

During the final battle between the Quincy and the Soul Society, Friedrich Braun, a simple soldat of the Wandenreich, is teleported into the void before succumbing to Yhwach's Auswählen and ends up by chance in the first singularity of Fate/Grand Order. What will result from this encounter between two different universes?

QuincyEcht · Tranh châm biếm
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29 Chs

Encounter and Alliance

Under the cover of the night, Siegfried and Friedrich finally arrived at La Charite; they could see a group of 4 individuals standing  in front of the gate of the village.

The group was composed of a girl with lilac hair at the front, holding a massive cross-shaped shield, behind her was a blond haired woman with a flag , a young man with short unkempt dark brown hair and blue eyes and finally at the back of the group was a tall and muscular man that had a cannon for weapon.

Finally, the duo arrived in front of the group, it was obvious that they were preparing for a fight due to the way they were positioned, protecting the man in the middle at all cost.

"You talk" said Friedrich to his companion before backing away, observing the group, ignoring the bewildered stare that was giving the dragon slayer

"I'm not much of a talker but it this seems that  you are even worse, friend " joked Siegfried before advancing toward the group

'I'm not your friend' thought the quincy before following suit, letting a little distance between him and Siegfried.

The group relaxed a bit, seeing that the duo didn't attack them the moment they appeared.

"Siegfried, the man with the sword is named Siegfried" revealed Jeanne in low voice, using her skill to see the true name of a Heroic Spirit

"That's an extremely famous hero, if a fight break out, it will be hard to defeat him and as he bathed in dragon blood he must have a good stamina " added Mash

"Don't worry, mon Maître," said the French emperor reassuringly, "as long as I am here, and in my country, nothing will happen to you. You have my word!".

The duo finally stopped in front of the group.

"Hello to you, my name's Siegfried, me and my companion were fleeing the armies of the Witch after the fight that we had with them" Siegfried introduced the duo

"Hello to you too," greeted the young man at the center of the group. "It's an honor to meet the famous dragon slayer. My name is Fujimaru Ritsuka from Chaldea, and this is Mash, Napoleon, and Jeanne d'Arc," he said, presenting his whole group.

"So there are two Jeanne d'Arc, but what is this? The armor of this girl named Mash is so ineffective. Why is there no protection for the legs? What a waste, did the armor get created by a dumbass ?" mumbled Frederich.

"So who's your companion, sir Siegfried ? " asked the young man while looking at the white clad man

"You don't have to call me sir, "remarked Siegfried while scratching his head  "But I don't think I can speak about my travel companion, he can introduce himself " added the dragon slayer while turning to look toward the quincy.

The quincy looked at Siegfried then at the group under his helmet then decided to speak

"My name's Friedrich Braun, I'm a Stern Ritter, my knight order decided to send me here to kill the beasts that are plaguing the land" said the quincy in a monotonous tone.

"A much appreciated help," commented Siegfried. "He saved me back at Lyon; without him, I would surely be dead by now. The Witch has the evil dragon Fafnir as an ally, and we detected around five Heroic Spirits with her. Even if we allied, we couldn't even face her head-on." added the dragon slayer with a grim tone . 

"You did tell us who you are but you didn't tell us why you are here" commented Friedrich

At this moment a screen appeared, on it Romani Archaman appeared

"Hello to you two, my name is Romani Archaman, acting director of Chaldea, I will explain why Ritsuka, Mash and Napoleon are here, Chaldea is an organization tasked with the Preservation of Human Order, basically we're stopping all temporal anomalies that threaten the safety of humanity as a whole" explained the director

"You are all actually in an Singularity, a threat to human order, I'm actually speaking to you from the year 2016 and Humanity was incinerated due to seven Singularities that disrupted the timeline, so we dispatched our three agents here to assist the forces summoned by the CounterForce to deal with the anomaly" Romani added

"You heard the Director," Jeanne D'arc began, her eyes filled with determination. "I think that we should make an alliance to destroy the Witch and save France! So that Humanity can be restored" she said passionately.

'Extermination of Humanity ? How can this be happening ? Did His Majesty not foresee this ?' Friedrich questioned with a frown on his face ' And it's humans that are saving humanity ? With this much death the number of Hollow must be enormous, that can't be  good news, I must recontact the Silbern to have an audience with His Majesty or the GrandMaster 

'I will assist these Chaldeans," he thought, "to see if I can go back with them to 2016 to recontact the Silbern in secret. I just have to go to the shadow of their souls before they teleport or use any other method of transportation they have at their disposition.'

"I will assist you," said the Quincy before "This carnage must stop, the Witch and her servants must be stopped" he lied 

"I will assist too" added the dragon slayer "I can't let Fafnir live after all, and the evils that I've seen in Lyon are unbearable, I will punish them with you Chaldeans."

At these declaration, the Chaldeans let out a collective sigh, Jeanne D'arc smiled 

"Haha, you see Master ! " Napoleon laughed "I knew they will join us, after all I am here" he boasted 

At this declaration Mash let out a sigh of exhaustion

"Senpai, we should enter the city for the night" Mash proposed 

Ritsuka nodded at Mash and looked at Napoleon

"Open the gate !" roared Napoleon

The gates metal fences that composed the gate opened and the group entered the city, the dragon slayer looked at his companion

"Well, we'll not be alone in this fight anymore my friend" Siegfried smiled with apparent joy

The Stern Ritter looked at him before nodding

"Indeed" he said before advancing into the city

The dragon slayer looked at him, shaking his head with a wry smile, before following him in the city. 


I hope that you liked the chapter :)

Be well and see you soon