
46. Chapter 46




I always thought that Christmas was an overrated date. I understood that people had that utopian vision of the happy family in Christmas movies where people were smiling all the time and laughter filled the house while people were cooking. I never had that. In my house, it was just another day when my mother stayed in the kitchen cooking Christmas dinner in immaculate silence so that my father wouldn't be bothered while Mason and I made sure to stay out of trouble all day long - he was usually locked in his room drawing while I took a few laps around the block. I never had the laughter and the warm feeling in my chest with the smell of gingerbread cookies on Christmas morning. Not before that day.

That Christmas I had woken up alone in the middle of the bed and when I went downstairs, I was welcomed with the sound of the cheerful conversation between Carina and my mother, and the nervousness that had been taking over my girlfriend before was no longer there. She was moving around making Italian recipes while my mother was in charge of the American part of the dinner, they were asking each other what they were doing and giving brief explanations of the dishes and seeing them together gave me an idea of what Christmas should have been like when I was growing up.

I even helped out - as much as they let me - and I didn't mind the comments they made about me - about how Carina had found the picture my mother showed her of a two-year-old me in a bathtub completely naked very adorable, or about how proud my mother was of me when Carina told her that I still maintain Station 19 as the station with the best response time in Seattle - because I was simply happy that morning.

My happiness only seemed to grow with each new moment we shared, with the Christmas songs that played around us, with the delicious smell of food flooding the house, with the "Merry Christmas" that Carina had whispered inches from my face when my mother had asked to be excused to go to the bathroom, with the sweet kiss that followed that whisper, with the tender touch of her nose against mine when Carina pulled away, with every little detail of that day.

Dinner had indeed been just as wonderful as that morning, Andy had arrived in a very excited mood with gift boxes in her hands and Andrew arrived shortly after, giving me a suggestive wink that was definitely not what I wanted after our conversation about me being about to propose to Carina. We sat at the table with smiles on our faces, and the lively conversation carried on as if that had always been our normal. There was such a lightness to the evening that I simply seemed to be living a dream.

It was a wonderful feeling to have Carina whisper in my ear how beautiful I looked in that dress for the third or fourth time while Andy and my mother joined forces to comment on how much Andrew had eaten in a teasing tone, or to feel the warm touch of her hand in mine as Carina entwined our fingers under the tablecloth while asking Andy about embarrassing work-related moments of mine.

The time to exchange gifts came and it was our silent agreement that we would exchange our gifts last, we just took the moment when the three of them opened their gifts to laugh at their reactions. Carina kept her arms around my waist as she hugged me from behind, resting her chin on my shoulder and allowing me to hear her laughter so close to my ear - it was precisely her laughter that was making me smile at that moment.

-Okay, first this one. - I said, handing Carina the larger box. The Italian clapped her hands a few times before opening it.

-Maya! - She squealed, lifting the handbag in her hands. - I commented on this handbag once!

-Didn't you like it? - I immediately asked back, my eyes widening in panic at the possibility that I had gotten the wrong gift.

-I loved it! - Carina hugged me tightly and my muscles relaxed within her embrace.

-Now the little one! - Andy spoke up behind me and I rolled my eyes.

-That's not your present. - I heard Andrew speak back and laughed softly, turning to pick up the small rectangular box.

-I know, but I don't know what's inside, Maya wouldn't let me see. - My friend grunted behind me and again I rolled my eyes, but now I also felt like all eyes in the room were on me and my cheeks never reacted well to that kind of attention.

-Here. - I held out the box to Carina. - I hope you like it.

-I'm sure I'll love it. - Inside was a rectangular box made of navy-blue velvet, and she opened it carefully. Carina gasped softly, her eyebrows arching and her eyes already slightly watery. - Maya...

My name was spoken almost in a whimper, and as she pulled out the white gold necklace, I heard Andy also gasp behind me. My mother looked curiously at the jewelry.

-What's on the pendant? - She asked.

-It's a ferryboat. - Carina answered, and a small tear trickled from the corner of her eye.

-Oh, fuck me! - Andrew spoke up behind me, clearing his throat a few times, and when I looked over my shoulder, I saw Andy slapping him lightly on the back of his shoulder, and the man rubbed his thumb and forefinger over his eyes roughly, as if trying to hide the fact that he was getting all emotional. - You two are the sappiest people I know, I'm gonna be sick.

-Yeah, you'll be sick as soon as you stop crying. - Andy grumbled, rolling her eyes at the boy, sounding a little emotional herself.

-Did you like it? - I asked looking back at Carina, bringing a hand up to her face to dry the path of the tear and saw her chin quiver as she bit the corner of her lower lip as if she were too overwhelmed to answer at that moment, but she still nodded a few times. I shortened the distance between us and wrapped my arms around her waist, feeling her arms immediately slide around my shoulders as she rested her head in the crook of my neck. - I'm glad you like it. There's one just like yours for me to wear, it's upstairs, and I never thought I'd surrender to those cheesy gifts like necklaces with meaningful pendants and initials on the back...

-Does it have your initial on the back? - Carina stepped away abruptly, her words interrupting mine as she eagerly tried to catch the pendant between her fingers and when she turned it over, there, carved into the smooth part of the pendant, was a little M.B. -That's just .... Perfect.

-Apparently, I really am this cheesy person now. - I shrugged and Carina once again jumped into my arms, clinging to my shoulders and her laughter warmed me up inside; I wrapped my arms around her waist once more and leaned my body back, lifting her off the ground for a few seconds.

-And apparently Carina likes this version of you. - Andy chuckled softly behind me.

-I love all versions of her. - Carina spoke as I set her back down, and the Italian held out the necklace in silent request, and I slipped it around her long neck while she kept her hair up to make my job easier. I kissed the back of her neck once the necklace was in place, and she let out a low chuckle before turning back to me. - Now yours!

Carina handed me a large box and I had been curious about it from the moment I saw her put the box with my name on it under the tree. I felt like a small child as I opened the gift quickly, untying the bow and pulling up the lid before unfolding the tissue paper that wrapped my gift.

-What?! - I almost screamed, pulling the leather jacket out of the box. It was black, with a magnificent sheen, silver zipper and buttons adding even more beauty to the piece and my eyes sparkled. - My God, it's beautiful!

-It really is. - My mother agreed, smiling at me.

-It was the missing piece in your closet. - Carina spoke up and when I looked at her I saw the suggestive smile on her lips and maybe this was a gift for herself as well. My face heated up as I blushed at the thought of the images that had gone through Carina's head as she bought me that jacket.

-Thank you! I love it! - I said with a quick, tender kiss on her lips because my real thanks would come later.

-Yep, I'm going to be sick. - Andrew said. - I think it's time for me to go.

Carina turned her head quickly in her brother's direction and Andrew's eyes widened for just a second.

-Actually, I have to talk to you Carina. - At his words it was my turn to widen my eyes in his direction because if Andrew ruined my marriage proposal, I would surely kill him.

-Well, I really have to go. - Andy clapped her hands together and then came over to me, giving me a warm hug and kiss on the cheek and after such a harmonious and fun evening I didn't even complain, gladly returning the gesture. - I'll see you at work. Carina and Katherine, thanks for dinner.

-You're welcome. - They both replied at the same time and laughed softly.

I folded my jacket carefully into the box while Andy hugged and kissed the two women before taking the bag of gifts and walking toward the door beside me.

-Are you okay to drive? - I checked.

-Yes, of course. - She nodded. - See you at work.

-See you at work. - I spoke back as I watched her get into the car, start it, and speed away from my house.

When I got back inside, I saw my mother collecting her own presents, she looked tired, but happy, with a small smile on her lips. Carina and Andrew could not be seen anywhere, and I joined my mother with the task of putting away presents, placing Carina's purse along with my jacket.

-You've never introduced a girlfriend before. - My mother commented after a few seconds of silence. Her statement didn't sound like an accusation, merely an observation, but I still felt intimidated, as if I was about to have to defend myself at any moment. - Or boyfriend.

-I don't think I've ever met anyone worth introducing before. - I shrugged, keeping my gaze fixed on the gifts in front of me even though I knew I should probably turn around, because this was one of those moments when I had no way to run away from a serious conversation.

-I think you're right. - My mother's thoughtful tone was what finally made me turn around and face her. - You look different, Maya. I was always so afraid that you would be like him. You spent so much time literally studying your father that at times you spoke like him, acted like him, answered questions like a perfect replica. For a while I was scared to death that you would grow up and stay that way, but then you left home to find something better, a better life, a happier life, and you made me realize that I deserved that too. I found happiness outside of Seattle, and you seemed to have found yours in Carina.

-I completed my happiness with Carina. - I corrected her, my hands felt much wetter and colder than usual because the mere mention of my father reminded me of all the fears and insecurities that I was still trying to overcome. I forced myself to take a deep breath, to realize that my airways were not closing up, that yes there was enough air in my lungs, and that I had no reason to go through a panic attack because I was home, safe. - I fought for my happiness from the moment I left home. Happiness to me has many faces, it is in my work, in my friends, in the pleasurable runs I still do, in a drink at the end of the day inside my home listening to music, in long baths where I don't have to worry about him knocking on the door yelling that I am taking too long. Happiness is being able to lie in my bed without the fear of getting a bucket of cold water in the morning because I was five minutes late. All this made me a happier person, made me want to be a different person, but I have to confess that things became different after I met Carina because the happiness I feel when I am with her is unlike any other, it is a happiness that blends in with peace and security in a way that I have never experienced before and for that I will always be grateful to Carina.

-This just makes me happy. - My mother said, and her watery eyes were a trigger for my own tears because to talk about my father was to realize that we were both standing here as two survivors, two people who had overcome extremely difficult times, people who had been through terrible traumas, who had deep wounds, but were now standing there with only scars, ugly ones, yet proof of our resilience. - I always wanted to see you like this, happy and at peace, and coming back here this weekend was the best decision I have made in a long time. You only make me proud Maya, not only for your achievements, not only for your work or your relationship, but for who you simply are.

-Thank you, mom. - I whispered and closed the distance between us, hugging her shoulders because that's what I felt I had to do. I felt her hands on my back as she pressed me against her body, and we stood there, together, in silence, just feeling our emotions.

-Okay, I'm going to bed, I have an early flight tomorrow. - Katherine spoke as we stepped away; a tear had run down her cheek, but she quickly wiped it away before collecting the gifts. - I loved the gifts, thank you.

-No, thank you, for dinner and for accepting Carina with open arms. - I sniffled, trying to keep my own tears from falling.

-Couldn't be any different, she's a lovely woman. - With these words and a last smile my mother went to the stairs and up the steps.

I stood in the room, thinking about her words, thinking about the good feeling that had taken over me in hearing that she was proud of me just for being who I am. It seemed silly, small, to anyone on the outside, but as someone who grew up being reminded that I would only be valued because of my accomplishments, there was nothing more comforting. It wasn't an easy thing to let go of those erroneous ideals that were practically engraved into my mind, it wasn't easy to overcome the words that even today echoed in my head every time I thought of resting and leaving something for later, but in moments like the one I just had with my mother I found words of affirmation that served as a guide right back to peace when all I felt was anxiety.

I gathered up the presents and went upstairs soon after, creasing my forehead and wondering if Andrew and Carina were outside - maybe I should have checked the backyard before going upstairs. But I was wrong, because as soon as I climbed the last step, my bedroom door opened and Andrew and Carina came rushing out, both with small smiles on their faces.

-What were you doing in there? - I asked Andrew, creasing my forehead, somehow feeling strangely uncomfortable knowing that he had entered my room. I still managed to be quite particular about my space.

-Carina... - He started to speak but was quickly interrupted by his sister.

-He needed condoms. - I widened my eyes and turned to my girlfriend. - He needed condoms and so we came upstairs so I could give them to him.

-Yeah. - Andrew spoke between his teeth, his face probably as red as mine since all I could think of at that moment was that my brother-in-law was probably wondering why Carina and I had condoms in our nightstand. Also, the thought of who he was using those condoms with didn't make me comfortable at all. - I needed condoms.

-Respect people's privacy! - That was all I said, holding up one hand while balancing the gifts in the other.

-Respect people's privacy. - Andrew agreed in a hiss, still giving his sister a death glare.

-I'll walk him to the door and then I'll just put the dishes in the dishwasher. I'll be back in a little while. - Carina spoke up and gave me a tender kiss on the cheek before walking past me.

-Good night, Maya! Merry Christmas! - My brother-in-law said, squeezing my shoulder briefly.

-Merry Christmas. - I spoke back and walked into the room.

Maybe things really were going along with the crazy and completely bold idea I had had that morning; I tried to put it out of my mind thinking that I wouldn't have a way to pursue it that night, but I now had no more excuses because Carina walking her brother to the door and wanting to organize the kitchen before joining me in the bedroom was all I needed to make things happen.

I went in front of the large mirror that stood in the corner of our bedroom - and which was sometimes moved to the front of the bed on very special nights - remembering precisely the reason behind that idea. If there was one thing I knew about Carina it was that she loved the adrenaline rush of the possibility of being caught, and that she was an exhibitionist - and always tried to convince me to show myself off in the same way.

After a few moments inside the room preparing to go back downstairs - and after many deep breaths in an attempt to gather courage - I opened the bedroom door and went downstairs. I pulled my new leather jacket tighter, feeling the delicious smell invade my nostrils as I took great care not to make any noise.

Carina was in the kitchen, she was moving the dishes that were stacked inside the sink to the dishwasher; she seemed distracted, and I nibbled my lower lip as I tried to keep quiet, I didn't want her to turn around too soon. Reaching the center island of the kitchen I braced myself against the marble and pushed myself up until I was sitting on it, trying not to hiss in response to the cold.

-Hi. - I whispered and Carina laughed softly before speaking.

-Maya, off the central isl... - My girlfriend turned around as she spoke, the sentence dying on her lips as shock spread across her face. Her mouth was comically wide open, and her eyes roved over my body in a way I had rarely seen.

Carina seemed to want to drink in the sight that was having me wrapped only in a rather small set of red lingerie and an open leather jacket, her eyes going up and down my body over and over again and my body's response surprised myself. I expected my neck and face to be hot from the blushing, but that was not how I felt, I indeed felt hot, but inside. Her look made me feel flattered, it told me without a word that she found me attractive, provocative, sexy, and I felt good about that.

-Merry Christmas! - I whispered, because the flattering feeling wouldn't let me forget that my mother was still upstairs. - I really loved the gift and thought that I could show all my gratitude and appreciation by giving you a present.

-Sei la donna più sexy del mondo. - You are the sexiest woman in the world. - Carina spoke back, her eyes blatantly fixed on my breasts now looking even more voluminous pushed up by the bra I was wearing. Her gaze stirred my arousal, and I could already feel my nipples painfully hard against the delicate fabric and wondered if that was precisely what was drawing Carina's attention. I smiled at her words as she took a slow step toward me, a true predator being cautious lest her prey escape.

Not that I had any pretense of escaping.

-Did you like it? - I asked innocently, my hands going to the sides of the jacket, and I opened it a little more; Carina's eyes went down my abdomen and she moistened her lips, but they remained slightly open as she came closer.

-Mi è piaciuto molto. - I liked it a lot. - She spoke back, and I let out a low chuckle realizing that she was at her most raw and visceral, the Italian escaping her mouth and I didn't even know if she was aware that this was happening; I was just happy to understand Italian.

-Won't you tell me to get off your precious central island? - I asked back, crossing my legs slowly and Carina licked her lips once again as she followed my movement.

-No, non questa notte. - No, not tonight. - Carina spoke back and her eyes were finally on mine and the look she was giving me told me that I had made the right choice in being brave that night; Carina's eyes were intense on mine, and it was impossible to look away from them, not even when I felt her warm touch against one of my calves did I have enough strength to move my eyes. – Stanotte, ti scoperò su quest'isola centrale. - Tonight, I will fuck you on this central island.

Yep. I really had made the right choice.

I should have thought of a sharp reply, but the words disappeared from my mind when Carina leaned in slowly, breaking our eye contact, to plant an open-mouthed kiss against my knee. The gesture made me shiver completely, and I could see the little hairs on my thigh rising under the warm touch of her mouth as she moved her kisses up the region.

My heart was beating faster in my chest and my hands went to the edge of the island, flexing against the marble as I tried to remain upright and perfectly still. I didn't want to surrender so easily but feeling her tongue against my skin made me desperate, made me eager to feel her mouth against the middle of my legs and I had to bite my tongue to keep myself from begging for her touch so soon.

-Sono completamente bagnata, ed è colpa tua. - I'm completely wet, and it's your fault. - Carina murmured against my skin, her tongue tracing an uneven path up my thigh, and her confession made me sigh and close my eyes for a brief moment; I was more than eager to be able to feel her wet folds as I slid my fingers through them. - La mia figa pulsa alla sola vista del tuo corpo. - My pussy throbs at the mere sight of your body.

I felt warm from her words. I loved when Carina talked dirty in Italian, it was even more arousing to know that the words flowed from her mouth without a second thought, without modesty, without filters.

-I'm also completely wet. - I whispered back. - I bet you can smell me.

Carina grunted against my skin as she heard my words, her teeth closing hard against my flesh, the gesture making my breathing shallow and my fingers clench harder against the marble. I felt her hand against my calf again as she licked the spot that now bore the mark of her teeth and, I must confess, I was even more aroused realizing that this night was taking an unimaginable turn.

-I've never felt this way before. - Carina murmured, pulling away from my crossed legs and bringing both hands to my face, her gaze was ferocious enough to make me shiver under her touch in anticipation. - My heart is racing in my chest and everything I want to do to you right now is so overwhelming that I can't even decide where to start because you've always been the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on, Maya, but tonight you're outdoing yourself.

-Kiss me. - I begged, gasping, my eyes still locked on hers as she pulled my hair in a firm and deliciously teasing grip.

Her mouth was over mine within the next instant, her teeth teasing my lower lip before her tongue invaded my mouth and it took all my self-control not to moan loudly at that moment. The hand that wasn't pulling my hair came down to my neck and her long fingers squeezed the area tight enough to make me tip my head back, interrupting the kiss and opening my mouth for a muffled moan to escape.

-Sei bellissima con la mia mano sul tuo collo, a soffocarti. - You look beautiful with my hand on your neck, choking you. - Carina squeezed her fingers even tighter and pulled me forward again, gluing our mouths together in a frantic, disorganized kiss that only revealed the lust that coursed through our bodies. When her fingers loosened, the flow of blood to my head and air to my lungs caused a wave of pleasure to concentrate directly between my legs, and again I broke the kiss because I was too hot, too horny, too desperate. - Lasciatemi fare una foto. - Let me take a picture.

-A picture? - I asked back, trying to make sure that I had understood correctly. Carina took a step back as she nodded in response to my question.

-I know this is intimate and I promise I'll keep it safe, but I really wish I could have a picture of how beautiful you look right now to keep forever. - Carina moistened her lips once more. - If you'll allow me.

My girlfriend remained silent while waiting for an answer; I looked down, the mark of her teeth still red against my skin, my lap was red, my lipstick was probably smeared, but Carina kept looking at me in perfect adoration and I don't think I've ever felt as sexy as I did under her gaze right now.

-Okay. - I answered softly, nodding a few times; Carina smiled broadly and reached for her cell phone in the back pocket of the pants she was wearing. - How should I...?

-Just look at me. - She asked, but I couldn't help standing a little straighter and opening my jacket a little more because if she wanted a provocative photo of me, she would have a good one. – Sei perfetta. – You’re perfect.

A few photos were taken, but as soon as the phone was placed on the counter behind Carina, I saw my girlfriend grab the hem of her own blouse and pull it up, giving me the most wonderful view of her beautiful back.

-Making things even. - Carina gave me a provocative smile, but soon her smile was no longer the focus of my eyes; her breasts were covered by a thin white lacy fabric that allowed me to see the delicious outline of her nipples and I bit my lower lip at the sight. I lowered my gaze to her hands as they began to unbutton the pants she was wearing, and my heart raced faster in my chest with every inch of skin that was revealed as my girlfriend undressed for me.

Looking over my shoulder was inevitable, adrenaline was coursing through my veins and maybe Carina had some reason to enjoy having sex in risky places so much, it was an exciting feeling and very easy to get addicted to.

-I want your nipples in my mouth now. - Carina spoke up, bringing my attention back to her. She had come closer again and was now standing in front of my legs, bringing her hand to my knees and moving my legs until they were uncrossed to stand between them. - You were right, I can smell your sweet scent.

-We can't stay here too long, my mother... - I started to speak, but her fingertips covered my mouth, interrupting me.

-Don't think about it. It's not important. What is important is that I want to make you cum here, in my kitchen, on Christmas night. - Carina spoke back, her hand leaving my face and going to my thighs so that she could drag her nails up and down my skin, a faint red trail beginning to appear there. - Now, let me suck your nipples, please.

-Okay. - I whispered back, keeping my eyes on hers and bringing my hands to either side of the jacket.

-Don't even think about doing that. - Carina scolded me, the movement of her hands stopping. Her tone was serious, her gaze was hard on me, and I creased my forehead in confusion. - The jacket stays on.

I swallowed hard, let go of the jacket to move my hands to the delicate fabric covering my breasts and slipped my fingertips inside it before pulling them down to reveal my hard, sensitive nipples to her. Carina grunted softly and, without any teasing, pressed her mouth against one of my nipples, licking and sucking it into her mouth with a skill that only she possessed.

I closed my eyes tightly and my head hung back as I drew a quick breath of air into my lungs; her touch made me hot, drops of sweat were already beading on my back and an absurd amount of wetness was ruining my panties at that moment. It was impossible to keep my hips still when Carina moved her mouth to the other nipple, her teeth teasing the sensitive peak and I whimpered louder than I should have - and mentally cursed myself for it - in response, but the pleasure I was feeling was overwhelming and there wasn't much control over my body's reactions when Carina was sucking on my nipples in the most sensual way possible.

-Slide back a little. - Carina asked in a whisper after she moved her mouth away from my breasts, and it took me a while to process her words and actually slide back a little. - Lean back, but I want you to look at me.

Carina spread my legs a little wider and I put both my hands behind me, supporting my body weight as I anxiously watched my girlfriend lean over and kiss the top of my thighs. Carina kissed my pubic area covered by my panties and even though she was far from my most sensitive area, I had to swallow to control the sounds that wanted to escape my throat. The Italian lifted her eyes - checking that I had obeyed her command, of course - and gave me a small smile before sticking out her tongue and - finally - licking my still panty-covered folds.

-Shit. - I hissed softly, my breath coming out in short gasps, my eyes wanting to close, but I gathered my strength to keep them open as I watched Carina repeat the movement of her tongue while keeping her eyes glued on mine.

-We won't be taking off your panties either. - Carina spoke from between my legs, her hands on my thighs while her thumbs stroked the inside of them, keeping them open so that she could access my center without difficulty. I watched her hot, pink tongue again move up and down the fabric, the pressure she put against my folds was a stunning tease and I could no longer avoid the contractions of my abdomen each time the tip of her tongue touched my covered clit.

Carina teased and aroused me with every movement of her tongue, with every squeeze of her fingers on my thighs and my hips moved in circles trying to establish some pattern to the hot touch of her tongue in a desperate search for more intense pleasure. Her teeth brushed against my labia in a careful bite, and I brought one of my hands up to my mouth to stifle the sound that rose in my throat - not sure if I did a good job, but at least I tried.

The doctor seemed to be reveling in my desperation and she took her time running her teeth and tongue up and down my center as my body kept getting hotter and hotter; I could feel the sweat pouring from my skin and my desperation only grew.

-Carina, please. - I begged softly, my words practically a desperate cry.

-What do you want, Captain? - She asked, moving only inches away from my center, her eyes practically innocent as she waited for my answer, and the way she said "Captain" told me everything I needed to know.

She had dominated me, bossed me around, but now it was my turn.

-My God, Carina! - I spoke between my teeth, my throat was dry and my voice was low and hoarse, the throbbing between my legs was the only focus of my brain and my desperation to achieve some pleasure made me sit up straighter so that I could take one of my hands to the back of her neck and the other to the side of my panties, pulling them aside, finally exposing my pussy to the cold night air. - Eat me out, baby.

Carina didn't need to be told twice, the woman gave an open-mouthed kiss precisely over my clit and a grunt escaped my throat, my muscles finally relaxing and a jolt of pleasure leaving my center toward every nerve ending in my brain. My thoughts disappeared, all I could focus on was the slow, gentle, precise movement of Carina's tongue over the side of my clit, moving up and down repeatedly before moving to the other side and doing the same thing.

It was harder and harder to keep quiet, I wanted to cry and scream, I wanted to arch my back and hold her face so I could ride her tongue and wring a glorious orgasm out of myself, but Carina was licking me so gently that I knew she was taking her time to have a good time herself, relishing in the taste of my pussy in her mouth and just thinking about it gave me enough motivation to not want to speed things up. The very tip of her tongue finally touched my clit directly, rubbing up and down slowly before her lips closed against it and Carina sucked it into her mouth.

-Fuck, fuck, Carina! - I moaned low and having to control myself at that time kept me from wanting that moment to be so public because I wanted to scream and moan and give into her, without modesty, without having to worry about anyone being able to hear us, wanting to give Carina the reactions she deserved to see and hear because what she was doing to me at that moment could only be described as divine. - Baby, make me cum fast, I will end up moaning loudly, I can't hold myself back any longer.

Carina seemed to notice the desperation in my voice, and I saw it when she nodded between my legs; I asked her softly to hold my panties and allowed myself to finally lie down while my girlfriend devoured the middle of my legs.

My back arched against the white marble, the open jacket letting my still partially exposed nipples receive Carina's hands as she sucked and licked me. Pleasure was coming from every corner, every sensitive spot in my body seemed to be under direct stimulation and I closed my eyes tightly enjoying each overwhelming sensation that gave me the feeling I was flying.

The circles over my clit were fast, her skilled tongue knew exactly how to touch me and the vibrations of Carina's moans as she sucked me only made the experience even more exhilarating. I spread my legs wider trying to expose my clit even more and Carina pinched my nipples forcing me to bite my own hand to stifle my moans.

-My God! - I whimpered against my own hand feeling the familiar heat concentrate in my lower abdomen, my eyes rolled back, and my back arched with the proximity of my orgasm. I kept my hand clamped over my mouth, but I didn't even know if it was doing a good job of muffling my moans, especially when Carina started tugging on my nipples at the same rhythm as she sucked on my clit, synchronizing the overwhelming stimulation, and pushing me to climax at an absurd speed. - Fuck!

My body trembled, I drowned in that wave of pleasure and felt my cum dripping down my folds, Carina's tongue going right to my entrance as she licked me clean and the spasms of my muscles somehow became more intense.

-Carina! - I gasped as low as I could after I uncovered my mouth and my girlfriend pulled away knowing that I was too sensitive for her to continue touching me at that point.

With some difficulty I sat up on the island, my chest heaving up and down with gasping breaths, feeling a little dizzy from the recent orgasm, grunting at the albeit light contact of my folds against my clit as I closed my legs a little tighter. I held both sides of Carina's face, my eyes going to the glistening on her chin and around her lips, and when I kissed her my own taste invaded my mouth.

Carina moaned into my mouth and the tingling sensation in my spine made me want her even more at that very instant so with some struggling not to interrupt the kiss I slid off the center island and there was no way to keep the jacket on my body because I was too warm. My arms shivered as the night air finally touched them, my hands went to Carina's bare waist, and we walked blindly backwards as our tongues slid over one another in a hot, teasing kiss.

My girlfriend bumped lightly against one of the counters and that was precisely what I wanted so I slid my hands from her waist to her ass, giving it a gentle squeeze before moving my fingers down to the back of her thighs and with a quick, yet precise motion I lifted her onto my lap for a few seconds before placing her sitting on the counter.

-Maya! - Carina gasped against my mouth.

-I'm going to fuck you fast and hard now, okay baby? - I murmured without putting any distance between us, loving the closeness of our bodies. - You're going to let me fuck your tight pussy, I want to feel you all over my fingers, I want to feel you cum for me.

-Yes, yes! - Carina quickly agreed and spread her legs a little wider.

I moved my mouth down to her neck as I slipped one of my hands inside her panties without further ado and bit her skin harder than I should have when I felt her wet folds against my fingers. Carina nuzzled her head against the curve of my neck and the close proximity to my ear gave me the chance to hear the low moans she let out as I moved my fingertips up and down trying to get them as wet as possible before going all the way to her entrance.

I could feel Carina throbbing before I even entered her, I kissed and licked her neck as I made rhythmic circles at her entrance and heard her whimpering against my ear.

-Please, please Maya, fuck me! - She begged in a whisper. I complied.

Her warm, tight walls squeezed my fingers and I moaned against her neck, taking a deep breath of her scent as I tried to go as deep as I could. I felt Carina's hands on my back and when I finally had my fingers buried inside her, the doctor gasped, and her nails burrowed against my flesh.

-So tight! - I murmured softly.

-Fuck me, bambina! - She spoke back in supplication. - Please!

-Anything and everything for my good girl! - I spoke back, and with my free hand circled her waist and pulled my face away from her neck, glued our foreheads together, and finally thrust two fingers inside her once, twice, three times.

Carina's mouth opened in a silent scream as I began a rhythmic back and forth motion, going deep and fast inside her, feeling her pulse against my fingers and squeeze them inside her each time I went deeper. I moved my fingers so that the palm of my hand was pressed against her clit at the end of each thrust, and Carina scratched my back as she gasped against my face.

My eyes were glued on her expressions of pleasure, her eyes disappeared under her eyelids, and her open mouth only allowed sloppy kisses to be exchanged. I moved my fingers faster, the wet sound of the act making me even more motivated to fuck her hard and Carina sucked my bottom lip into her mouth as she moaned when I kept my fingers deep inside her and rubbed the palm of my hand up and down over her clit.

Pumping my fingers inside her and finally kissing her intensely, Carina pressed me tighter against her body and I felt her pussy clench tighter around my fingers. I curved them inside her and massaged her walls in circles before returning to the frantic back-and-forth of my fingers knowing Carina was close.

-Harder, I'm gonna cum! - Carina moaned softly, our foreheads pressed together as we shared our breaths and I obeyed, thrusting hard inside her, the palm of my hand pressing just as hard against her clit and my girlfriend stuck her head back into the curve of my neck to bite my shoulder hard this time.

Carina bit me and shuddered as her walls squeezed my fingers, I felt more of her juices dripping through my fingers as she came and damn, that sure was hot. I pumped my fingers inside her a few more times wanting to prolong her orgasm as much as possible, delighting in the softness of her walls and the exciting, wet sound coming from between her legs.

-Baby, I need to pull my fingers out. - I whispered when her trembling stopped and only her labored breathing could be heard and kissed her head gently a few times.

Her body was limp against mine, and I heard a low grunt from her, but the woman spread her legs a little wider as they had closed tightly against my hand a few moments ago and I was finally able to withdraw from her to finally have her in my arms in a warm embrace.

-Are you okay? -I asked softly.

-Yes. - She whispered and then finally pulled her face away from my neck and I could see her beautiful eyes, her flushed cheeks, and the lazy smile that appeared on her lips. - I love you.

-I would doubt your words, since they're uttered after a great orgasm, but it's impossible to do that when you look at me like that. - I smiled back at my girlfriend and placed a small kiss on her lips. - I love you too.

-Buon Natale, bambina.

-Merry Christmas, vita mia.