
Fateful Encounter: I encountered my fate on a starry night

Daniella Slayer is a 16-year-old teenager who attends Princeton Day School. She never got luck on guys, always falling on the bad ones. One day along with her best friend Suzanne, she discovered her boyfriend Jonas at a park embracing another girl right before her eyes. Heartbroken, she decided to end with everything by committing suicide. As she was about to hit the ground, she’s caught by an angel in the nick of time. What will become of those two? Will love blossom? You have to read it to find out. PS: The cover page doesn't belong to me but to its respective artists.

Dominique1412 · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

Chapter 3: Cohabitation and Insecurities!

" I don't want to talk about it! Just leave me alone! My life isn't worth protecting".

The angel, Shin Valentine, glared at me and said frantically: " Don't ever say that! Everyone's life is precious, including yours. I'm happy you were born in this world. I don't know what happened in your life until now to the point of wanting to commit suicide, but I won't leave you alone. I'll always stay by your side no matter what happens. I'll make you believe in life and this world once again.

I stared at him, saying back:" Don't waste your time on me! Go bother someone else! What may happen to me from now on is none of your business?"

" What about your friend?" He inquired inquisitively.

I kept silent for a moment and responded:" My friend might be the only one who cares about me in this world. She's been my best friend since Junior High. For her sake, I won't do anything reckless anymore".

" Slayer San!" He called out my name suddenly, startling me in the process.

" What do you want this time? Go back to the Angel world already?" I said, annoyed.

" I can't! I can't go back! May I stay here?" He asked, mumbling.

" Of course not! How can you stay here? I don't even know a thing about you".

" I understand! Take care, Slayer San!"

As he said those words and turned to leave, I noticed sadness and emptiness in his eyes. For some reason, I didn't like it.

( What was that just now? Why did he look so sad when I refused to let him stay? I'll go prepare dinner now. It's getting late!)

After making dinner, I grabbed my phone to phone my best friend.

" Hello! Daniella! Is that you?"

" Yes! I just called to apologize for the trouble I've caused you. I'm sorry to have worried you".

" It's okay! Don't worry about it! You shouldn't apologize to me! I did nothing! The one you should be thanking is Shin Kun. He stayed by your side at all times. He didn't leave your side even for a second. He was pretty worried about you".

What Suzanne retorted over the phone shocked me. There was no way I could have imagined that scenario. Without knowing anything about the situation, I spilled some harsh words onto someone who prevented me from committing the irreparable.

" He was that worried? What did I do?"

" What's wrong? Don't tell me you threw him out of your house?"

There's nothing I could say to that. There wasn't any clear response to that question. I was heartless all due to the inconvenient and disagreeable situation I've been in not so long ago. No matter how I wanted to put it, there was no excuse for what I've done to that innocent soul. I was the one at fault for reacting so harshly without taking the time to know everything and the circumstances.

" Not really, but I did ask him to leave. You know after what happened, I can't stand to be around guys".

" I know, but you shouldn't blame it on Shin- Kun. He had nothing to do with what happened to you. He's not the same as that idiot. He's very caring".

" I don't know about that! Anyway, I promise you to try and get along with him. I'll try, but I can't guarantee results".

" It's the first step to move on with your life. You should try and leave all the bad memories behind you".

" I'll do that! Thank you!"

I thought the call would end after Suzanne's last phrase, but she had more to add.

" One more thing: Promise me you will never try to commit suicide ever again! Promise me you will never try to end up with your life! Promise me! You can't imagine how worried I was. If Shin- Kun hadn't been there, I don't know what could have happened. I was so worried to lose you. You're my only friend!"

" I'm sorry! Forgive me, Suzanne! I didn't consider your feelings before making such an important decision. I promise you not to do that again. I promise!"

" Promise?"

" Promise!"

" Good! See you in two days!"

" See you Suzanne and thank you for being such a good friend!"

" You're welcome! Take care!"

After the call had ultimately come to a close, I thought of searching for my savior.

( What have I done? I've been so disrespectful to him. I wonder where he is now. I need to find him. Where could he have gone?)

" I'll stay up here for the time being! I can't go back to the Angel world!"

Searching for him outside, I spotted him in the sky. I shouted his name to call him.

" Shin Valentine! Shin Valentine! Come down! What are you doing up there?"

" Leave me alone! I don't want to cause trouble for Slayer- San!"

( He thinks going away will make me feel better? It's no wonder he thinks that way. I'm the one who made him think that way).

" Come! If you don't, then I'll make you come down myself. You wouldn't want that, would you?"

Thinking back about what occurred earlier, he came down without making a fuss.

" I'm here!"

( His wings? I couldn't properly see them last time. Now that I'm glancing at them from up close, they're very pretty).

" I'm sorry! I've been so rude to you. I shouldn't have. After talking with Suzanne, I realized my mistake, so I wanted to apologize to you. I'm sorry! I'm truly very sorry! Also, you may stay here as long as you like".

As I apologized to him, I thought he would forgive me and accept my noble request of staying over at my house, but the opposite happened.

" No! I can't stay here. If I stay here, it'll cause trouble for Slayer- San! I don't want to be a bother for Slayer San!"

( A minute ago, he asked to squat over at my house but I denied his request. Now that I've accepted to let him squat over, he's denying my request. Also, what was that just now? How can he think of himself as a bother?)

" Don't worry! I won't be troubled by you. I'll figure out a story to tell the neighbors. Don't worry about it! You saved my life and I'm very grateful for it. I don't know why you don't want to go back to the Angel world, but you can stay here for as long as you want".

His eyes beamed joyfully as he said:" Thank you! I'll do my best not to cause you any trouble".

After things were finally resolved, he came back inside to the house with me.

" Let's eat! Tell me how you find the food!"

" It's delicious!" He answered with joy.

" I'm happy you like it! Now, I'll go wash the dishes". I stood up all ready to go to the kitchen.

" I'll do it! Let me do it! Let me be of any help to you". He pleaded.

He was so insisting on this that I couldn't say no." If you insist, then I won't stop you. Go ahead!"

" Thank you!"

I waited for him to finish washing the dishes before I could go to bed. I didn't want to go to sleep without wishing him a good night's sleep.

He got back from the kitchen fifteen minutes later and I took him to show him where he'll be residing. After showing him to his room, it was about time to call it a day.

" See you tomorrow, Shin! Do you mind if I call you by your first name?"

Hearing me addressing him by his given name, he got all flustered. His reaction made it look as if he was embarrassed.

" No, I don't mind! I was just surprised".

" Stop with the formalities and call me by my first name as well!"

" See you tomorrow Dani... Slayer San! I'm sorry! I can't do it quite yet". He was all flushed and tried to hide it as he looked away.

" It's okay! Have a good night Shin!"

" You too Slayer San!"

I entered my room and as soon as I did so, I laid flat on my bed thinking back of the tremendous day and eventful day I had.

( I won't be afraid anymore! From now on, I'll try to move on with my life and never look back on the past).