

Resident Evil, Captain America, Harry Potter, Underworld, X-Men, Avengers, A Chinese Ghost Story, Journey to the West, Apocalypse…, go all the way against the sky, walk your own way, let others There is no way to go, the heroic beauty is enchanting, please see Wu Qizhe’s infinite adventure journey. PLEASE I'M ONLY SHARING THE NOVEL HERE IF YOU WANT ME REMOVE IT JUST TELL ME THANKS Original Author: Lanling DON'T FORGET TO TELL ME YOUR VIEW IN THE COMMENTS

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28 Chs


"Why? Why did I come to the world of Resident Evil?" Wu Qizhe is now one of the first two big people. Why did I come to this **** Resident Evil? None of this is scientific. He has no feeling of joy at all. There is not a lot of so-called ecstatic feeling of being selected by the system in many novels, killing all quarters, using ults at will, super powers at random, heroines casually soaking, this is Resident Evil, this is the end The world of human life, my goodness!

"After watching Resident Evil 6, doesn't the protagonist strongly hope that he can come to the world of Resident Evil and experience a doomsday life? The system senses the protagonist's demands and chooses the protagonist as the host of the infinite survival system." Cold mechanical voice , Without the slightest feeling.

"I just said casually, it's not really coming!" Wu Qizhe threw his cigarette **** on the ground fiercely, stood up, with a smile on his face that was uglier than crying, he couldn't help crying.

Wu Qizhe, who reacted, grabbed the air indiscriminately, and said in a begging tone: "I don't want anything anymore. Can you let me go back right away?"

"No, once the system is activated, it will never stop unless the host dies." The mechanical sound of the system came again.

"I'm dizzy ๑_๑..." Wu Qizhe complained for a long time, his mouth was dry, and then he stopped, walked into the room, and remembered seeing a refrigerator before.

When the refrigerator opened, it was dead long ago, but there were still a few bottles of English-labeled beverages in the refrigerator. Picking up a can, regardless of the expiration date, opened the bottle cap and drank it.

After drinking it in one sip, the can was thrown on the ground casually, and then he began to ask again: "I want to know if I can return to the real world."


"The system is what you are talking about!?" Wu Qizhe asked without difficulty.

"I can't answer this question. In the future, the movie world host may be able to return to the real world if it can break time and space, or a medium that travels through time and space."

"Can't you also travel through time and space? Can't you take me back to the real world?" Wu Qizhe asked unwillingly.

"No, the system can only take the protagonist through the world of unrealistic time and space."

"I rely on..." Wu Qizhe originally wanted to say a sentence of national curse again, but it's fine to think about it. It's useless to curse. I don't bother to curse, and continue to ask: "I was inexplicably drawn to the movie world by you. I hope to survive, is it so bare to come to the movie world."

"The protagonist can obtain survival points through hunting, and the survival points can be exchanged for any item in the current movie world, and all skills that can be learned."

"Any item, is the heroine okay?" Wu Qizhe asked a little excitedly.

"Of course."

"Forget it, just talk casually, survival is a problem, what else is the heroine." Wu Qizhe shook his head: "I killed that thing before, it should be a zombie, did I get a point of survival?"

"Get 15 survival points. Seeing that the protagonist is hunting for the first time, the survival points are more than three times the normal value. After that, a zombie will be hunted and killed for 5 survival points."

"When will I go to the next world?" Wu Qizhe asked a very crucial question.

"When the story of a movie is finished, TV series and animation are the same. If it is a series of movies and TV series, it will enter separately. After one or two movie worlds, it may enter again. In another movie world, if the protagonist has experienced The first one will be connected with the plot characters in the movie, so that the protagonist can survive better."

Wu Qizhe basically understands the meaning of the system. If you have experienced Resident Evil 3, then naturally you will be connected to Resident Evil 4 and 3, and the characters in plot 3 do not need to re-recognize themselves.

"Now you list the things that can be exchanged for me to see." Although there is only a fifteen point survival point, it is better than nothing, Wu Qizhe comforted himself.

A blue square frame for 3D projection suddenly appeared in front of Wu Qizhe, and the items and skills to be pushed were quickly listed in it.

Perfect T virus a thousand points, shook his head, can't even think about it.

"Hey, system, you can just reduce it directly, there are those things that can be exchanged for fifteen survival points."

Soon there were only three things left in the head, the Black Star pistol, the magazine, and the primary level of Spear Specialization, which were 6 o'clock, 1 o'clock, and 8 o'clock.

Wu Qizhe smiled bitterly, and chose a fart: "Just these three." As soon as Wu Qizhe confirmed, he saw that the survival point in the 3d projection frame was instantly cleared.

The Black Star pistol began to produce a sense of reality from the 3d image. He waved his hand and grabbed the Black Star pistol in his hand. The cold texture was that of the pistol. It was a magazine with seven bullets.

After installing the magazine and holding it in his right hand, Wu Qizhe suddenly felt unreal. This is a pistol. With a bit of joy, he loaded the pistol. The posture of holding the gun is very standard at three points and one line. Yes, he has another one. Primary spear specialization.

Although he had never fired a gun before, Wu Qizhe was sure that he could hit any crystal on the chandelier with one shot, just like that.

Wu Qizhe, who had a gun, was much more courageous. He wondered if he could go out for a stroll, hold the gun in both hands, go out cautiously, and try to avoid the corpses on the ground when he walked to the door. After all, even zombies are changed. How could it be possible that there was no pressure at all, and he pushed aside the half-covered lightly, and stretched out his head to look carefully.

This is a small town off the beaten track, surrounded by sand and dust, the town is not big, and if there is no accident, people in the distance must be zombies.

Wu Qizhe walked out of the grocery store. He was now facing a T-shaped street and approached quietly. At a distance of more than ten meters, he aimed at the zombie with one hand, but he did not shoot for a long time.

It's not hesitation, but worry that shooting will attract other zombies around. Just as he was still hesitating, the zombies suddenly turned around, their rotten faces, and their unkempt faces seemed to have not been bathed in years, zombies. How could it be possible to take a bath! ? Of course, these are not the key points. The key point is that when he discovered Wu Qizhe, it was like discovering the most delicious food. He opened his teeth and danced his claws, and rushed over impatiently. The hoarse voice seemed to be the joy of the delicious meal that was about to be eaten.

"Bang" Wu Qizhe couldn't hesitate anymore, because he didn't have time to hesitate, he pulled the trigger with his finger, and a gun sounded.

His head splashed out, and the zombie in front of him leaned back and crashed to the ground. Before Wu Qizhe relaxed completely, four zombies sprang out of a residential house at the intersection of the street and flew towards Wu Qizhe, hungry. And instinct floods them, their only purpose is to tear and devour this living person in the distance.