
Ex nihilo nihil fit

There was a young, weak looking man standing in the throne room in the tallest tower of demon castle. This castle was in center of "The Abyss", the city Vellora and the capital of Androa, a small but famous kingdom. Famous for its vicious ruler Siegfried.

One of the strongest people that were alive in this day and age. Were there stronger people? Maybe, but they didn't want to find out trying to fight against the most ruthless of all of mankind. Few were daring… no... crazy enough to test their strength against the mad monster Siegfried. This weak looking man, standing right in front of an enormous throne with armor laying scattered in front of it was in fact the so called mad monster.

Indeed, madness would be the only way to describe the various emotions that were written over Siegfried's face consecutively. An unbelieving face turned to anger, which was followed by a pleading look to the heavens that turned sad after realizing that the heavens would not help. These emotions were rotating on his face until finally tired acceptance was the last emotion, before Siegfried fell limp to the floor again, weak snoring indicating that apparently, he had passed out.

A few hours later Siegfried was still laying on the floor, hugging a gauntlet, with an almost never seen content smile on his face.

"Yeah, baby, that's the right spot, don't stop ", he muttered while drool was starting to form on the corners of his mouth.

A knock suddenly jolted Siegfried awake. In his sleep drunken state, he slowly got up. Drool over one side of his face and the red impression of the gauntlet on the other would make it hard to believe this was the famous Siegfried. A loud rumbling coming from his own belly seemed to finally wake him up for real.

"Oh yeah, today is Sunnun-day, that means I will be able to have a feast today". At his former level of cultivation, his body didn't need any sustenance in the form of normal food, but Siegfried still liked to indulge in the pleasure of feasting once per week.

Rubbing his own belly in anticipation Siegfried started to head in the direction of the door at the end of the throne room, thinking about looking into the kitchen, when he slipped and fell to the floor. First looking at the wet gauntlet that he had tripped over and then staring at the rest of his beloved armor, Siegfried realized that he had a problem at hand.

"Shit, nobody can see me like this!"

Quickly getting to his feet and almost falling back down again, Siegfried ran over to his now oversized armor, only to realize that it was too heavy to for him to lift the main armor piece.

"Do the gods envy me this much, that they turned starmetal heavier overnight? No! I have just turned weak."

Almost slipping back into depression, Siegfried shook his head to get any negative thoughts out of his mind.

"Maybe if I just try to cultivate again like in the beginning, my powers will come back, that has to be it!"

Siegfried was practicing the Demon Fist cultivation technique that allowed people to cultivate in the vigor of battle.

The first step was to get really angry then using this anger to refine one's body.

"Angry thoughts, angry thoughts..." muttered Siegfried. After 5 minutes of fruitless concentrating, Siegfried shouted: "Damn it, why can't I get angry enough!"

After a few moments he realized that now he actually was angry enough to finally start to cultivate. Not realizing the irony of the situation and before getting too happy about it and therefore letting go of his anger, he got into the correct cultivation position. Feet straight and shoulder-wide apart, back slightly bent back and hands crossed in front of his face, he looked a bit like a person that was just getting out of bed, stretching and hiding his yawn behind his hand.

Siegfried could feel the anger forming spicy honey drops that started from his brain and wandered through his veins into his heart, where it would continue through his arteries into his muscles and organs. But his elevation soon turned to horror. As the first drop reached his heart, his whole body started to spasm from pain and a loud high-pitched scream escaped his mouth.

Dropping down to the floor again, he almost looked like he had an epileptic seizure. But after few moments without the aid of controlled cultivation the honey drop of anger in his body evaporated and the pain finely stopped.

Ever so slowly Siegfried crawled into a sitting position. Fresh cold sweat still shining on his brow.

"Shit, this never happened before... And I feel even weaker than before, how can this be possible?"

But before he could think more about it, the door to the throne-room cracked and opened slightly.

Without looking through the door the voice of a young girl was heard saying " We are terribly sorry, my king. The feast will be ready in five minutes, " before she timidly closed the door and hurried away as fast and silent as possible.

Siegfried was stunned. "The kitchen girls must have thought that I screamed because I wanted to eat... Argh... What should I do? They can't see me like this!"

Panicked he looked around in the throne room.

"I need to at least try to get into my armor and sit on my throne, maybe then they won't realize something's off. But how should I do that? I am too weak to lift it."

Wandering around in circles, Siegfried panicked more every passing second.

"What should I do... What should I do...? How can I lift something, if I am as weak as this? Nobody this weak could..." suddenly he stopped in his tracks. An ancient memory of a weak looking man flashed in Siegfried's mind. A man who used ropes and coils to pull objects that were heavier than himself. Back at that time, although this man was weak, he was the strongest man that Siegfried looked up to. A small smile formed on his face that was instantly replaced by a pained scowl.

"I swore myself to never think about that weak old man again. Something must be wrong with my head too."

Shaking his head to forget the painful memory, Siegfried focused again and looked around to see if he could find anything useful.

His gaze stopped at the curtains behind the throne.

Jumping up and trying to run to them he almost tripped down again and decided it wouldn't hurt to take things a little slower.

At the curtains he tried to pull them down but realized that again his strength was lacking, so he pulled them to the side as far as possible and began to shake them down.

He was soon rewarded when the brackets were pulled off the curtains rail.

With new found motivation he continued to shake until the curtains came down almost burying Siegfried beneath them.

Loudly exhaling he started to pull the curtains over to the backside of the throne where he made a knot in the lower side of the curtain and threw that side over the throne.

Rejoicing that he could do it on his first try his mood soon turned worse, when he realized that the knot was too light and wouldn't drag the rest of the curtain over.

So, he pulled it back down, added one of the metal brackets into the knot and threw it back to the other side of the throne. This time the curtain slid over until the brackets on the backside were lifted slightly. Just high enough for Siegfried to reach the end on the front side of the throne.

Loudly exhaling once again, Siegfried walked to the heavy main part of his armor, dragged it nearer to the throne, pulled the curtain knot down, and attached it to the neck-end of the armor. Going back behind the throne he held onto two of the metal brackets that were now dangling in the air slightly above his head and used his whole weight to try to pull them back down and therefor lifting his armor on the other side up.

He was lucky. His weight was enough and the curtain didn't catch on top of the throne. When he felt that the armor was in the right height, he tied the curtain to the back of the throne and loudly exhaled for the third time. He looked at the fruits of his labor and was quite proud of himself. The armor was hanging perfectly on top of the seat of the throne. He should be able to crawl back inside it now.

Noises coming from the entrance to the throne room interrupted his thoughts and he hastily picked up the rest of his armor parts and assembled them on the throne one piece at a time. Right as the first girl entered the throne-room, he slipped headfirst into his armor, almost nimble compared to his previous actions.

Ten young looking beautiful girls entered the throne room carrying plates with delicious looking food on them that were obstructing the small amount of clothes the girls were wearing.

Not really realizing the view in front of him, Siegfried was sweating from the previous effort.

"I can't remember when I did physical labor this strenuous. I hope it was worth it..."

Ex nihilo nihil fit - Out of nothing, nothing is produced/nothing comes from nothing.

It has multiple meanings. In my context I mean that you have to work in order for something to happen.

I hope my writing style is not too bad. English isn't my first language.

Randolphingcreators' thoughts