
Feathers of Love

After Abba's parents died, she alone or sadness and lonely. She meet her new mate named is Mr. Jenkins the chickeraffe was shocked didn't know her last name Jenkins has crush on her.

Jessica_Toney_3048 · Thành thị
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Chapter 3

Next morning, Mr. Jenkins and Baxter woke up to have gay sex from last night.

(Mr. Jenkins) "It not fun, I having sex is not fun."

(Baxter)"Oh come on, it is fun let's do it again some time."

(Mr. Jenkins)"No." (Baxter)"Yes we are we're doing it." *kissing his neck*

(Mr. Jenkins) "I said no, I'm mean it." But Mr. Jenkins doesn't have sex with Baxter again he means it he's said no, he doesn't like Baxter so much.

Mr. Jenkins really hated Baxter. (Bobby)"Good morning Mr. Jenkins man."

(Mr. Jenkins)"Good morning." (Bobby)"how you're night?" (Mr. Jenkins)" Embarrassing." (Bobby)" Oh, sorry to hear that." (Baxter)"Good morning Bobby."

(Bobby)"Good morning, how you're night going?"

(Baxter)"good." (Bobby)"Mr. Jenkins tells me it was embarrassing. (Baxter)"Oh

it nothing to worry about. " (Bobby)"What happen man?"

(Mr. Jenkins)"You don't wanna know okay. " (Ella)"Good morning guys, what a nice day." (Baxter)" would you mind go wake up my brothers okay?.

(Ella)"Alright." this afternoon, Abba still a sleep on up a tree she woke up and saw

a smoke in a camp site she came down the tree and she in the bushes she stirs

and stirs. (Ella)"I have to pee." (Baxter)"hurry up then." (Ella)"okay, Mr. Bossy."

But Ella is taking a leak at the bushes *peeing * *crack*she heard the brunch breaking. (Ella)"Guy....is that you... Bobby is that you? Okay very funny I'm laughing my ass off, seriously." *gasp* (Ella)"Hey wait don't go come back wait!"