
Fiance Is A Crime Lord

It was the year 1970 on the world calendar and the Flower Continent was celebrating the day of its founding. Within each of the fifty cities, there were citizens roaming the streets and having a wonderful evening. Though, every other day of the year, the cities were filled with both bloodshed and tears, this day every major power would halt their advancements and allow the entire continent to be filled with cheers and laughter. Unlike the other four continents around the world, the Flower Continent when solidified, decided to have an iron rule put into place for its citizens. This rule was that any citizen would be allowed to try and achieve power by any means necessary, if it did not impact the government’s job of both dealing with controlling the populace and threaten the government’s rule. Declaring such a rule, allowed the government to allow its populace to become stronger while the weak suffered greatly. Having many military achievements and wanting to expand its power into other continents and smaller lands, by giving the populace the choice of either joining someone locally or joining the government, they would be able to recruit enough soldiers to match their goals. The consequences did not settle in at first, but once some notable physically dominant figures within the cities and surrounding areas got word of what this actually meant, things spiraled out of control. What was able to occur overnight, those who held the highest amount of wealth, started to hire these figures to help them take control of their particular districts and had given themselves the title of “Crime Lord”. Release rate: 1 chapter/day (minimum)

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27 Chs

Chapter 23

The next morning started as it always did, with Peng Zedong being woken up by her maids due to them opening up the blinds. As the rays of the sun outside hit her face, Peng Zedong couldn't help but to rub her eyes like a little kid.

Today would be different compared to every other morning, because Peng Zedong and her sister could have been in grave danger. Recalling these events, caused Peng Zedong's body to shudder since she felt that she had so much more to do and accomplish for herself.

She wondered what he father would think of her secret alter ego, but deep down Peng Zedong actually could care less about his feelings. The underworld took her mother one night, and since hearing about this and researching, Peng Zedong wanted nothing more than to change the Flower Continent.

Luckily, she took after her grandfather, who was a well known strategic mind, even during his time serving in the military. If it wasn't for a betrayal within the ranks of his soldiers resulting in the death of many during a battle, her grandfather would have been awarded the rank of general. This rank was one that only three individuals have earned during the time that her grandfather served, and it even started to drop as they perished on the battlefield.

It took several years, but Peng Zedong slowly was able to use her Peng family's influence to hire a very powerful warlord who originally controlled an entire island and its people. Using this warlord's strength along with her strategic planning skills, the two were able to almost take over an entire city.

However, it simply did not stop there, Peng Zedong was also able to use the new funds earned by the districts which she controlled to make deals with organizations outside of said city to gain their favor. If the Peng family alone was considered extremely influential in their region, it could be said that Peng Zedong's forces alone were well on their way of accomplishing the same.

The only issue that she faced, was that the warlord was extremely boorish and would argue with her when it came to leading the charge into new battles. The warlord although very powerful and hard to take down, had a very laid back personality. This drove Peng Zedong on the deep end, but since he at least followed her orders, she couldn't complain.

Afterall, he was technically the face of her entire operation while she remained in the shadows, giving her orders and demanding complete cooperation. "Soon, others will try to take this chance to build up their own forces. I must figure out a way to keep up with the rest of those other massive organization, or it will become dangerous." Peng Zedong thought to herself as she jumped in her bath.

As she finished cleaning up herself, Peng Zedong continued hearing many footsteps and people talking all throughout the mansion. This was usually unlikely even during the night which her mother was found dead outside of one of the Peng family's businesses.

Her assistant refused to tell her what was happening, but Peng Zedong assumed it had to do with the events that took place the previous day. She was also displeased because if she had it her way, she would have a more reliable assistant who knew about her other activities. Unfortunately, her father was the one who hired Peng Zedong's assistant and refused to allow her to choose her own.

Not wanting to deal with the politics within her Peng family, Peng Zedong delayed going down the stairs, even with her assistant urging her to. Eventually, her assistant told one of the maids to bring up a small breakfast for Peng Zedong before leaving the room. Peng Zedong's guess, was that she was reporting this to her father and soon, she would be escorted to see the board members and her grandfather on the other side of the mansion.

Alas, instead of a maid returning to her room with a bowl of fresh fruit and some toast, it was one of her uncles who made his way into the room. This uncle of Peng Zedong was rather neutral towards her and unlike her father, this uncle chose to treat his niece as he would anyone else within their family.

Peng Zedong deep down would rather that others treat her in this way, since only on the outside she showed this princess side of her. She always wondered what her nickname would be once it eventually became public of her being the mastermind behind her forces. However, such things were still insignificant when in the wake of a potential all out war which would soon erupt throughout the Flower Continent.

"Please Peng Zedong, follow me down to meet everyone. We have decided on our next course of action and everything must be explained to you. I along with everyone else, are unwilling to see you harmed in any way and have come to a conclusion concerning this in our Maple City." Peng Zedong's uncle told her before turning around and heading into the hall.