out of nervousness. Misty walked closer to Ash her hands out to show that she wouldn't hurt her. Ash growled a little. Baring her teeth as she did so.

"I am not going to hurt you, you are safer here than anywhere else at the moment, "Misty said, pulling up a chair alongside the bed that Ash had been lying in. Her heart hammered in her chest.

"How am I supposed to believe you, you kidnapped me, and I think you drugged me or something. I can't find my wolf." She said sadly. It has been years since she has this kind of silence in her head, and she didn't like it at all.

"Just please give us the time. The time to show you that we are not the bad ones here." Misty said with a small smile. Ash didn't want to trust this girl. There was something about her though. Something familiar. Ash couldn't help but stare at the girl's purple eyes. She had not seen that color of eyes, they were unique just like hers. Her mind started to race. Would anyone find her here, what about her mate? She never even got to know his name. Misty must have noticed the look on her face.

"What's wrong?" She asked knowing full well what was wrong with Ash.

" I am 21, I only found my mate today. Or well I think it was today. How long was I out for?" Ash asked with a sigh. "I never even got to learn his name." Her eyes started to well up. When would things start to look up for her? She had an easy home life, yes, but it was like she was a magnet for bad luck.

"It has only been a few hours, and we never drugged you. To come into our pack, your wolf went into a kind of stasis it is to protect the pack. We try to stay hidden, any wolf that enters loses their wolf for 24 hours. So you cant mind linking your pack to tell them your location." Misty explained. "And to answer your question, it is the next day you have been asleep for about 12 hours now." She finished.

12 hours, 12 long hours. Her family must be so worried about her. Ash was lost in her thoughts, not noticing the door behind her open once again. A woman, that looked like she was in her early to mid-forties walked in. Her hair was white, and her eyes. Ash had to do a double-take, One sea foam green eye, and one purple. Now that was wild. The woman just looked at Ash. Was that love in her eyes, and may shock. She laid a delicate hand on Ash's shoulder. Ash just looked at the woman, confused.

"Umm...who are you?" Ash asked unable to take her eyes off the woman. Her eyes. There was something about her eyes. Something Ash couldn't put her finger on. Who were these people?

"I am Lily. I am the Luna of the Storm River pack." She said with a small smile. Her smile was motherly like you couldn't help but be comfortable in her presence. "You must be so nervous." She said quietly, Ash just looked away.

"I just want to go home." She said sadly. She was already homesick, she was tired of the looks the two women were giving her. They knew something she didn't and she didn't think she wanted to know what that was.

"Let's get you out of this room," Lily said. Passing Ash a black silky robe, Ash never noticed was draped over the woman's arm. She took it slipping into it. It felt amazing on her skin. It was so soft she didn't think she had ever worn something so nice in her life. She may have been the alpha's daughter, but her pack wasn't the best well-off. This was a luxury item in her eyes.

"Why did you take me from my home?" Ash asked the woman.

"You will find out soon, darling." The woman said smiling at her. Ash just wrapped her arms around herself, feeling self-conscious. She followed the woman out of the room and had Misty following behind her. Making sure she didn't run for it Ash was sure. Oh, how she wished Gryffin was with her. It would make things so much more bearable.

Ash gaped at her surroundings, she didn't think she was ever in a place so nice, everything was modern. There were people everywhere, all equally as pale as her. The only hair colors she noticed were either white or black. The eye colors though are all just as different as her own. She couldn't stop staring. At the same time, she didn't notice people bowing or showing their necks in submission as they walked by. What was going on?

"Don't mind this," Misty said walking closer to Ash. "This is how the pack shows respect to the Luna and family."

"Family?" Ash asked looking at Misty.

"If you haven't noticed already, Lily is my mother," Misty stated. Ash just gaped like a fish out of water.

"How? She looks like she could be your sister." Ash said.

"Us wolves of the Storm River Pack, age differently," Lily said looking back at the two girls. She had heard what they were talking about. Ash blushed, embarrassment clear on her face.

"Oh doll, don't worry about that." She said. The three women walked in silence for a few more moments, walking up a flight of stairs and coming to a stop at the end of the hallway. Lily opened the door and motioned for Ash to walk in. She was in awe. The room or should she say rooms were beautiful. The main room was almost like a small living room with a couch and a huge tv, and the walls to the left were all glass looking out over the forest, and river system. The walls were light blue. They walked over to another door and it revealed a bathroom, with white walls a black marble sink and toilet, a jet tub in the corner, and a stand-up shower with 3 different shower heads. Ash couldn't believe her eyes at how nice everything was, She felt dirty just being there.

"Come look at the last room," Misty said a little excited.

She opened a set of double doors revealing a huge bedroom, two walls were just full windows going into a corner. They were so high up there was no hope of anyone seeing in. On the opposite wall was a huge 4-poster bed with a canopy, and blood-red sheets. She couldn't believe her eyes. How much money did these people have? Ash was in complete awe and amazement.

"I am sorry, but why are you showing me this room?" Ash asked. She figured where she was kidnapped she would be in a small room or even staying in that sterile room she had awoken in.

"Oh dear, this is your room." Lily looked at Ash, was that happiness in her eyes. Lily looked like she longed to hug Ash.

"For me?"Ash asked in shock. "But why?" What was going on here?