
Fate Written

Destiny Alders is a girl who loves expressing herself through writing in her journal. Ever since she was nine years old she loved to write down everything she couldn't say out loud. Her feelings, bad days, everything was written in her journals. It wasn't until the night before her thirteenth birthday when she wrote not because she wanted to, but because she felt a strong will to. Her very first journal entry that was not about herself. Sean Davis is a mysterious guy hoping to outrun a tragic event he blames himself for. Five years later, he finally decides that he can't heal in the same place things happened. Taking his father, and his two siblings with him, they move into Luna City where his grandmother lives, hoping for a fresh start. Things take a turn when Sean finds what caused his tragic event. • • • • ‼️TEASER‼️ He leaned on his car, relying on it for support. Whatever it was forcing its way back through his mind, he stopped fighting it. He allowed the tsunami of thoughts to flood throughout his mind as if it were punishment. Like he thought he deserved to be drowned in an endless loop of... regret? And then something out of this world happened. He met my gaze and in an instant, he was calm again. I could hear his heart rate slow down. There was no longer fear in his eyes, no inner battle in his head. He won the war, and he had used me as his lever. He took this second of peace and allowed his waves to steady. • • • • TWO PERSPECTIVES Much credit to "Descriptionair" Join Destiny and Sean on an emotional roller coaster of love, uncovered secrets, heartbreak and intensity. WATTPAD rankings: || Highest Rank - #1 in Heartfelt || Strong Language. All Rights Reserved.

angel_batinga · Huyền huyễn
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36 Chs

Your Definition of Team





The rush of the touchdown, the competition, and going for the win. Now that's heaven right there. It's just me and the ball. You either bring honour, or you bring disgrace. That's what I was taught back in Moonsdale. It's all that flows through the depths of my mind while I'm on the field.

Go for the win.

So I continue to run. I push against the wind and set my focus on one thing and one thing only. The end zone.

The adrenaline courses through my veins as I pivot, dodge and tackle everyone that gets in my way.

"Sean, what the hell are you doing?!"

I hear someone yell but I pay no attention to it. I'm so close. I'm halfway there but the timer is creeping up on me.

"Pass the god damn ball!" Someone screams again but I ignore it.

For a moment, I stop just to throw the ball passed the goal line and into the endzone. I keep my eyes glued onto the ball and watch as it arches perfectly over the field, heading straight for its desired target. Using all my speed, I force myself to go faster, making sure the ball is just over my head the entire time. I cross the line and catch the ball right before it touches the ground.

And the crowd goes wild.

I instinctively throw the football hard onto the ground for a dramatic winning effect, then I take my helmet off and toss it to the side.

"Hell yeah," I scream.

"Hell no."

I look up, finally acknowledging the voice.


I look around to see everyone laying flat on the ground, groaning in pain.

Well, fuck.

I put my hands on my stomach and I can't help but laugh at the sight before me.

"I got everyone, Coach," I point out, still laughing.

He crosses his arms and furrows his eyebrows. "Yeah. Including everyone on your own team," he mentions, emphasizing the word team.

What's the big deal?

I pat him on the back and run over to the guys, helping them up one by one.

"Everyone, take five," I hear coach say, once I'm done helping every single one of the guys up.

If it were up to me, I would've just helped Kordell and them, but I didn't want to show any favouritism.

"Sean, get your ass over here," Coach summons, just as I was about to get water with the guys.

I should probably follow his demands this time.

I jog my way over. "Let's take a walk," he advises, to which I nod.

I look back to see if the guys were still there, and they were. Sitting on the bleachers, stretching out their muscles in hopes to relieve the pain. I smile, shaking my head, my eyes downcast. Royal nods at me for reassurance once we catch eye to eye, and I nod in return.

I face front and walk with Coach until we reach the centre of the field.

"Sean, you've got the speed," he begins. "You know what you're doing when you're on the field, no doubt. When you're out there, it's you and the ball, I get it," Coach shrugs. "But look around, kid. Take in your surroundings. You've got the wind and the ground. Do not fight against it. Be one with it. Work with it."

He looks at me then back to the guys. "And most importantly, you've got a team."

He steps back and tosses me the football he was holding. I catch the ball and look down at it, trying to understand what he was saying.

"At the end of the day, it's not about what you've got. It's about what you do with what you've got."

Well, shit. Way to put things in perspective for me, Coach. But I think I'm fine.

"Look at the cheer team, Sean."

I glance over to where Saffron and Destiny seemed to be stacking girls on top of girls. It looked kinda sick. Julianna and Kiara stood at the tip of both pyramids and Saffron seemed to be inspecting everyone, making sure each of them were comfortable in their positions.

"What do you think would happen if their base just— moved? Without any warning," he points. "What would happen if that one girl, their base, just drops her arms and moves."

"They'd fall. They all would," I answer honestly. I wouldn't want Julianna falling from that height.

"You see, everyone has a duty to their team. The girls, they need each other for support. They rely on each other for strength and stability. They work as a team. They are a team. It's what makes them better."

With that, he pats my back and starts to head towards his office in the athletic building. "Practice is over. You're dismissed," he yells before disappearing.

What the hell am I supposed to say to that? Everything coach said goes against everything I know about football. You either go for the win or you don't, whether it's as a team, or not.

But why does his way sound so... nice and... motivating? Man, I'm a loss for words.

"Your definition of a team, is a lot different from ours," groans Seth, rubbing his side.

He tries to tackle me but I hold my ground. "Get off me," I laugh, pushing him away.

"I agree. I don't consider laying on the floor, coughing out my guts as fun," River adds, as the rest of the guys make their way over to the centre of the field. "Alright, who's gonna tell him?"

I rub the back of my neck and give them an apologetic smile, catching the water bottle Jason throws my way.

"Is the team okay?"

"Yeah, they're fine."

"I think I'm starting to understand their concept of football, Sean," Kordell explains, with a big smile. "One thing's for sure. I am never joining Moonsdale's so-called football team, again."

"We won't let you," Carter adds.

"You coming to the diner today after school, Sean?" Jason asks.

Shit, totally forgot about that.

"I can't. English Project," I tell them, unscrewing the lid of the water bottle and taking a sip.

The guys laugh.

"What?" I say, all annoyed. How is it that they can alter my mood so fast?

"You? A project? I don't think so, man. We'll see you at the diner," Seth laughs, hitting me on the shoulder.

I press my tongue to the roof of my mouth, holding back from my comment. Silence.

"Oh, you're serious," he observes.

"Des is your partner, isn't she? I'm starting to think you might have a crush on her," Royal suggests. "Careful with that one. She's fragile."

Des. I clench my jaw to the sound of the nickname. The nickname he gave her. I'm not sure why, but the thought of Royal telling me to "be careful with her," makes my blood boil. I would never hurt her. She's fragile. Fuck, the fact that he knows anything about her just—

"Sean? Are you good?" Kordell asks, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I release my fist not even realizing I had it balled up in the first place. Luckily, my hand was tucked away, hidden in the comforts of my pocket, where no one could see my emotions.

"Look man, I'm just looking out for her. She's my best friend. You both are. I wouldn't want anyone getting hurt," Royal explains.

Breathe. He said it himself. They're best friends. That's it. And even if they weren't, why the fuck would that matter to you? I took my first steps with Royal by my side. I would never let anything or anyone get in between this family bond.

"That's it? You're not even going to deny what he just threw at you?" Kordell asks.

"I don't like her, Kordell. It's not like that."

"Are you going to finish that?" Seth interrupts, pointing to the water bottle in my hand.

I roll my eyes and hand it over to him. It's the least I can do after— after getting a little bit carried away.

• • • • • •

After practice, I took a quick shower in the guys changing room. I parted ways with the guys then hopped into my car, following the address Destiny sent to my phone. We could've driven over to her house together but I didn't want the guys to continue pushing that I had a "crush" on her.

Fucking lame, I know. I mean, she had to leave anyway, and there was no way I was leaving the school without taking a damn shower.

I still like being clean.


Fuck. Kinda wish, I grabbed something from the diner. I'm really hoping Destiny has food.

I'm not exactly sure what month we were assigned to present, but Destiny wanted to get shit done so we'd have no worries.

1835, 1837, 1839, 1841–

This must be it.

I drive through the automatic iron gates and pull into their decent-sized driveway. The cement floors prevailed a nice pattern, sprouting from the gates and to the main entrance.

Their house was nothing too special but it seemed cozy and inviting. I wasted no more time before knocking on the door.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

I step back, for a sign of respect and hide my hands in my pockets. "I'll get it!" I hear, from the other side of the door, before it swings wide open.

"Alders," I nod.

Destiny appears right in front of me, tightly squeezing the doorknob. As soon as her eyes meet mine, her jaw immediately falls to the floor and I let out a small chuckle in response.

A pair of Ray-ban eyeglasses were displayed on her face. She was wearing a black oversized t-shirt that read "Welcome to my galaxy." Planets were smeared around the text along with bright white stars. To top it all off, her hair was scrunched up into a... messy bun is what I believe Julianna calls it.

"Cute pyjamas. So, can I come in?"

"Wha— what— I—You—Uhh," she stutters. Do I make her nervous?

I step closer, testing her further and she takes a quick step back.

"Cat got your tongue?" I tease, smirking at her.

She shakes her head, trying to pull herself back to reality, but before she could say one word, she's interrupted.

"Who's at the door, honey?" The voice asks, opening the door even wider.

I find myself looking into another pair of beautiful golden brown eyes, belonging to a delightful looking lady, who I'm assuming is Mrs. Alders. She stood a few inches taller than Destiny and wore a black midi skirt, paired with a white blazer.

The sparkle in her eyes was so raw. So real. Her presence reminded me of my mom and I had to fight the urge to hug her.

I'd do anything to give my mom one last hug. I'd do anything to tell her I love her.

Electric sparks flow through my veins as I feel a hand caress my arm. I look up, not realizing my eyes had met the floor, only to meet Destiny's one more time.

This time, I'm the one to step back.

She holds my gaze a few seconds more, reading me before she turns to face her mom. "This is Sean. He's a friend from school, and here to work on a project."

"Well I'll be, Sean Davis look how big you've gotten! What a pleasant surprise, how's your mother? How's the business?"

"What? Business? I'm sorry Mrs. Alders, I think you have the wrong person, my mom—"

Ring. Ring. Ring.

Fuck. I wasn't really going to say what I think I was going to. Was I?


Why is that every time I find myself so vulnerable around her? That night in the kitchen, I would've told her everything if she hadn't stopped me.

"Destiny, it's your father. I'm late for our date night," she plants a kiss on her forehead. "We'll be back before midnight. Feed your guest."



• • • • • •

Thanks for reading!