
Feathers of Love

After Abba's parents died, she alone or sadness and lonely. She meet her new mate named is Mr. Jenkins the chickeraffe was shocked didn't know her last name Jenkins has crush on her.

Jessica_Toney_3048 · Thành thị
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7 Chs

Chapter 4

Abba scared of away from Ella she jumped up a tree Ella is chasing after her and Abba's disappeared Ella tried find her there any sign of her, Abba looked down and Ella looked up and she found her (Ella)"Whoa...how you get up there?" Ella freaked out, but Abba don't want to talk to strangers. (Ella)"Can you come down? I'm won't hurt you, it's okay. She talked to Abba to how the down off this tree. (Ella")"would you please get down off this tree? I promise I won't hurt you. (Abba)"No, I won't talk to strangers I'm talking to. (Ella)"Come on sweetie, I'm not a stranger are we?" Abba came off a tree and she is looked scared of Ella. (Ella)"were you come from?, what you doing out there on by yourself?" (Abba)"I don't know we're I am?" (Ella)"You don't know we're you are? Do you have a family?, your Mom and dad and Brothers and sisters?" (Abba)"No, I don't have no one. " (Ella)"You have nobody?, why?" (Abba)" I don't know why? I am nobody , nobody needs me." Abba looks very sad Ella asked happen to her. (Ella)"Come on let get you on camp site." Ella and Abba walked back to camp site and Abba was very upset instead of her lost memories. (Baxter)"What so taking Ella so long." (Bobby)"I don't know?, man" (Ella)"Hey guys I found someone." (Bobby)"whoa, who is this Chick?" (Girooster 1)"Yeah mate, who is chick? (Ella)"I found her in a bunches, and she was scared. " (Baxter)"Scared of what?" (Ella)"Scared what happened to her, I can't leave that poor that on by herself. She doesn't have any place to live." (Bobby)"Can we keep her? That chick looks sexy looken come on, please?" (Baxter)"No, we're not." (Ella)"Baxter! please, look at her! She been out there alone we can't leave her on by herself she's doesn't have no family. But she has nobody we have to keep her safe!"

(Mr. Jenkins)"Ella right, we're keeping her safe. We have to protect her. "

(Baxter)"fine, you can keep her whatever you want. " (Bobby)"YES!, were keeping her yeah!"