

Resident Evil, Captain America, Harry Potter, Underworld, X-Men, Avengers, A Chinese Ghost Story, Journey to the West, Apocalypse…, go all the way against the sky, walk your own way, let others There is no way to go, the heroic beauty is enchanting, please see Wu Qizhe’s infinite adventure journey. PLEASE I'M ONLY SHARING THE NOVEL HERE IF YOU WANT ME REMOVE IT JUST TELL ME THANKS Original Author: Lanling DON'T FORGET TO TELL ME YOUR VIEW IN THE COMMENTS

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28 Chs


A ray of bright sunlight hit the window, shone on Wu Qizhe's face, and opened it slightly. The dazzling light made him unable to adapt for a while.

Blocking the sun with the palm of the hand, it took a long time to slow down, looking around at a loss where it was. Everything was broken, broken rooms, broken tiles, leaking glass, and what was even more strange was that there were blood stains on the walls.

Wu Qizhe, who was still lazy, instantly became energetic, how could there be blood stains? Is there any murder scene here? His heart throbbed, and why he was lying on the ground.

Wu Qizhe propped up his body and shook off the dust on his body. His body was a bit stiff. It may be because of lying on the ground for a long time. After moving his lower body, he lowered his head and saw his abdominal muscles. He was only one meter tall and he lowered his head. With an obese figure that can't be seen with a belt, he can still see the abdominal muscles now. This is really weird. Wu Qizhe didn't feel surprised, even a little scared.

After waking up overnight, anyone who turned from a fat man of 180 catties into a strong man would be surprised. Before Wu Qizhe was surprised enough, a sudden burst of urine came from his lower abdomen, and he rushed in panic. The toilet on the side.

With the sound of splashing water, the physiological problem was solved. Wu Qizhe rarely showed a cheerful smile on his face. He shook his body, pulled up the trouser chain, walked to the mirror, turned on the faucet to wash his hands, and subconsciously raised his head. This face, Wu Qizhe again Once confused, this is not me at all, with black eyes, black hair, handsome face, and a bit of a mixed race, this is definitely not me. Visually measuring his height is at least 1.8 meters, six body muscles, pectoralis major muscles are full of tension, just looking at the figure, it is a hundred times stronger than the previous self.

But now Wu Qizhe couldn't be happy at all. All this was too weird. Before he thought about it, there was a fierce knock on the door.

Wu Qizhe's eyebrows are both frowned together. Could it be that the host's family is here? What can I do? He couldn't tell the relationship between his current body and the person knocking outside.

A few steps to the front compartment, I was about to open the door, but there was a pause when I went to pull the handrails. What should I do if it's a bad guy? I swept it casually. This should be an electromechanical grocery store. There was a chainsaw on the container and I picked it up directly. If I used to be very laborious, but now Wu Qizhe waved it, which is completely effortless, another one. Putting his hand on the switch, he was always ready to start the chainsaw. Of course, this was just a subconscious self-protection, and he didn't dare to actually hurt people with the chainsaw.

The knocking outside the door has never stopped, and the knocking louder and louder, but there is no regularity, it feels like a random knock, but the intensity is very strong. Every "bang, bang," sound is deafening.

Wu Qizhe relieved his emotions and tried his best to make himself less nervous. At most, he would be beaten up by others, and it would be okay. Moreover, with his current size, it is possible to tell who will teach him!

Wu Qizhe carried the chainsaw with one hand, and opened the door with the other. The door had just opened a gap.

With a sound of "touch", he was violently pushed away by the people outside.

Wu Qizhe swiftly scanned his eyes. He was dressed in ragged clothes and was 1.7 meters tall. His eyes were fierce, his complexion was sallow, his cheekbones were spitting out, and he was still drooling. There was still raw meat on his teeth. No, he didn't have time to think carefully.

"Cough cough cough..." The white middle-aged man on the opposite side made a hoarse voice, and he leaped forward with his teeth and claws. Wu Qizhe was rushed to the ground without understanding what happened.

Wu Qizhe held the chainsaw in his hand and stared at the middle-aged man in front of him, his strength was not small.

"Hey, can you hear me? I really broke in unintentionally. I will leave now." Wu Qizhe's words were completely ineffective. The other party still grinned to come and bite Wu Qizhe, with strange roars in his mouth. There was a burst of stench, which was almost ten times more fishy than the vomit of ordinary people after drinking. If it were not for the sudden situation at this moment, Wu Qizhe would have to vomit on the ground.

"Hey, did you hear what I said?" Wu Qizhe kicked out fiercely, kicking the middle-aged man against the wall, making a "bang", he thought he should know me now It's not annoying anymore.

But before playing, the white man with a distorted face roared and rushed over again. Wu Qizhe panicked for a while. A carp turned over and started hacking with the chainsaw in his hand. Of course he still hesitated. Shoulders.

The other party was like a okay person, being chopped on the shoulder by Wu Qizhe several times in a row, he simply shook and continued to rush up and bite.

"What the **** are you." For his own safety, Wu Qizhe can no longer care about other things. If he commits a crime or the fuck, he wants my life now, he wants to eat my meat. hack.

"Wow." With a sound, he seemed to be unable to withstand Wu Qizhe's violent chopping. His head burst open. Colorful brains emerged from the middle-aged man's head. He seemed to have completely lost his vitality and fell. On the tiles, the sound of hitting the ground seemed to be beating Wu Qizhe's mind.

"I killed someone." Wu Qizhe's brain rumbling loudly, I killed someone, and I was still a white man. The police found out that this is an international criminal! My mother, what did I do, who can tell me, the focus in the pupils, constantly flickering, looking at the chainsaw that is still full of brains, seems to be holding the scariest thing, and throwing it away. On the ground, the whole person sat slumped on the ground, panting heavily.

All this came too suddenly, he couldn't digest it at all. Just when he was panicked and helpless, there was a sudden electronic sound in his ear:

"Congratulations to the host for reaching the minimum requirements for the infinite survival system to be activated."

The electronic sound was very sudden, but it was undoubtedly the sound of nature compared to everything that happened before. Wu Qizhe subconsciously asked: "What did you say, I didn't hear it clearly. Say it again."

"Congratulations to the host for reaching the minimum requirements for the infinite survival system to be activated."

"What kind of **** system, I want to go home, you almost killed me, do you know?" Wu Qizhe stood up and started to search indiscriminately, as if looking for the source of the sound, but found nothing after a few minutes.

Wu Qizhe sat on the dilapidated sofa. Facing all of this, he finally compromised. He picked up the cigarette case on the sofa and shook a cigarette out of it. There were lighters around, so he didn't need to look for it. The flames ignited. The flame is like a light that illuminates people's hearts.

He held the cigarette in his mouth, the flame lit the cigarette, and took two violent puffs. The breath of the cigarette circled from the nose and mouth, and finally ran to the lungs, and the spirit was also shocked.

He is only now thinking about asking questions about the system: "Survival system I want to know what is going on in the end."

"This is the world of Resident Evil 3 movie. All the host has to do is to survive in this **** biochemical world."