
Fiance Is A Crime Lord

It was the year 1970 on the world calendar and the Flower Continent was celebrating the day of its founding. Within each of the fifty cities, there were citizens roaming the streets and having a wonderful evening. Though, every other day of the year, the cities were filled with both bloodshed and tears, this day every major power would halt their advancements and allow the entire continent to be filled with cheers and laughter. Unlike the other four continents around the world, the Flower Continent when solidified, decided to have an iron rule put into place for its citizens. This rule was that any citizen would be allowed to try and achieve power by any means necessary, if it did not impact the government’s job of both dealing with controlling the populace and threaten the government’s rule. Declaring such a rule, allowed the government to allow its populace to become stronger while the weak suffered greatly. Having many military achievements and wanting to expand its power into other continents and smaller lands, by giving the populace the choice of either joining someone locally or joining the government, they would be able to recruit enough soldiers to match their goals. The consequences did not settle in at first, but once some notable physically dominant figures within the cities and surrounding areas got word of what this actually meant, things spiraled out of control. What was able to occur overnight, those who held the highest amount of wealth, started to hire these figures to help them take control of their particular districts and had given themselves the title of “Crime Lord”. Release rate: 1 chapter/day (minimum)

DFF123 · Urban
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27 Chs

Chapter 24

"Understood uncle." Peng Zedong said as she finally got up out of her bed and followed him down the stairs. Before even reaching the area to meet her father and other relatives who handled different aspects of the Peng family, Peng Zedong saw that there were countless bodyguards throughout every area of the mansion.

This was actually very shocking to her because it showed that Peng Zedong's father called every last important figure within the family to the mansion today in order to discuss their course of action. Peng Zedong may have secretly knew that her father was a Crime Lord, but even she felt as if this was rather essessive.

The Peng family's mansion in this moment of time looked equivalent to an army base with many stronger looking men walking through it taking their rounds as others were teaching their allies some martial arts techniques.

"Ah Peng Zedong, please come in and make yourself comfortable. There are just too many things which we need to discuss with you." spotting Peng Zedong from the corner of his eye, one of the Peng family board members welcomed Peng Zedong along with her uncle who was tasked to receive and escort her down.

Everyone within the room finally paused their discussions with others nearby as they each took turns greeting Peng Zedong. It couldn't be helped, even if she didn't know about the Peng family's influence in the underworld, it was decided long ago that she would be their next leader at some point.

With this in mind, everyone who held some sort of influence within the family would always treat her very kindly so that their power within the Peng family would be solidified once Peng Zedong officially took over.

This would still take quite some time since Peng Zedong's father went out of his way in order to hide this information and future responsibility from her. In their minds, if Peng Zedong didn't know about this yet, it would take even longer for her to take up the position accordingly.

What was not known, was since the beginning, Peng Zedong secretly understood all of their intentions and was very keen on keeping an eye on all of them. She would still keep up appearances, but had already placed her own men she recruited inside of their operations, some who even had private businesses that no one knew about.

Just as other families and organizations of top rated powers across the Flower Continent operated, many members with just a title symbolizing a level of influence would use said titles to bully others. It also allowed these individuals to start fruitful businesses of their own outside of said family or organization's eyes.

If found out, those they were affiliated with, would go out of their way to crush them and just take over said business if it assisted their goals. Therefore, only those who felt sly enough to move around unnoticed, would attempt to do such things in the first place.

Peng Zedong's situation was rather different because nothing she was doing would cause harm reputation wise to the Peng family. In other cases, anything from drugs or worse would be said side hustles for those other individuals. To her it was sad knowing these people who were able to live comfortably, still wanted so much more and were willing to do these horrible things.

The most interesting part of this was that these particular Peng family members would usually find each other through the channels of these bad businesses. Which meant that for someone who tracked all of their movements for so long like Peng Zedong, it would be even easier to destroy them in one fell swoop.

"I was told that you wanted to see me father?" after the last person greeted her, Peng Zedong instantly without hesitation turned to her father before even wanting to take a seat. It was clear to everyone in the room that she was intelligent enough to realize the change in scenery, even if they all still thought that she couldn't quite yet put the pieces together concerning their Peng family.

"Yes my dear, please have a seat so I can tell you what we have all decided." Peng Zedong's father responded as the other family members in the room also took a seat since even if this would be done quickly, they still had to finish their other discussions afterwards.

"Now, you know that Zheng Qigang is a Crime Lord. Usually our Peng family would stay out of such things, but since it looks like you were one of the main targets of the attack the other day along with Yao Ling, we are forced to spend some resources which we would rather not do to prevent such a thing from occurring again."

"That said, until further notice, you will be remaining within the mansion grounds and will not be heading out. We are currently doing what we can to assist Zheng Qigang since he made it clear he and his forces would take charge against the other Crime Lord, but your safety is also a priority."

"And lastly, I have chosen to remain here and to take my meetings as well. It is unfortunate that we live in a world where the well off individuals can be targets, but we must learn from this and adapt as such. Please understand that I am doing this for your own good and that you must not do anything rash." Peng Zedong's father told her as everyone else nodded in agreement.