
Fell in Love with Her invisible savior

When an ordinary and playful girl Khushi met with a love failure. while she is distracted, her best friend Rita uses this chance to plot against her in all ways. But Khushi was saved from all the problem by a stranger, later she fell in love with him.

VasuPuga · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Chapter 2- Worst Dream

Then me and Ambi started by our bicycle and soon reached at the door of Lawrence house. I rang the bell and waiting for him nervously at the door. Soon he came out to welcome us.

As soon as I entered the house, I introduced Ambi and Lawrence to each other. And they were shaking their hands.

I was standing next to Lawrence, then he let go of her hand. Suddenly I felt a hand around my shoulder, I turned to see Lawrence who is already staring at me.

I just had a different feeling aroused in me. Then I told him my result, and immediately I said " I love you Lawrence".

He was shocked that I have said in front of my friend. Then he hold my hand tightly and said to Ambi, I need some privacy with her, so why don't you sit here and watch TV. I will come back immediately after finishing words with her. Then you both can return back earlier to home.

Ambi replied, no problem take your time brother.

Then he lead me to the room which is near the hall. He half closed the door, then said to me I need to speak about my family matter which shouldn't be heard out at the mean time I don't want your friend to think bad about me.

Then he started to tell me about his family. My family consists of dad, mom, elder sister radhi, me and my younger brother. My elder sister is married and has a baby girl.

Now he was clutching his fist, and his eye turns red. Suddenly he told me, I have dad who is never worth of calling dad. I hate him, I hate him the way he behaves with my mom, and even insults my mom and my relationship. So we decided to move away from such a dirty man. So everyone in this street knows about my family affair. Some may even speak ill about us. You may think why am I saying this to you, because I don't want this matter to affect our relationship. When your parent comes to know about our relationship then they may investigate about me and my background, at that time I don't want them or you to think bad about my family. This is the reason I'm saying you to you now.

Vasi, one more thing I'm not rich like your family, I may not give you a luxurious life temporarily like your dad and mom. But I'm working hard for our future, I will make you happy, will you accompany me till the end, he stretched out his hand while saying those warming words.

I felt very happy, laughing happily while tears started flowing unknowingly. I reached out to hold his hand.

He pulled me suddenly with great force where I ended into his warm embrace.

Then again after short conversation we headed back to main hall where my friend Ambi is waiting for us.

Then we both said bye to Lawrence and headed to our house. We were sharing our thoughts regarding our undergraduate program while moving on road.

Soon we reached our home, and bid farewell to each other.

Since I came home, I use to contact Lawrence through mobile phone. He often says that he is busy, so I don't force him to speak to me since I know his family situation.


*One fine day, me and Lawrence went out to beach, we were playing happily, suddenly he left my hand and started to move backward. As soon as I felt that he is no longer holding my hand or standing near to me, I retuned my head to see that he is standing next to a girl and holding her hand very tight I stared him, like I need explanation for his attitude told that he was in love with someother girl for past one year and he left me alone while holding a hand of other girl, who is standing next to him.

I'm shouting his name and saying don't leave me and started to cry loudly. But it is too late, Lawrence and that girl disappeared from my sight. *


I was crying, crying when I felt someone is shaking my shoulder, while I opened my eyes and saw that my mom was staring at me.

What happened Khushi, are dreaming about Lawrence then why are you shouting and crying?

Yes, my mom Pragiya knows about my love and of course my dad Aaditiya, my elder brother Aadvik too. I love my family very much; they treat me as a treasure. I rubbed my eyes and told nothing mom it is just a bad dream and I don't want to happen in my real life. And she touched my head and rubbed me like a puppy, and said ok dear don't worry everything will be fine, it is just a dream. It is still dark outside, I just came here to wake up you to get ready for your new journey, remember once to check that have you packed all your needs.

Oh yes, I'm going to join college in another city B today. They will hold an inauguration function at morning 9 A.M. My dad told me to move by yesterday, but I refused him because I don't want to move out of my family.

But I have no other option because; I got this seat through government quota. I know very well that my dad can get here in any of the colleges but I don't want to trouble him. I want to do with my own ability.

City B

Aarnav gets up from his bed, and moved to do his morning routine. And he started to his workout. After washing up, he came downstairs and seated in his dinning for breakfast. Then the lady servant at forties started to serve him with paratha, sandwich and a cup of milk. Aarnav had his breakfast quietly and got to wash his hand. Before turning to wash his hand he thanked Mrs. Geetha for his breakfast. After washing he stepped out of his apartment.

There he met Jai, his colleague. They both stepped into elevator together and gone to their parking lot. Jai is the person who usually drives his car and Aarnav used to sit in co-pilot seat.

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