

Fenrir turned around to see what it was. It was a large magical beast that had snuck up on him.

He could immediately tell what the beast was. This was one of the few that Reginald was worried about him running into. An earth bear.

Although it's not as fast as the jackalope, it most certainly makes up for its speed when it comes to defense and attack. The bear stood as tall as he is while on its four legs.

The bear growled before sprinting towards Fenrir while activating its earth magic spell to enhance itself. Enhancement spells at a rarity in the magical beasts world, but this one had it, and it was nothing to scoff at.

Fenrir could see what looked liked stone starting to cover the bears front body. As he dodged the bears rampage, he wondered if his inscriptions would do something similar if it reached a high enough rank.

Like magic users, spells had ranks to them as well. The higher the rank, the more powerful the spell is. However, it consumes more magic.

The bear slammed into a large tree, knocking it over after nearly splitting the trunk in half.

Fenrir's eyes widened as he saw the power the bear could generate. Even with his enhanced body, if he were to punch a tree, it would only leave a small dent. Even then, he would risk injuring his hand.

The bear turned around to face it's target. It stomped on the ground causing spikes to come out of the nearby area. The spikes moved so that they were now pointing directly at him. With another stomp, the spikes came flying towards Fenrir at an incredible speed.

Fenrir's body moved on its own as he took used the trees next to him as cover. He never stopped moving because the spikes pierced through the trees. Their trajectory was changed from the impact, but their momentum only slowed down slightly.

'This isn't good.'Fenrir thought as he saw more spikes forming and shooting at him without giving him a break. 'At this rate, I'll run out of stamina. Fire isn't a good match for earth magic. The only thing that earth is weak to is...'

It's then Fenrir had an idea. While it might not be enough to defeat the bear, it might give him a chance to escape.

Fenrir kept dodging and moving in a certain direction. 'Where is it? It couldn't have been destroyed already?'

As he had that thought, he found what he was looking for. The dead jackalope he had killed earlier.

He kept dodging attacks and finally got himself into the right spot where he could pick up the dead beast before they were both hit with the spikes. As he kept moving, he wondered for a second if his plan would work. He knew it was a long shot since he didn't know much about inscriptions yet, but he felt he knew enough to attempt his plan.

The process was slow because he needed to constantly dodge attacks while focusing on writing an inscription on the dead beasts body. 'I hope this can be used similar to a magic item.'

After what felt like an eternity, Fenrir had finally finished the inscription. He leaped out of cover while holding the dead beasts head pointing directly at the bear. As Fenrir poured some of his magic into the inscription on the beast, the beasts antlers started to glow.

Since lighting is strong against earth magic, Fenrir decided to take advantage of this. Creating an inscription using the jackalope's body as a catalyst was the best option he had. All he had to do was to pour magic into the inscriptions and let the beasts body do the rest.

Some mages could have made inscriptions to use lighting magic, but making those that don't conform to your element is much harder to do, and it's certainly not something you could do while fighting. For one thing, you'd have to have a decent understand of lighting magic.

The lighting that built up enough energy to fire at the bear. It shot forward at an incredible speed. Fortunately, bears are large targets, so Fenrir didn't need to stop to aim.

When the lighting bolt hit the bear, it shattered its defensive earth layer and left a small mark on the bears fur.

The bear stood there for a second in complete shock. Never before had it encountered something that could harm it other than other bears. This gave Fenrir enough time to cast another spell. As the lighting bolt hit, another scorch marke appeared on its fur.

Fenrir looked at the spots where the spells had landed. The one that pierced the defensive armor did minimal damage. The second one did more, but it wasn't enough to do anything significant.

The bear regained its composer and started casting earth spikes again. Fenrir had missed his chance to run by firing another shot, then again, he still might not have gotten away.

He couldn't turn his back to run while the bear had long range attacks. That would leave him wide open, and the bear would be attacking his blind spot.

'It looks like I'm out of options here. This won't be over until it runs out of magic, or I run out of stamina. Casting lighting will only drain me faster.'

Fenrir tried to look for anything else that could give him an advantage in the fight. However, nothing else around him could injure the bear or distract it for long enough.

Fenrir had no choice, if he wanted to defeat the bear, he would need to fight it at close range and aim for its weak points.

He ran towards the beast as fast as his legs could move. The bear stomped on the ground and send another barrage of spikes towards him. Fenrir gritted his teeth as he used all of his strength to contort his body in strange ways to dodge the attacks.

Fenrir's eyes widened as he used all his concentration to close the remaining distance between them. However, as soon as he reach the beast, the bear stomped on the ground again and created a wall of rock.

Fenrir tried slowing down, but he ended up hitting the wall chest first at full speed. He was gasping for air after the wind was knocked out of him. Before he could recover though, he noticed that spikes were forming on the wall.

'This is it, there's nothing else I can do.'

Just before the spikes were able to shoot out, a large slash of wind crashed into the wall severing it into two. The slash carried on and sliced the bear in half from head to tail. The gory mess that used to be the beast almost made him throw up. He never imagined seeing something's guts spill out like that.

"I was certian the house was in this direction." Rex said as he looked down at Fenrir. "Perhaps you know where it is."