
It's Time To Gacha

I spend the rest of my first week teaching the students of Hogwarts, and I also get myself a fangirl in the form of Lily Evans. I don't know how it happens, but Evans began to approach me and ask many questions. I, as her professor, don't need to answer her question, but seeing that I don't have anything to do, I began to answer. I was also able to give James Potter and his gang a few detentions because of bullying. I provide them with detention because they started their campaign to bully Severus Snape. They keep telling me that that was a prank, but I don't believe it. The reason is that the Marauder had some semi-lethal spell toward Snape. The first thing they try is to 'practice' their Flipendo on Snape when he was in the STAIRS. I don't know what their definition of pranks is, but that is a planning murder in my book.

I then take them to the Headmaster Office, where I show Dumbledore their so-called prank, which results in their first detention with me. When the time for their detention, I give them a task to run around the Quidditch Field while I cast a low-powered Anzus on them if they are slowing down. Ahhh, what a good time.

While teaching, I also got intel from my servant saying that Japan is not in Voldemort's pocket, and that also includes the majority of Asian countries. Voldemort even gets a Kill on Sight order in China after he tries to steal some spellbooks in the Chinese Emperor's library, which ends up in failure. I don't know why Voldemort is known as the most powerful Dark Lord in the original book. From my Intel that gathered by my servant, Voldemort is not in the top 20 most powerful magic users in the world. I don't know if that will change in the future, but at this time of years, he is not known as the most powerful Wizard around. He was only feared in Great Britain, France, and Germany because of his fanatic pure blood follower, but when he goes to another country? Well, his force will be defeated. Maybe in the future, he will get many more followers after hearing his success in Britain, but right now, he is not getting any more success because his army is slowly decreasing.

The reason the Voldemort force is decreasing is that I order my servant to hunt them down. The Duo Cu Chulainn is dealing with a dozen Werewolf packs. The duo Cu Chulainn is dealing with them because Hassan gives me information that they are the 'Cleaning' crew that Voldemort created. Their goal is to hunt as many 'Muggle-Loving' wizards and witches, the Werewolf can kill them or convert them to become a werewolf without giving the victim a chance. By killing the Werewolf pack in Ireland, Voldemort began losing his connection to the other Werewolf pack because they didn't want to be hunted like the animal they are. Of course, I order the Duo Cu Chulainn to spare the one that one to live peacefully and abandon their cannibalistic ways and kill the one that is still hunting the non-magic user people.

Lily and Artoria also began hunting many Dark Creatures around Great Britain. They say something about it is their duty as the Former King of this country to hunt the Beast before it can cause a problem. I then remember that both Lily and Artoria have a passive skill that gives them bonus damage toward 'Giant' that they got from their legend of hunting a Giant.

Now into Emiya and Asia, they are busy helping many people in Asia. They somehow get fame being an undefeated warrior and the Holy Maiden that can heal any kind of injuries. I don't know how they get it, but Asia says to me that it began when Emiya helped the Kitsune Matriarch dealing with their local Dark Creature. That is also the reason why Artoria is mad at him, and by the look Artoria gives him, I know that he will never go near anything related to Fox anytime soon.

Emiya and Asia also get me a bunch of Potion ingredients and Spellbooks from the local country. Not only Potion Ingredient and Spellbooks, but I also get much Quartz because of my servant hunting season, making my Quartz up to 300 Quartz that I plan to spend when I get home this weekend. Fufufu

Not only that but the Assassin also successfully steals all the riches my victim has. The Pure Blood, in their infinite wisdom, decided that they can't trust their wealth to the Goblin Race and decided to hide it inside their home. Because of it, Hassan was able to steal all of their Gold, making me the wealthiest woman in Britain (I think). In my Vault, I have at least 3 million Galleons, and In my hand (or in this case, Emiya hand), I have 3000 Galleons left for an emergency. It should be 5000 Galleons, but I use 2000 Galleons to buy some Quartz. Now I have 10416 Quartz ready to use, Fufufufu.

Anyway, something strange happened last week. The Death Eater that I beat is losing their magic little by little, and every time their magic replenishes, it will go once more as someone is absorbing their magic without their consent. At first, I suspect both Voldemort and Dumbledore, but after investigating it via Jacky and Hassan, Dumbledore is clean. So the only suspect I have is Voldemort, but Hassan always follows him all day, so I don't think it was Voldemort either. So my last guess was that it is a third party that I don't know their Identity.

Knowing there is another party, I began to order my servant to search all around Britain about the location of The Grail because I know the reason why the Death Eater lost their magic. There must be someone that is using other people's magic to fuel the Grail so he/she can summon the Beast.

I snap from my thoughts as I arrive in the Leaky Cauldron. The reason I go to the Leaky Cauldron is to see if there is any rumor flying around Diagon Alley or in Britain in general. However, As I walk from the Gringotts Banks to the Leaky Cauldron, I don't hear any rumor or something suspicious. With a sigh, I teleported myself to my base.



I look at Jacky, and Ophis runs toward me, so I crouch and catch them and hug both of them tightly.

"Welcome back, Mommy."


"I'm home, Jacky Ophis."

For the rest of the day, I spend my time with both Ophis and Jacky playing in the Garden, where they invite me to their game of 'tag.'

When night comes, we have dinner, and after I finish eating my food, I go to the courtyard where I am preparing to do some Gacha. I look behind me and see my servant watching me and prepare to stop me if I look at the Abyss for too long.


The advance chapter can be found here:


Or if you want to give me some coffee


LuxVonDeuxcreators' thoughts