
Feathers of Love

After Abba's parents died, she alone or sadness and lonely. She meet her new mate named is Mr. Jenkins the chickeraffe was shocked didn't know her last name Jenkins has crush on her.

Jessica_Toney_3048 · Thành thị
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7 Chs

Chapter 6

Previously Mr. Jenkins wants Abba to be his mate. (Abba)"You're mate?" (Mr. Jenkins)"I wish you be my mate. My mate for life." (Abba)"For life?"

(Mr. Jenkins)"Yes, because I like you a lot." Abba is blushing again Mr. Jenkins

ask her to be his loving mate. (Abba)"okay, I will be your mate, and one more thing

will you be my boyfriend?" (Mr. Jenkins) " Yes I will, I will be your boyfriend and you are my mate." (Abba)" Awww you're kinda sweet or handsome and loving male." (Mr. Jenkins)" I do, really?" (Abba)"Yeah you do." (Mr. Jenkins)"You're most beautiful girl I ever seen. (Abba)"Really." (Mr. Jenkins)"Yeah." (Abba)" That

so sweet of you." *both laughing* Mr. Jenkins got crushed on Abba, they're find

a first love.

Then Baxter is stirs at Mr. Jenkins and Abba talking Baxter looks very angry

at Mr. Jenkins got crush on Abba he's very not happy.

(Ella)"How it go?" (Abba)"Doing great." (Ella)"wonderful, you guys having great time." (Mr. Jenkins)"Thank you." (Ella)"don't mention it." (Ella)"Will see ya."

(Baxter)"I can't believe this, that girl got crushed my male!" (Girooster 1)"Yeah mate, why he crushed in her?" (Baxter)"this girl be have to leave, she doesn't

belong here and nobody who care about her." (Girooster 1)"Yeah mate, nobody

who cares about her." (Baxter)"SHUT UP!" (Girooster 1)"Come on mate, I just

trying to help, right brother?" the Girooster 2 shakes his head yes.

(Baxter)"You take care of Mr. Jenkins and I will take care a girl." (Girooster 1)"Sure mate, whatever you say." (Baxter)"We will see..... We will see.

Abba and Mr. Jenkins is having a great time, they most having a first date.

Abba is very happy with Mr. Jenkins but he happy too at the lake at night or looks at fireflies and beautiful Moonlight was raising (Abba)"It's beautiful out there."

(Mr. Jenkins)"Yeah, look it all those fireflies." (Abba)"there beautiful." (Mr. Jenkins)"so a you, soo what doing out there by yourself?" (Abba)"Well hmm,

at the all year ago I'm survived because I'm in danger, after my parents died when was little a about 9 years old at wildfires I can't get though the fire, but the trees

Falling or the branches burning down and there no way out and I'm don't wanna die." (Mr. Jenkins)"so happen to your parents?" (Abba)" Well there both got shot

by these hunters I only one life." (Mr. Jenkins)"I sorry. " (Abba)"what about you?,

do you have any family?" (Mr. Jenkins)"only one is just my mom." (Abba)"Do you

have a father?" (Mr. Jenkins)"No, just my mom and I was little my mom was got freaked out I was kidnapped." (Abba)"what happened?" (Mr. Jenkins)" they took me in a zoo and I escaped but there no way to get way home." (Abba)"So sorry hear that and how long get stuck by The Giroosters?." (Mr. Jenkins)"Well about 3 years." (Abba)"Really." (Mr. Jenkins)"yep, well I am same species and Baxter

trying rape me." (Abba)"It means your gay?" (Mr. Jenkins)"No." (Abba)"why Baxter do that?" (Mr. Jenkins)"He said he loves me because I hated him and I like you,and I like most beautiful girl like you. Well getting late, will you sleep with me?" (Abba)"That be nice." (Mr. Jenkins)"Good, come on let's go."