
45. Chapter 45




Living with Carina meant a lot of changes in my life, now I had to actually fight for hot water in the morning when we were both working early shifts, I now always ate breakfast because Carina wouldn't let me leave the house with only a protein shake in my stomach, I had to wash the dishes much more carefully for fear of damaging her pans, things like this became part of my everyday life and in time it was easy to get used to.

What I could never get used to was the idea of waking up to the wonderful smell of Carina all around me, to the wiggling of her butt toward me as she snuck closer while mumbling in response to the alarm clock noise. But that was a good thing.

-We need to get up and decorate the house. - I murmured, threading my nose through her hair, kissing the back of her head, and drawing her closer to me.

-Can't we do this later? - Carina grumbled, shrinking a little further under the covers.

-The sooner we start, the sooner we can rest! - I insisted as I moved my face so that I could kiss the back of her shoulder.

-Ugh, I just want to sleep. - She grunted and I laughed softly, but I had an idea on how to improve the start of her day.

I lifted the covers and moved underneath them, pulling Carina around the waist until she was lying face up in the middle of the bed, and even though I heard Carina's startled squeal at the sudden movement, I continued to slide down the bed to my goal. I spread Carina's legs apart and got between them with some difficulty before I slipped my fingers into the waistband of her sweatpants.

-What are you doing? - Carina asked, abruptly lifting the comforter so that she could see my face.

-Making your morning happier. - I said, resting my chin against her lower abdomen before starting to pull down her pants.

-Oh! - Carina's eyes widened, but she lifted her hips to help me with the task of undressing her. - I will never say no to that.

I smiled at her words and once her pants were off her body, I spread her legs and lay down between them and began kissing her inner thighs, up and down the soft skin path that would lead me to my most delicious goal.

-We have a lot to do, Maya! - Carina pulled the covers up again, her impatience evident in her voice, and I chuckled with my lips still pressed against her skin, distributing kisses up to her crotch and down again. - Can you please not tease me?

-No. - I answered back, moving to kiss the inside of her other thigh.

-Ugh! - Carina grunted in frustration before pulling the covers down again, but soon I saw one of her hands coming toward me.

I thought she was going to thread those long, beautiful fingers through my hair and pull me to her center, but she simply slid them up and down her folds, slowly in the most delicious tease, before she began to draw circles over her own clit.

-What do you think you're doing? - I asked, grabbing her wrist and pulling her hand away from her center.

-You're teasing me. - She whimpered, and this time she pulled the covers aside so that it was off of me, and I could see her face clearly now.

-You'll accept my teasing when I'm in charge, Carina. - I creased my forehead and gritted my teeth when a defiant smile appeared on my girlfriend's face. - Why test me so soon?

-Why not? - She shrugged, maintaining her petulant posture.

-I was trying to be nice to you this morning. - I said and let go of her wrist. - Now we're just going to get up and start decorating the house.

I jumped out of bed and a second later heard Carina do the same thing.

-No, Maya, please... - She spoke quickly, taking my hand and pulling me to her. - I'm sorry, I was trying to push your buttons, I won't do it again, please?

I looked at her face - her creased eyebrows, her eyes in a great imitation of puppy eyes, her lips in a cute pout - and smiled at her before caressing her cheek and pulling her into a kiss, pressing our lips together for a few moments before pulling away again.

-No. - Was my reply. - You're going to learn about patience today. And about not testing me.

-Understood, Captain. - She nodded, keeping the innocent look on her face, giving me a disappointed smile, but not insisting on having things her way and somehow that was even more exciting.

-Good. - I spoke back and lowered my eyes to her ass as Carina walked past me towards the door, of course choosing to keep only the baggy shirt she was wearing and no longer wearing her pants.

I reached for my phone before leaving the room but stopped in mid-stairs when I saw two completely unrelated messages, my eyes scrolling the screen as I first read the official email from the Seattle Fire Department and then the text message from my mother.

-How do we feel about scrambled eggs this morning? - Carina asked, but I was still trying to process everything that was happening. - Maya?

-Hm... - I finished walking down the stairs and turned toward the kitchen, going to the center island and jumping up on it to sit facing Carina, who now had her back to me as she broke eggs into a frying pan. - My mother will be in Seattle for Christmas.

-What? - The woman turned quickly in my direction, her eyes going to her precious center island before returning to my face.

-My mother will be in Seattle for Christmas and has asked us to join her for dinner. - I looked up into my girlfriend's face waiting for some comment in response.

-She asked us to join her for dinner? - Carina raised both eyebrows.

-Well, yes. I talked to her about you, I told you that. - I shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal. - She's inviting you too, she said she wants to meet you.

-I've never met any mother. - Carina turned quickly to the pan and turned off the heat before the food burned.

-You meet mothers every day at work, Carina. - I joked back, trying to relieve some of the tension.

-Oh, you think you're being funny? - My girlfriend crossed her arms and stared back at me. - First, off my center island, you know better than to sit there. Second, this is a big deal, Maya.

-I know, but I don't think we can avoid it. I don't want to avoid it. - I jumped off the center island to take the two steps that separated us; I held her wrists and uncrossed her arms before pulling her closer, hugging her waist and smiling when she brought her hands to my shoulders. - I am not very close to my mother, but I want the pleasure of introducing my girlfriend and showing her that I am okay, that I have found someone who makes me happy and is a good person for me. I know it's a little scary, but if you're willing, I'd really like to introduce you to my mom.

Carina stared into my eyes with a confused expression, and the wrinkle present in the middle of her eyebrows made my chest tighten because it seemed that she thought this was not a good idea, but I was sure that this was what I wanted and hiding it from Carina was not an option.

-We have a big house, tell her she doesn't need a hotel, we can cook Christmas dinner together, it can be a bonding moment. - Carina gave me a shy smile and I nodded a few times having a big smile on my face.

-Thank you. - I tilted my face and kissed her lips, pulling away for a second just to kiss her again.

-Now, breakfast. - Carina said as she pulled away and was soon disentangling herself from my arms to get back to preparing breakfast.

After having hot and buttered toast and eggs on plates we grabbed some juice and sat down at the table to eat. Carina pointed to the corners of the house talking about how each part of the decoration should be in a specific place and she no longer looked like the woman who was lazy to wake up, she practically glowed at that moment.

-You like Christmas, don't you? - I smiled at my girlfriend before taking the last sip of my juice.

-Yes, sorry, I can get excited... - Carina laughed softly.

-No, I like it, I like seeing you excited about Christmas. When I was younger it was just another day for us to pretend we were a happy family, and after I left home it was just a date I spent at the bar or at Andy's, it never meant much to me, but I can see it means a lot to you. - I then stood up, stacked our dishes and headed for the sink.

-We had our problems as a family too and I don't think my mother was ever truly happy, at least, I can't remember her and my father sharing what the two of us have. - Carina said and even though my back was turned I couldn't contain the smile on my face. - But I remember loving Christmas since I was a child, it was the time of the year when my mother tried to make everything perfect, to give us the most magical experience possible, even bypassing any unpleasant situation that could be initiated by my father. I remember a few Christmases when he was fine and those were always my best memories, having him excited and happy about Christmas with us, buying toys and sitting on the floor next to us while we wrote letters to Santa. I know it sounds childish for me to cling to this utopian memory that everything was fine, but I don't know, it gives me some comfort.

-It's not childish, it's... inspiring. - I shrugged and started to do the dishes.

-Inspiring? - Carina asked back behind me and I heard her chair dragged against the floor indicating that she had stood up.

-It makes me realize that parents can actually have an extremely positive impact on their children's emotional memories with small gestures like sitting on the floor to write letters to Santa Claus. - I explained, piling up the soapy dishes.

I felt Carina's hands against my waist and then they slid up to my abdomen, her fingers intertwined there, and I felt her front against my back before she rested her chin on my shoulder.

-I haven't had much of this, but I want to, you know, one day, do this for a child. - Talking about the future became easier and easier, I didn't feel embarrassed to think about it because I knew Carina was on the same page regarding everything and after the e-mail I had received that morning I felt that my life was moving in the direction of marriage and children much faster than I expected.

-A child, huh? - Carina kissed my shoulder again. - A little girl?

-Or a little boy. - I spoke back quickly.

-Oh, I didn't know we had a preference! - Carina laughed and tickled my belly, making me squirm in her embrace.

-Carina! - I laughed loudly and splashed water on her to make her stop.

-Maya! - She shouted back, mouth open in shock.

-Sorry, sorry. - I said between giggles, drying my hands against my sweatpants before running my palms over her face to dry it off. - I panicked.

-Was getting me wet the best solution to this? - She asked back, rolling her eyes as I still ran my hands over her face and, with her words, I slid my fingers into her hair and pulled my face closer to hers.

-That's always the best solution. - I spoke back before joining my mouth with Carina's in a kiss that was much more intense than I had initially planned. Her lips were soft on mine and soon I was sliding my tongue over them, wanting to taste Carina.

I moved my hands to her back, moving my palms up and down her body before moving my fingers down to her ass, squeezing it as I pulled Carina closer to me and I heard a low moan escape from Carina's throat.

-Decorate the house, come on. - I spoke and pulled away a little, moving my hands to her waist.

-You... - Carina spoke between her teeth, her face a little redder than usual, but when I raised an eyebrow in her direction, she knew she had to behave if she wanted to be rewarded later. - You're mean to me, Maya.

-In the best possible way. - I gave her a quick kiss and then walked away.



-Did you call me, Captain? - Andy asked, poking her head into my living room after knocking on the door a few times.

-I need your help. - I said, pushing my chair back and standing up as Andy entered the room and closed the door behind her.

-I told you, you have to tell Carina. - Andy said, rolling her eyes and walking towards me, she pulled up one of the chairs and sat down.

-I know, I'll tell her, I just need to make sure it's something really worth mentioning. - I shrugged and leaned against my desk making myself an easy target for Andy's judgmental gaze. - I need more ideas for presents.

-I thought you already bought the presents; Christmas is in three days. - Andy's eyes widened for a second. - I really hope you already bought me a present!

-I already bought everyone else's present, but I don't know, shouldn't I buy more presents for Carina?

-Didn't you already buy her the purse she wanted and some jewelry you didn't want to show me? - Andy asked and I nodded a few times. - Why are you so concerned about presents?

-I don't know, Christmas is such a big deal for her, I don't know what to do to make this Christmas more memorable than the last ones she's had. - I confessed, letting out a disheartened sigh.

-Knowing you, Maya, I know that you are already preparing a day full of romance and delicate touches, you have enough gifts, I think Christmas will be perfect because you two will make it perfect. - Andy replied and as I put my hands flat on the table, I felt her warm hand stroking my arm.

-My mom will be home in the afternoon, I guess I'm more nervous than I thought I would be. - Another confession escaped my lips before I could control myself.

-Carina's fine with this, right?

-Yes, but... I don't know. Does this mean that things are more serious?

-What do you mean? - Andy creased her forehead. - Things are already pretty serious and intense between you two, and I think the only way things will get more serious between you is to have wedding rings and vows exchanged, and I don't think you're very far away from that. Stop making excuses to feed your anxiety. Your mother will love Carina, what's not to love? And I'll be there during the Christmas dinner too, nothing will be awkward or embarrassing.

-Everything will be awkward and embarrassing. - I rolled my eyes thinking of all the disastrous possibilities for that night.

-Just accept that your mother will show pictures of how cute you were as a baby, that your girlfriend will make cooing noises about them, and that she will probably imagine all the beautiful blond babies you will give her. - Andy pushed my arm and my attempt to contain my smile failed. - Everything is going to be fine.

-Everything's going to be fine.



-So... Carina... - My mother spoke after a few minutes of silence on our drive home from the airport; my hands clenched against the steering wheel and my shoulders were tense from the moment I had seen her pass through the gates.

Our hug had been polite and a small kiss was planted against my cheek as she pulled away; she had that smiling expression on her face as she held me by the shoulders and looked at me as if she was proud of the work she had done and I blushed at her look, but I let her have that moment to herself because even though I knew I was here regardless of her connivance with my father's abuse, I still tried to repeat in my head that she did the best she could while she herself suffered the abuse.

She had asked me about work seconds after we got into the car, excited, keeping a smile on her face, running her palm down my arm as I drove in a gesture of a closeness we never had - but I still tried not to retract my arm when she did. My mother looked different, a more radiant and happier Katherine, and I guess moving out of state really did her some good.

-What about her? - I asked back, slowing down to make a turn and keeping my eyes focused on the street ahead of us.

-What's she like? - My mother sounded genuinely excited, her question made me raise my eyebrows because it should have been easy, extremely easy, to answer her question. But it wasn't.

I remained silent as I thought of a way to describe Carina to someone who didn't know her, trying to find objective words that represented the Italian, but it was hard to disassociate my emotions when the subject was Carina.

-She is... - I took a deep breath, thinking about her nervous smile as she paced back and forth through the house checking that every corner was properly cleaned, or how she asked four times if the dress she was wearing was pretty enough, or how she asked absolutely everything about my mother. - Unique. She has the most beautiful smile, she is so smart and cultured, adorable and delicate, she has this sensitive soul and is always concerned about others, she is incredibly passionate about her profession and her eyes shine every time she talks about bringing babies into this world, she is loyal and trustworthy, Carina doesn't hesitate to defend someone she loves and...

-And? - My mother asked when I didn't continue, and I sighed deeply before carrying on.

-And I'm so in love with her. - I confessed softly, turning the corner of our street.

-That's more than clear from your words, Maya. - My mother said beside me, and for the first time I turned my eyes away from the street to look at her face. The smile on her face was different, a mixture of affection and happiness that I had never seen on her face before.

-I want you two to get along well. - I said as I parked my car in the driveway. - She is nervous about meeting you, she is Italian so there might be a few words in Italian here and there with all her nervousness. Ciao means "Hi.

-Don't worry, I'm sure I'll love her. - Katherine nodded a few times and then opened the car door.

I took one last deep breath before getting out of the car and going to the trunk to get the small suitcase my mother had brought to spend the Christmas weekend with us. We walked side by side to the porch and as I stuck the key in the handle - because of course leaving the door unlocked was a nefarious American habit for Carina - I heard Andrew's loud voice from inside.

-Get a hold of yourself, woman! - That was the first thing we heard when I opened the door and I bit my lower lip hard trying to hold back the laughter knowing that Carina was probably scared to death about meeting my mother, which had certainly motivated Andrew's words.

-Zitto, Andrea! -Shut up, Andrea - Carina spoke back and I heard her footsteps hurrying toward the entrance hallway; my mother let out a low chuckle entering the house behind me. - Maya!

-Hey baby. - I smiled at my girlfriend, placing my mother's bag on the floor beside me as she approached, sliding her palms down the front of her dress as if it needed some straightening. - Mom, this is Carina. Carina, this is my mother, Katherine.

-Ciao, Mrs. Bishop. - Carina smiled politely, reaching out her hand in my mother's direction and soon a handshake was exchanged.

-Just Katherine, dear. It's so nice to finally meet you. - My mother said as she stood next to me, and Carina's smile seemed to grow more confident, even though her cheeks were now a little redder.

-It's nice to meet you too. - Carina nodded a few times and the handshake was undone.

-Hi! -Andrew appeared behind his sister, waving one of his hands.

-This is my brother, Andr... Andrew. - Carina pointed to her brother and I could see the happy smile on the guy's face when his sister, for the first time since I met her, introduced him as he likes to be called here in the United States.

-I can see the resemblance. - Katherine smiled at the boy. - Thank you for having me to your home, Carina, I could have stayed at a hotel.

-Of course not, we have plenty of room, and it's a pleasure to have you here. Please make yourself at home, Maya will show you to your room, and when you are ready and settled, we can have some tea. - If Carina was still nervous, it was no longer evident. She spoke lightly and naturally, like a perfect hostess. - Chamomile, right? I confess that I got some information out of Maya.

-After a few hours of flight, I'll have to take you up on your offer. I'll come down as soon as I'm settled, thank you, dear. - I picked up the suitcase by my side again and gave Carina a little wink.

-This way. - I said, pointing to the stairs.

-Do you need help? - Andrew asked pointing to the suitcase.

-No, I'm fine. - I said.

-Aren't you a sweetheart? - My mother spoke in response, stroking the boy's arm briefly, causing him to blush brightly, which made me laugh as I climbed the first few steps.

We weren't even out of the stairs when I heard Andrew say, "you nailed it, Carina," and from my mother's low chuckle behind me I knew that she had heard the comment as well.

-There are towels in the bathroom, and Carina emptied that drawer for you to put your clothes in if you'd rather not leave them in the suitcase. - I pointed to the dresser in front of the bed. - The AC and TV controls are on the nightstand.

-Thank you, dear. - I nodded in response, still feeling awkward having her so close after so long.

-I'll let you get settled in. - I walked quickly out of the room and closed the door behind me, and it was as if the air had finally returned to my lungs.

I went downstairs still feeling strange, still trying to get used to the idea that my mother was actually here, after years, smiling, excited, happy, and delighted to be in my house, meeting my girlfriend, seeing that my life was on the right track.

-What is Andrew doing here? - I asked, jumping up onto the center island of the kitchen with a mischievous smile on my lips, knowing that Carina would be annoyed as soon as she turned in my direction.

She seemed to be putting tea bags into mugs and the kettle full of water was already on the stove. I looked over my shoulder and saw that the television was on, I could also see Andrew's foot on the back of the couch as he lay all too comfortably on the couch.

-I needed moral support. - Carina spoke back still with her back to me. - Are you also going to drink tea?

-I think I'll have a beer. - I said back. - Moral support?

-Okay, I needed someone to calm me down while you were gone. - Carina finally turned toward me, the amused smile she had on her face vanished seconds after she saw me sitting on her precious center island. - Maya!

-What? - I asked, laughing and playing dumb.

-Out of the island! - She slapped my thigh lightly.

-You can do better than that. - I said as I spread my legs and crossed my ankles behind her ass so that I could pull her to me. Carina brought both hands to my chest trying to cushion the impact and I slid my hands down her back trying to keep her locked in my embrace, all without hiding my provocative smile.

-If you don't get off the island, I'll certainly show you that I can do better than that later. - She whispered the words, keeping her eyes fixed on mine. There was no smile on her face, only the promise that she was serious, and her words made me bite my lower lip. - And not in the most pleasurable way.

-It's always in the most pleasurable way. - I spoke back, having to struggle not to close my eyes and surrender to the growing urge to remember how delicious it was to feel her warm, red hand against my ass after a few spankings.

-Stop, Maya. - Carina warned, but her face was so close to mine that I could feel her breath against it and my eyes inadvertently moved down to her mouth, appreciating the graceful outline of her lips before returning to her eyes.

-I want to kiss you. - I whispered back, tilting my face forward just a few inches, the tips of our noses now touching and the tension between our bodies seemed to exert a magnetic force that was impossible to overcome. I felt her fingers slide up to my shoulders and mine flexed just a little against her back trying to pull her closer to me.

-Your mother is upstairs. - Carina spoke back, but her face drew a little closer. Just a little bit closer.

-I know. - I licked my lips in anticipation. - But I want to kiss you now. I want to kiss my woman now.

I was fully aware of what my words were doing to Carina, I knew about how much she loved it when I referred to her like this, as my woman, and as desperately as I was looking forward to being able to refer to her as my wife, it was still a close second.

Her eyes closed and Carina bridged the small distance that still existed between us, her lips pressed against mine in a delicate, slow, sweet kiss, but that wasn't what I wanted, I wanted more, I wanted Carina's taste in my mouth, clouding every one of my senses, leaving me completely lost and surrendered to her touch, her smell, her taste. I ran the tip of my tongue along the line between her lips and before I could even retract it into my own mouth, I felt Carina reciprocate the gesture and a heavy sigh was released from her lungs.

Her hands squeezed my shoulders and her back arched toward me, her breasts brushing against the underside of mine due to our height difference at that moment and the act was so arousing that it made the middle of my legs throb. I turned my face slightly sideways, and our tongues followed in a slow, teasing glide, no hurry, no fight for dominance; a low moan escaped my throat as I tried to keep my hips from jerking forward in search of some friction against Carina, but this was quite a difficult task.

-Maya! - Carina gasped, taking several steps backwards, running the back of her hands over her mouth, and I was almost offended by her gesture had it not been for the sound of footsteps coming from the stairs indicating that my mother was coming to meet us. - Mi fai fare cose stupide! - You make me do stupid things!

Carina spoke as she moved closer again and ran her palm over my lips, removing any evidence of our kiss, and I tried not to smile at how aggravated Carina was at the possibility of being caught red-handed by the person she was trying to impress.

-And off my island! - She slapped my thigh lightly again and I obeyed her just as my mother entered the kitchen.

-Wow, what a beautiful kitchen! - Katherine said, looking around.

-Thank you! - Carina smiled, again sliding the palm of her hands down the green dress she was wearing, showing her nervousness. It was interesting to see that Carina had her version of my incessant clicking of pens when she was nervous, I don't think I've ever seen my girlfriend in any state other than confident around other people and to me that just made her even more perfect. - That was something that attracted me to this house, all the counter space, the center island.

-It's a good center island. - I agreed and received a light nudge from my girlfriend, it was even harder to contain my laughter after the act. - This is Carina's domain; I'm hardly allowed in here.

-You know, you've always made such a mess in the kitchen. - My mother spoke up and my cheeks immediately heated up.

 -Tell me about it, a real troublemaker. - Carina agreed, but the sweet smile on her lips told me that she was okay with that part of me.

-And she never ate enough. - My mother continued.

-Oh, Katherine, I don't know where to start. Maya is the worst when it comes to food, she insists on trying to convince me that the little powder she mixes with vegetables will be enough to fuel her in the morning. - Carina rolled her eyes and the way she spoke my mother's name made it sound like they had been friends for years and this did not go unnoticed by Katherine, who smiled more openly. - She's a firefighter, for heaven's sake, how does she think she's supposed to do this strenuous work with only a protein shake in her stomach?

-Maya! - My mother scolded me, her forehead effectively creased and the smile disappearing from her face. - That's not healthy, much less safe!

-That's what I tell her! - Carina spoke up and turned to turn on the stove so the water could boil.

Under my mother's slightly harder gaze at that moment, the blush that had previously covered only my cheeks had spread all over my face, I was sure of it, and I could feel that I was looking at her like a six-year-old who had been caught doing something wrong.

-Well, I guess I should thank you for making sure that Maya is eating enough, Carina. - My mother gave me a small smile and my girlfriend turned in my mother's direction with a broad smile on her face.

-It's actually my pleasure to take care of Maya. - I felt one of her hands reach around my waist as she hugged me from the side, and the gesture made me smile a little. - And how was the flight?

-I hate flying so you'll never get a positive answer from me. - My mother shrugged her shoulders in what seemed to be a shiver of discomfort. - And I had almost forgotten how bad the weather can be here, created some turbulence, but other than that, everything was sort of uneventful.

-I'm not the biggest fan of flying either. - Carina mentioned, and just then the sound of the kettle was heard. - Oh, good! It's tea time!

Hot water was poured into two mugs, and I grabbed two beers before following them toward the living room. Andrew was indeed lying on the couch while watching TV and I pressed the cold can against the middle of his forehead to startle him and make him realize that he was no longer alone.

-You're a good sister-in-law, Maya! She's a keeper, Carina! - He laughed and took the can from my hand as he sat up on the couch.

-Maya told me that you're a doctor. - My mother spoke as she sat down in one of the armchairs, Carina taking the vacant seat on the sofa.

I exchanged glances with Andrew, and he widened his eyes a little more before looking in the direction of the other two women, a clear sign of discomfort, and if I had to be honest, I wasn't the least bit eager to witness the "getting to know each other" conversation the two of them would be having either.

-Well, I'll let you two talk. - I said after clearing my throat a few times before Carina could answer and engage in conversation.

-Maya and I are going... Into the backyard. - Andrew jumped up from the couch.

-We'll be back in a minute. - I lied, but it was the polite thing to say.

After exchanging a few smiles with the two of them we hurried to the backyard.

-If I ever said anything bad about you, Maya, I was out of my mind! - He lifted the beer can and clinked it against mine in a small toast.

-Right, because I did it for you. - I rolled my eyes. - I just don't want to stand there listening to the two of them talk about me like I'm a child.

-About how little you eat? And about how skinny you are? - Andrew mocked and I pushed his arm, making him take a few steps to the side as I laughed.

-I've actually been wanting to talk to you and haven't had the opportunity yet. - I spoke and felt my nerves come alive. There was a strange chill in my stomach, an anxiety different from the paralyzing one I was used to feeling, a nervousness that didn't come from fear, but from the small discomfort of showing myself vulnerable to someone other than Andy and Carina.

-What? - Andrew asked back, looking a little nervous himself. I pointed with my head to the tree on the other side of the yard because I didn't want there to be any possibility of Carina hearing what we were going to talk about. - Maya... You... You're scaring me.

-It's not bad, I just think we need to be honest with each other. - I said and the boy turned very red, his gaze dropping to the beer can in his hand before he took a big gulp. - I think you know what I want to talk about.

-I promise I'm treating her well, I know it's a little weird and things didn't turn out the way we planned, but, well, life doesn't usually turn out the way we plan and... - He trailed off and I widened my eyes before abruptly bringing my hand to his mouth to stop him from continuing to speak.

-I am not here to talk about you and whoever it is you are referring to, who most definitely has not told me about whatever is going on between the two of you, and who is entitled to her privacy until she is comfortable sharing it. - I spoke as quickly as I could, his eyes widening and his face turning even redder. It was true, Andy had not talked to me about this, and I had never been the friend to pressure her until I absolutely felt it was necessary. She was entitled to live and experience things in her own time and having Andrew spilling the beans about it definitely wouldn't make her comfortable. - Hypothetically.

-Hypothetically. - Andrew agreed when I removed my hand from his mouth. The man scratched the back of his head and then slid his palm across his beard in a nervous gesture. - So, what do you want to talk about.

I took a sip of my beer and then another, I needed some liquid courage - even though I knew that alcohol would have no effect on my next words.

-I want to marry your sister. - I blurted out quickly and Andrew's eyes widened. It was now or never. -  And you're right, life doesn't often turn out the way we plan, but even if I could have planned my future as a child it would never be as good as my present is. I know you knew me when I was still a person who used to bring a different woman home every Wednesday, but I hope you know that I'm not that person anymore. I love and respect your sister more than I ever thought possible, and I promise you that I will take care of her Andrew, I will always try to make her happy, I will always try not to hurt her and, even when I do, I will always try to make things right. I'm not taking this lightly, I'm not saying this in the heat of the moment, I'm telling you this because I can't imagine my life without your sister. And I would really like to have your blessing to propose to her.

Andrew kept his eyebrows arched and his eyes wide, his mouth hung open for a second and then his eyes flicked to the house before returning to mine; he lowered his head and let out a chuckle before he stepped forward and wrapped his long arms around me in a very tight embrace that didn't even give me a chance to pat him on the back.

-I never thought you were such a traditional person, Maya. Of course, you have my blessing. - He laughed, and my cheeks still burned with the intense blood flow that had taken over them. - After the New Year.

-What? - I asked, creasing my forehead as I stared into his face after he finally released me from his embrace.

-It wouldn't be good to propose to her during the holiday season. - He said, scratching his beard afterwards. - Carina is always very emotional during this time of year and you want her to make a conscious choice, right? Not one motivated by her love for Christmas or fireworks during the New Year.

-Oh, well, yes. I don't have a ring either and I couldn't get one in a week, I'm too indecisive for that. - I smiled and took another sip of my beer. - But, you know, thank you. It's important to Carina that you're happy about this, I just know.

-Yeah, I know that too. - Andrew smiled back. - She's lucky to have you, Maya. You keep convincing me of that.