
Interlude (Lily Evans)

Ohhh, this is so exciting I was finally able to learn from the Prodigy of Chaldea Academy, Professor Ritsuka. When I first met her, I thought she was an apprentice to one of the professors, but I was wrong as Headmaster Dumbledore announced her as a full pledge professor. When we have a lunch break, I hear from one of the Third Year students that Professor Ritsuka is a great teacher and a powerful witch. I hear about her non-verbal casting and her unknown spell that make an Illusion solid and have the property of that said Illusion. Like one of the Sixth Year says that they are learning about Dementor, and she summons an Illusion of Dementor. They can feel the cold of Dementor, but the Illusion cannot hurt them if Professor Ritsuka didn't order the Illusion.

During lunch, I hear the senior student talking about the professor using a conjuration, but no conjuration creates a Dementor, Werewolf, and Vampire, which make the student even more confused.

I walked along the corridor with my friend Severus Snape while also ignoring this annoying boy that followed me the entire day. After walking around, we arrive at the classroom, where I see Professor Ritsuka already inside the classroom.

I then proceed to take the front seat and sit on the chair, waiting for Professor Ritsuka's lecture.

"Welcome to DADA class. My name is Ritsuka Fujimaru. You can call me Professor Ritsuka or call me with just a professor is also fine. Now, The first year is the time you guys learn about the danger of the magical world."

Suddenly a staff appears in front of Professor Ritsuka, and as she takes it, Professor Ritsuka taps her staff to the ground. I then look at the Magic Circle that appears on our floor and from the Magic Circle appear many creatures. I look at the beast from the small to a huge one with awe.

"There are a few creatures that you will be learning this year, but this time you will learn about curing a werewolf bite for theory and casting a knockback jinx for practicality."

Professor Ritsuka taps her staff on the floor once more, and suddenly in front of me appears a human body with a silver light on its hand with a shape of bite. I then look around the room, seeing that everyone also gets their fake body. Professor Ritsuka not only gave us a fake body but also made the room bigger for the artificial body to be placed in front of me.

"In front of you is a Fake Human that was bitten by a werewolf, and if you can see in its hand is a bite mark of the Werewolf. Now, does anyone know the mixture to prevent the victim from bleeding to death?"

I immediately raise my hand. TheProfessorr looked at me and smiled.

"Your name, please."

"My name is Lily Evans."

"And the answer?"

"Powdered Silver and Dittany"

"Very Good, 10 points to Gryffindor. What miss Evans says is correct. With the combination of powdered Silver and Dittany, you could prevent yourself from bleeding to death."

TheProfessorr looked at me and smiled before nodding, which made me raise my nose a little. Professor Ritsuka then taps her staff again, and suddenly a magic circle appears on my table that shows a bottle of powdered silver and a few dittanies.

"Now, take a handful of Silver and rub it against the wound."

I follow the professor's instructions.

"Good, now take the Dittany and press it against the wound after cleaning the Silver."

As I follow Professor Ritsuka's instruction, I see the Fake Body wound begin to close slowly.

"As you can see, the two-item is effective in stopping the bite wound that the Werewolf causes. While it did not cure the Lycanthropy, It will ensure you stay alive."

Professor Ritsuka then summons another Creature from the magic circle. This time it was a little creature that looked like a human.

"The next creature is Imp, and Please open your book on page 69."


"... And that is all for today's Theory. Now into the practical study."

After lecturing us about the Dark Creature, Professor Ritsuka pointed her staff in our direction, and suddenly the Student and I began to float toward the professor. I looked at the classroom that suddenly became bigger than before, and the table started to change into a man with a Blue tight costume while holding a red spear.

"Today, we will be learning how to cast a Knockback Jinx."

After changing the room, I began to float toward the statue of the spearman and stop in front of the statue.

"Now, the spell name is Flipendo, and the wand movement is like this"

TheProfessorr showed me the movement by drawing on the air as if it was a solid surface. After knowing the movement, I then began to try to cast the spell.


The statue moved a little, and that's it.

"I see, four people are successful at casting the spell at the first try. Five points to each of you."

I continue to cast the spell at the statue, but I can't knock the statue or even move it for a few centimeters.

"Why are you looking so sad?"

I look at the professor that appears near me with a kind smile.

"I cannot move the statue, professor."

"Hmmm, I see. Well then. Attention student!"

Suddenly the entire room looked in her direction, which made her embarrassed a little.

"Spell is about three things. The fuel, Imagination, and Will. Now miss Evans, point your wand at the statue and let your mind imagine the effect of Knock Back…"

I close my eyes and see the statue get thrown off.

"Now, imagine this man in front of you is a pervert, a bully, or even a thief. You want to get away from him, but he gets more violent and begins to raise his hand at you. You want to get away from him fast, so you cast your spell. NOW"


I open my eyes as I see the statue get thrown toward the other student, but before it can hit them, the statue begins to change to bubble.

"This is what I mean. Good Job, Miss Evans. Five points to Gryffindor."



~If Mama Raikou hear about the pandemic~

Currently, inside the base is Berserker sitting inside her room with Ritsuka. Ritsuka coming to her room is because Raikou worried about Ritsuka's condition.

"Master, are you alright? No sign of sickness? here let me give you something."

Raikou then goes to her wardrobe and pick a purple mask from the wardrobe.

"It appears the new virus has been around recently, so much so as to be called a pandemic and out in the world there is a shortage of masks. Fortunately, your mother has got you a pair of masks, all ready to go!"

Ritsuka takes the mask and see the size of it and realize that the mask is too large for her.

"Where are you got this? This is too large for me."

"Ohh, I don't buy that. It was crafted using the chest area of your mother swimsuit."


The advance chapter can be found here:


Or if you want to give me some coffee


LuxVonDeuxcreators' thoughts