
Fell in Love with Her invisible savior

When an ordinary and playful girl Khushi met with a love failure. while she is distracted, her best friend Rita uses this chance to plot against her in all ways. But Khushi was saved from all the problem by a stranger, later she fell in love with him.

VasuPuga · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 3- Meeting him again

They both started to move to their work, when they were holding on traffic, Khushi came and knocked the window. Jai scrolls the co-pilot window, where Aarnav is seated, and asked how I may help you mam.

Khushi asked a route for her university, where Aarnav doesn't even turn to look at her.

Aarnav glanced Kushi, but doesn't show any sort of reactions.

Before Jai turns to reply, Aarnav said why can't you ask anyone other than us, is not here many peoples are there, with that he ordered Jai to move without taking another glance.

Khushi was dumbfounded and angry at the mean time. How come she met such a person in a new city where she wants to spend her 4 years life. After coming back to her sense, she found that her dad is looking for her. Then she came back to the car and her dad said that the university I just few kilometers aways from this junction. Then they both got back into the car.

Meanwhile she can't help thinking about that arrogant man. Who on the earth is he, can't he speak politely when someone is asking for help. Does he think that he is more handsome man in the world?

Immediately his face came to my mind I couldn't help but smile, so what if he is handsome isn't his behavior is worst. The girl who is going to marry him is really pity. Stupid man. I can't help but keep scolding him.

Eventhough, he looks handsome I don't want to meet him again, I thought to myself.

I came back to my sense only after her dad keep on shaking my shoulder.

My dad asked me, are you again thinking about Lawrence. I smiled back and shook my head and said no dad, I was thinking about a strange man I met this morning and told my dad that happened now. And my dad smiled and said nothing.

Since I and my dad were speaking about everything regarding my studies, course of selection etc., we forget to look at the time. When we entered into the college campus it was already 9.30 A.M. Where the parents are coming out after saying good bye to their boys and girls.

Aaditiya stared at Khushi and told her, look inaugural function is completed.

It's OK dad, I'm also not in a mood to attend the function. With that she visited her hostel and placed her luggages in her respective room and bid farewell to her dad.

Before starting to move back, Aaditiya held Khushi's hand and said few things and told her not be naughty around.

Khushi said, okay dad I got it. You can return back to home soon, mom will be waiting for you. Don't forget to tell mom and Aadvik that I'm going to miss them badly. I miss you dad. Take care of you mom and brother.

Aaditiya hugged his daughter Khushi before getting into the car.

Khushi couldn't control her emotion so told her dad to get in car quickly and said bye.

After sending her dad, Khushi was returning to her class with heavy heart and tears that just escaped after sending her dad.

When she was trying to wipe her tears with her head low, she bumped into a man's strong chest.

Ouch.... She screamed louder which attracts everyone attention.

Aarnav was shocked to see Khushi, she remainds him a very special person in his heart.

She lifted her head and saw the man who refused to help this morning. And screamed back, You...

Before Aarnav could apologies, Khushi starts to shout, do you think are you the only handsome man in the world? Are not you refused to help me, then why are you standing here, do you think no one is there to help us. I don't want to see you again arrogant man. Just move away. She was shouting continuously because before she could reply back in morning the car flew away. She was so angry now when she saw him again that she could not hold herself from speaking like this to him. So, now she used this chance to speak everything that she suppressed from morning.

Aarnav was standing there gracefully by folding his hand around his chest. Where, Jai is standing behind him, when he heard those words, he could not help but shiver. This is the first time that Jai could see a little girl who just joined the college and who is shouting at the Senior Assistaant Professor.

Aarnav didn't speak a single word throughout her shouting. He just watched her as if seeing a little bunny fiercely and smiled but hide it immediately. Her behavior, facial feature made him to realize someone who is close to him, which made him sad for a minute, but came back to his aura soon.

He didn't see her face clearly in morning; he was in hurry to reach college before the inauguration starts. Now when he saw her cute face with fierce expression he could not help but smile again gently in his eyes. But his aura is cold as ever.

When Khushi completed speaking, she was breathing heaving. Then Aarnav called Jai to hand over a glass of water.

Jai was completely stunned when he received just a statement from Aarnav, but he hold the urge not to ask him now.

Jai told to some of the housekeeper where they bought a glass of water immediately to Aarnav, but he said to handover to Khushi by his facial expression. Everyone present there was shivering including Professor, other colleague and other students who know about Aarnav. Because this is the first time they saw Aarnav in this behavior to a student.

Khushi refused to drink water, but she politely thanked housekeeper" Aunt thank you for your work but I no need". Then turned to Aarnav again and said you don't like to help others but why do ask water for me. Now I no need water, but your sorry.

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