
Felix's Magical Odyssey

In a world where magic is a part of everyday life, Felix, Athena, Rowan, Flint, and Flate are students at Shadowcrest Academy, a prestigious school for young wizards and witches. As they navigate their magical education, they face off against formidable monsters and uncover dark secrets within their realm. Unbeknownst to them, a mysterious figure lurks in the shadows, intent on their destruction. Together, they must hone their magical skills, strengthen their friendships, and stay one step ahead of the unseen threat that follows their every move. Felix is a determined and resourceful young wizard who often finds himself embroiled in adventures alongside his best friends, Athena and Rowan. Athena, known for her intelligence and strategic thinking, and Rowan, with his bravery and loyalty, form an unbreakable trio with Felix. Flint and Flate, equally talented and courageous, join their ranks, making their group even stronger. At Shadowcrest Academy, they learn to wield powerful spells, brew intricate potions, and combat dangerous creatures. Despite the rigorous training and perilous missions, their bond grows deeper, and their resolve to protect each other and their school becomes stronger. However, danger is never far away. An enigmatic and malevolent figure shadows their every step, plotting their demise. The identity and motives of this mysterious adversary remain unknown, adding a layer of suspense and urgency to their quest. The group must stay vigilant, using their wits and magical prowess to outmaneuver this unseen foe. As they delve into ancient lore and confront dark forces, the friends discover that their journey is about more than just survival; it's about uncovering the truth and standing up against the darkness that threatens their world. Together, they embark on an epic adventure that tests their limits and shapes their destiny. Will Felix and his friends unravel the mystery in time, or will the shadowy adversary succeed in their sinister plans? Join them in "The Apprentice's Arcane Adventure: A 13-Year-Old Wizard's Journey" to find out.

mcmagical · Kỳ huyễn
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29 Chs


As Felix entered the Hall of Illumination, he saw a group of people gathered inside. Professor Seraphina Nightshade, the esteemed professor of the school, addressed the students, her voice echoing in the grand hall.

"The Crest of Destiny," she announced, gesturing towards the mystical object at the front of the room, "will determine which house you belong to."

After many students, the Sorting Crest announced, "Mr. Ravenwood, come and take your seat." Felix walked over and sat down. The Crest then declared, "Mr. Ravenwood, your house is Emberforge."

"Huh, what is Emberforge?" he muttered to himself.

As if sensing Felix's question, the Sorting Crest shimmered with light, projecting an image of a blazing fire onto the walls of the hall. "Emberforge," it began in a voice that resonated with ancient wisdom, "is a house known for its passion, determination, and unwavering ambition. Its members are driven by a fierce desire to succeed and a burning thirst for knowledge. Within its halls, you will find kindred spirits."

"You may take your leave now, Mr. Ravenwood," Professor Nightshade said, her voice carrying an edge of impatience. But before Felix could respond, she continued, her tone firm, "I have a question."

"Now!" she commanded sharply, cutting off any chance for Felix to reply. The door closed behind him with a resounding thud, leaving him alone in the dimly lit corridor.

Felix headed to Emberforge, his newly assigned house, and plopped down on his bed. He stared out the window, his mind swirling with confusion and questions. "How could this happen? When did I even get here?" he wondered, feeling a mix of frustration and curiosity. The moonlight cast shadows on the walls, making everything feel even more surreal. Felix couldn't shake the feeling that his life had just taken a wild, unexpected turn.

Felix was walking through the halls when someone ran into him. He looked up to see it was Rowan Flameheart.

"I'm so sorry," Rowan said to Felix.

"It's okay," Felix replied. "I'm Felix Ravenwood from Emberforge."

"I'm Rowan Flameheart from Emberforge," Rowan said, extending a hand. "Nice to meet you, Ravenwood."

"Nice to meet you too, Flameheart," Felix said, shaking his hand.

Rowan then grabbed Felix's arm and pulled him towards the cafeteria, named The Enchanted Feast Hall. "Come on, Ravenwood," Rowan urged, "it's time to eat."

"Welcome, everyone," Professor Alaric Thorne announced with a warm smile. "Shall we begin our meal?"

With a wave of his wand and a gentle incantation, "Gustare Venatus," a magnificent feast appeared on the table before them. The aroma of delicious food filled the air, and the sound of laughter and conversation echoed throughout the room as everyone enjoyed their meal together.

Felix and Rowan were chatting away, laughing and making jokes as they enjoyed their meal. But when Felix finished eating and went to put his plate away, something unexpected happened...

As Felix bumped into Lucian Shadowvale, a member of a powerful wizarding family, he thought, "Oh no, what have I done? I need to apologize." But before Felix could say anything, Lucian cast a cleaning spell on himself and left.

Felix called out, "I'm sorry!" but Lucian only nodded and sat at his table.

Felix couldn't help but stare at Lucian until someone approached and said, "Hey, I'm Athena Nightshade from Silverspell House." Then Rowan chimed in, "Hi, I'm Rowan Flameheart from Emberforge," and Felix added, "Hi, I'm Felix Ravenwood, also from Emberforge."

Athena noticed Felix's gaze and remarked, "I saw you staring at Lucian Shadowvale from the house of Aetherium. You're lucky he's in a good mood today; otherwise, he might have cast a spell to make your plate end up on your shirt." Rowan and Felix laughed at the joke.

Professor Seraphina Nightshade then called for silence. "You guys were in the same house, but now you're getting your real houses, with a roommate," she explained.

They all received letters with their last names. "Mr. Flameheart and Mr. Ravenwood are sharing a room," Felix exclaimed excitedly.

"Yes, mate!" Rowan added enthusiastically.

"Ms. Nightshade and Ms. Darkwood are sharing a room," Serena said, flipping through her letter. "Uh, Professor Nightshade, it says your name," she pointed out.

Everyone chuckled, and then Professor Nightshade clarified, "Not me!" She pointed a finger at Athena.

The room erupted into laughter at Darkwood's mistake, and then Professor Nightshade silenced them by saying, "Silence, everybody!"

"Okay, students," Professor Nightshade announced, "to determine your subjects, you'll need a Chromatic Crystal. To obtain one, simply say the spell 'Arcane Resonance.'"

"Arcane Resonance!" Professor Nightshade exclaimed, demonstrating the spell. As she did, Chromatic Crystals appeared in front of each student.

"My first class is Elemental Magic," Felix exclaimed excitedly.

"Mine too!" Rowan added.

Athena hesitated before saying, "Um, guys, mine is Artificing."

"What! You're not joining us?" Felix and Rowan exclaimed in surprise.

"It seems so," Athena replied calmly.

Felix and Rowan exchanged looks. "We'll see you later at the break?" Rowan suggested.

Athena nodded and gathered her things, heading off to her classroom. Felix and Rowan followed suit, heading to their own classes.

Athena approached her classroom and took her seat. Professor Evelina Forgeheart then greeted the class, saying, "Welcome to Artificing. Today, we'll be learning about crafting enchanted objects and artifacts. But first, I have a question."

"What does the Awakening Relic do?" Professor Forgeheart asked, but nobody answered. Both Athena and Lucian spoke up simultaneously, "It wakes up Nyxaroth, the Shadowfiend," Lucian added, "and it can only be used once. It's a forbidden spell."

"Very well, Ms. Nightshade and Mr. Shadowvale, you may spend three hours at the magic mirror," Professor Forgeheart announced.

Meanwhile, Rowan and Felix were running down the hall. "Take the wall!" Rowan screamed.

"Okay!" Felix shouted back. "Uh, which spell should I use? Uh, Aqua Movere!" Felix cast the spell.

"What are you doing? Now there's water everywhere!" Rowan exclaimed.

They continued running, with the water following them. Both were panting heavily as they tried to escape the cascading water.

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