

Gilgamesh stood on the mountain watching his people as he slowly faded away knowing that the singularity would soon reset. He had fulfilled his role. Yet this was not the end of him.

LazzyD · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs

Chapter 8

A/N: I'm finally free from exams! YOROKOBE! I went into physics today thinking it was going to be super hard. Left feeling like a boss except for the two confusing ass questions.

Gilgamesh sighed as he observed his gate. His treasures were ever expanding but they held one weakness. "Things that contain the concept of rejecting humanity." Ereshkigal grabber her head in fury as Gilgamesh had beaten her at her own game while thinking about something else.

Gilgamesh had made up his mind. "I will obtain the 6th magic!" Ereshkigal looked at him as if he grew a bigger head. Ereshkigal tried to pry open the reason "Why on earth would you need the 6th magic and that doesn't even exist?" Gilgamesh looked at her "I have a need to collect everything, why not obtain a magic that allows me to alter and attach concepts?"

Ereshkigal stared at him "Wait... You used your eyes didn't you?" Gilgamesh snorted, I'm not the person that you used to know." Gilgamesh grabbed the grail as he started channeling immense amounts of prana into the cup as it shone with a golden light. Gilgamesh grinned as he continued to stand sweat started dripping down his face.

The light shone a bit as Gilgamesh soon returned the grail as he plopped onto his materialised throne before laughing. He soon checked his treasury before breaking into a full out laughter fest.

A gate opened as soon many divine constructs came out that bore power. One of which was quite familiar to the king, Excalibur. Gilgamesh held his composure but he was currently giddy as back when he was a child. He had altered the concept of his Gates to contain and expand on everything that was a treasure instead of all the treasure on earth. His collector's urges were satisfied for now but sleep was taking a hold of him. He would get a last laugh first.


Gilgamesh immediately slept soon after as his body refused to keep himself awake. A certain wizard marshall was looking through his binoculars as the king soon fell asleep and a swirling vortex of colours resembling a kaleidoscope enveloped the sleeping king. Ereshkigal simply stared as she had felt a energy fluctuation as she turned around from her game to see an empty room with the throne slowly dissipating into gold particles.


Gilgamesh soon woke up in the middle of a street park as he looked around with a bored expression. He sighed for a bit before he unbuttoned the top of his shirt as the heat was getting to him.

"Another world for me to expand my range of influence I see. So Golden Gil will also devour all the fast food chains. Never mind OFC or RcDonalds. I'll beat even the Michelin star restaurants."

"Fuhahah! Yorokobe! For this world will come to know the Golden Gil!"


Kotori woke up her brother before her mouth gaped open at the sight. Her brother just woke up and was now also staring wide mouthed at the sight. Over night the house opposite had been destroyed and had been replaced with an extravagant medium sized house.

"What in the world?"

Shido looked before asking Kotori "Was that here before?" Kotori shook her head in disbelief. "Why don't we got visit our neighbours or neighbour?" Shido asked. Kotori thought for a bit before seeing that nothing would go wrong from visiting a neighbour. Oh boy where they wrong.

Gilgamesh was sleeping peacefully as this was one of the rare moments where he worked himself to near death and got a long peaceful sleep. Yet one of these rare moments when he wasn't waking up in Kur was being ruined by possibly girl scout cookies or maybe annoying neighbours.

Kotori kept pressing the door bell before resorting to loud knocks. The door soon started clicking from the locks as they heard grumbling as Kotori listened.

"The one time I don't die from overwork and end up in Kur, the one time I have a nice long sleep without ending up in Kur and this happens."

The door opened as a blonde man with ethereal beauty appeared in white sleeping robes with a red cloth draped and attached to the robes. His red eyes were almost slit like as he soon stared down at them.

"Can I do anything for you mongrels?"

Gilgamesh stared at them with tired eyes before grabbing his Xpad and tapping it a few times before placing it back on the table near the door.

Shido scratched the back of his head shyly as Gilgamesh sighed "No matter what he could not get mad at them. It was simply the innocence of children, yet that girl was hiding something, something he couldn't be bothered to uncover as he grabbed a lollipop from his pocket which hid a small gate as he stuffed it in the girl's hands. For the boy he simply gave him a 10,000 Yen bill before turning them around. "I'm tired and need sleep mongrels now go bother someone else or come back later when I have the energy to deal with your childish antics."

Shido immediately tried returning the bill but was stopped with a glare from the man who radiated charisma and the aura of a ruler. "Did I stutter mongrel? I do not need such trivial things now take it and go do something else or come back later. Disturbing the king's rest is worthy of a crime."

Shido gulped while Kotori was in bliss with the lollipop. The door slammed shut before Kotori woke up from her blissful daydream and Shido came out of his shock. "Wait... We still don't know his name."