

Fenrir didn't know what to say. Rex had asked him a simple question, but he was too dumbfounded by what happened to speak.

They both stared at each other for a while waiting for one of them to speak. The first one to break the silence was Diana.

"Can't you see he's in shock. That beast almost killed him."

"So he should thank me for saving his life?" Rex asked.

Diana pinched the bridge of her nose while wondering how this man made it into the dragon knights. It was obviously not because of his intelligence.

Diana knelt down and started using healing magic on Fenrir, however, she soon realized he only had a few scratches on him. She looked around the destroyed area, and after seeing all the rock spikes, she couldn't believe this man survived the might.

"What rank mage are you?" She asked.

Fenrir couldn't help but to stare at her blue eyes and scarlet hair. Then he glanced down at her...

'No... no. What am I doing? She's a human. Besides, knowing what I have to do for Reginald would ruin our relationship.'

Fenrir regained his composure and told her his rank is D. Diana was surprised he came out alive after fighting that creature. Earth bears are classified as mid tier C rank. Not many could say they have fought a strong beast and survived. Especially since the gap between ranks was so high.

"We didn't come here to save the boy." Rex said trying to complete the mission faster. "We need to find the house and locate the creature."

"Hey, dumbass." Diana snapped. "This is supposed to be a discreet mission. If civilians found out there's a dangerous creature out here, what do you think would happen?"

Rex didn't know how to respond. He had never seen this side of Diana for the short amount of time they had known each other. He had thought she was just a shy timid girl, but it turns out she has an angry side. He decided he would shut his mouth for now and let her take the lead.

"Do know anything about a house near here?" Diana asked.

"Yeah, I'm living there with my mentor." Fenrir said. Reginald had told Fenrir when he started at the academy that this would be their cover story. Reginald was his mentor, and Fenrir would be a teenager who came from a poor family.

"Mentor?" Diana asked.

"Yeah, his name is Reginald. He's one of the teachers at the magic academy."

"Wait." Rex said. "That name sounds familiar. Yes, it's coming back to me now. When I was at the academy, there was a new teacher with the same name."

"That's good. Maybe he can help us locate the creature."

"What creature are you talking about?" Fenrir asked.

Diana and Rex went on to explain the situation. We'll, Diana did most of the talking while Rex stood there like he was trying to intimidate a flower.

"That's why it's urgent that we find it and kill it. Incidents like this that go unchecked usually end up with casualties." Diana explained.

This is exactly what Reginald had warned Fenrir about. This would foil his plans of revenge if these two were to find out what he is. More importantly though, Fenrir feared what they would do to him, and what would happen if he couldn't complete the contract? Deep down he knew the answer. It would mean death.

Fenrir guided them to the house where Reginald was waiting outside for Fenrir to return. He was worried about him, wondering if he ran into some trouble. When he saw who was with him, his worries only grew.

"Who are you?" Reginald asked with a worried look on his face.

"I am the the great dragon knight rank five. You can call me Rex."

Diana ignored Rex and went on to explain the situation to Reginald. All Reginald did was nod his head as he tried to figure out how to get them to stop investigating the area. He knew they were looking for Fenrir, and he couldn't allow them to figure out the truth. Otherwise, they would both be sentenced to death.

Reginald's summoning spell was forbidden magic. If they figured out what he did, his plans would fail. He couldn't allow that to happen.

"Why don't you come inside. I can prepare a meal for our guests." Reginald said with a smile.

Diana and Rex agreed to come come inside for a meal. The truth was that they were hungry.

After preparing the meal, Reginald joined them at the table while they ate.

"I'm strong enough to handle this matter on my own." Reginald pointed out. "I haven't seen the beast, but I can look for it and bring it back to the capital."

"Really?" Rex asked. "You think your strong enough to defeat a humanoid beast?"

"Despite my age, I am stronger than I look." Reginald said as he took a sip of his coffee. "I am a teacher at the academy after all."

"I knew it. You were a teacher when I was attending the academy. I'm sure you're strong, but I was ordered to bring back the beast. I'm afraid I have to stay here and look for it."

"You're welcome to stay here while you search for it. What about Diana? You said your a substitute teacher right? Don't you have to prepare for the upcoming school year?"

"That's right!" Diana shouted. "Rex, I can't stay for more than a day. You need to bring me back tomorrow."

Rex grunted. He didn't think it would take this long to find the beast, and making an extra trip back home would only delay the mission. But what choice did he have?

"Alright then." Rex said. "I'll bring her back today. Then I'll return to find the beast."

Rex left with Diana to return her to her home. Meanwhile, Reginald had to cook up a plan to get them to leave permanently. He already had an idea, but he would need Fenrir to help hunt foe it.

After explaining everything to Fenrir, he only had one question to ask. "Why me?"

"Because my magic spells are not for fighting. They are used to create, not to destroy. This will be hard, but after they told me you survived an earth bear, I'm almost confident you can handle this."


"You see, the wolf we need to hunt isn't as strong as the bear, but it's still a rank C."