
Fateful Encounter: I encountered my fate on a starry night

Daniella Slayer is a 16-year-old teenager who attends Princeton Day School. She never got luck on guys, always falling on the bad ones. One day along with her best friend Suzanne, she discovered her boyfriend Jonas at a park embracing another girl right before her eyes. Heartbroken, she decided to end with everything by committing suicide. As she was about to hit the ground, she’s caught by an angel in the nick of time. What will become of those two? Will love blossom? You have to read it to find out. PS: The cover page doesn't belong to me but to its respective artists.

Dominique1412 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 2: Angel Shin Valentine!

" She's safe now!"

The angel descended to the ground. Before making his wings volatile, he used a spell on those around them.

( The spell he's using is powerful. What kind of spell is that and what is it for?)

In just a moment, the mist that was covering the angel disappeared, leaving place to a tall handsome man, holding a teenager.

" You've saved this girl's life. You're so brave and handsome". One of the neighboring ladies said amiably.

" Don't embarrass me! Saving and helping those in need is merely part of my obligations and duties".

" If you weren't passing by just now, she would have certainly succeeded in her suicide attempt". Another woman uttered to the angel.

" We'll be going now". The neighboring ladies headed back to their respective residences.

( The spell he used modified their thinking and reasoning. It's a very powerful spell that shouldn't be used lightly. The last time this spell was used—-------------)

" Thank you! Thank you very much for saving my best friend's life". Suzanne uttered gratefully to the angel.

" I did nothing worth thanking for. I simply did my job. Anyway, where does she live?"

" Right behind you!"

With Suzanne having Daniella's bag with her, opening the door wasn't a hassle. As they entered the house, the angel glanced at the door with amazement, and a slight grin formed on his lips before it immediately reverted to his natural expression.

" I'll put her on the sofa!"

" Daniella! Daniella! Why isn't she waking up?" Suzanne asked the angel with a worried expression.

" Don't worry! She's just unconscious. She'll wake up soon". He reassured her with a gentle tone.

" Can I ask you something?"

" Yes!"

" You're an angel, aren't you?" She popped up the question from her mind.

" Your silence implies I'm right. You're an angel, a mystical being that we only heard about in books. To think that one of those mystical beings appeared in our worlds is simply mystifying".

" I'm the angel, Shin Valentine and I came from above your world. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance". He introduced himself gracefully.

" You came from above?" Suzanne asked the angel shockingly and surprisingly.

" I know it's hard to believe but, I came from above. I live right in the sky".

Suzanne stared at him continuously as she couldn't believe what the angel just told her. She didn't spot any doubts and indecisiveness in his eyes and concluded that everything he told her was nothing but the truth.

" If you say you live right in the sky, then, it might be true".

" I don't know what exactly brought you to our world but, thanks for coming. Your coming to this world saved my friend's life and I could never thank you enough for what you've done. Once again, thank you so much. I don't know what I would have done if something had happened to her".

" I accept your thanks but, there's something I want to ask you. May I?" He inquisitively asked Suzanne.

" Sure!"

" A while ago, how were you able to see me?" He asked frantically.

" Not only were you able to see me but the girl I saved was able to see me as well. Are you two perhaps magic users?"

( What? What did he just say? Daniella could see him? Did she also see the wings behind his back? If that's so, what could it mean?)

" Normal humans can't see us unless we make it possible for them to see us. You two being able to see me must mean that you aren't humans. What are you?" He asked frantically.

" We're humans beings and the reason why we both were able to see you is because of our pervasiveness". She answered the question bluntly.


" We can perceive the paranormal. Most humans can perceive those kinds of things. I'm not the only one who can accomplish that exploit. Now, it's my turn to ask you another question if you don't mind".

" I don't mind. You may ask me whatever you want—------". He couldn't continue his phrase as he didn't know her name.

" Oh, sorry! I forgot to introduce myself, didn't I?"

" I'm Suzanne Woe and the girl you just saved is my best friend Daniella Slayer. It's nice meeting you".

" The pleasure's all mine, Miss Woe". He grinned gently.

" You can call me Suzanne. All my friends call me Suzanne".

" As you wish, Suzanne- Chan".

" Referring to my question, being an angel, you must be pretty powerful, right?" She asked him frantically.

" Why do you think so, Suzanne-Chan?" He asked, staring at her.

" You were enveloped with strong magnetical energy all around you. I could perceive it from kilometers away which brings my question. I'm not mistaken to say that you're very strong, Shin-Kun. Am I wrong?" She asked him inquisitively.

" I'm not as strong nor am I as powerful as you may think. It might have been my desire to save your friend that increased my angelic powers". He said modestly.

For some reason, Suzanne couldn't fully believe Shin's explanation. She felt that they were something deeper to the angel that he'd rather keep secret from others.

" It's getting late! I should be leaving. Is it okay if I leave Daniella in your care?"

" It's fine! I wasn't planning to leave until she regained consciousness". He said in response.

Suzanne grinned in reassurance to the angel's response." See you later Shin Kun!"

" Be careful on your way!"

( I'll cook a soup in the meantime. Where's the kitchen?)

" Hum!"

( She's regaining consciousness!)

" Where am I? What happened to me?"

She looked around confused as she opened her eyes.

" You're in hour house. I brought you here after you tried to commit suicide. Your friend was pretty worried about you. She was scared to lose you". He made a quick summary of the situation to her.

" I see! Where's Suzanne?"

" She went home! Here, take this!" He handed her a bowl.

" What is it?"

" A soup I made myself. Drink it! It'll make you feel better". He said with a genuine smile.

" Thank you!"

" You're welcome!"

As she finished the soup handed by the angel, she asked a shocking but rather disturbing question."

" Hey, you! You're an angel, aren't you?"

" What are you saying? I'm a human just like you. Can't you see it?" He answered with a high rate of nervousness.

" Don't fool me! I know you're not a human. Before losing consciousness, I saw an angel carrying me in his arms". I stared at him with a piercing gaze.

" An angel?! I didn't see an angel when I came in with you. I didn't see a thing". He played dumb.

" Is that so? You give me no other choice!"

" Hum?"

" Don't take me for an idiot!"

" What are you doing? Let go! Let go of me!"

She held his wrists and suddenly, he started feeling weird. Something was burning deep inside him.

" Why? Are you scared? You shouldn't be! You're a human, after all, right? I wasn't dreaming! I distinctly saw wings on your back. I'll make them come out for you, but it will hurt a little bit, so bear with it". She murmured through his ears.

The burning intensified getting through his back. To stop it, he gave in and decided to be honest with her.

" Don't do it! Please, stop! I'll tell you everything you want to know".

" Really?"

" Really!"

" Tell me everything I want to know, understand?" I let go of his wrists.

" You're right! I'm an angel! I'm the angel, Shin Valentine! I came from the Angel World right above your planet Earth. I'm the one who catches you when you were about to fall off the ground".

" Where are my manners? Thanks for saving me! Thanks a bunch!" I gratefully thanked him.

" It was nothing! I simply did my job! May I ask you a question?"

" What do you want to know?"

" Why did you want to commit suicide?" He inquisitively asked.

" It's none of your business!" I said with utmost coldness.

" I want to know why you took such a reckless decision". He asked insistently.

" Didn't you hear me? Mind your own business!"

" I won't mind my own business!"

" Why is that?"

" I'm an Angel! It's a sin to put an end to one's life. Ending your life isn't opt for you to decide. What were you thinking when you were about to commit such a sin? Didn't you think about your friends? Your family? Your relatives? Some people care about you. Some people deeply love you".

" Go home!" I said annoyed.

" I won't!"

" Go back to the Angel World?"

" I won't! If I go home, you'll try to put an end to your life again".

" What do you know? Do you know what I went through until this day? Do you? Do you?" I yelled out all the anger I was keeping inside of me.

" No! You're right! I don't know anything. That's why I want to know more about you. Tell me your story, Slayer San!"