
First Day Teaching

This is it. This is my first day as a professor in the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I walked toward the dining room, where I began to eat my food that Mama Emiya cooked. I still have time to enjoy my morning because Hogwarts' new students will arrive at night, so I don't need to arrive at Hogwarts in the morning.

After eating my food, Ophis, Valerie, Jack and I go to Diagon Alley to have some Ice Cream. I, of course, use my magic to hide Valerie's red eyes, so the people in the Alley do not panic because of Valerie's race.

When we arrived at Diagon Alley, many people looked at us, and suddenly I was surrounded by many people thanking me and praising me. Seeing the situation, I speak with a stern voice.

"People, I know you want to say your thanks to me, but please don't be like this! I have children with me."

After saying that, the people look at shame to themselves, so I continue to walk toward the Ice Cream parlor. After eating our Ice Cream, we go back to our base, and we arrive Jack and Ophis invite me to their 'Tag' game which I agree because their tag game is a training for me.

We play the game until 6 P.M where Emiya and Asia come back from Japan, but this time they are not alone as Emiya needs the Duo Cu Chulainn knowledge on the rune to break some Bounded Field without the owner knowing. When I come inside the Dining room, I hear Lancer grumble about Emiya getting another MILF Kitsune. I don't know what is happening, but somehow Emiya EX-rank Harem Protagonist skill is activated once more, so he gets another Kitsune MILF from his trip. I then look at Artoria that just comes inside the Dining room and hear Cu Chulainn grumble. By the look of Artoria, I know that Emiya is in trouble. Damn you and your MILF hunter skill.

Anyway, after eating and leaving Emiya to his doom, I leave my base and go to Hogwarts. I teleported myself to the empty classroom that I found when I was touring the Hogwarts.

I then walked toward the Great Hall, where the Professor was already sitting in the High Table, where the other Professor was seated. I then sit on the chair near Professor McGonagall and Professor Slughorn.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Ritsuka Fujimaru."

"Hahaha, Everyone knows about you, my dear. Greeting, My name is Horace Slughorn, and please call me Horace."

"Nice to meet you."

When I was waiting for the first year to come, Minerva suddenly got up from her chair and walked outside the Great Hall. I look at Minerva, confused, but Horace suddenly says.

"Ahhh, Minerva is leaving to receive the First Year. I guess this is already the time for them to come."

After a few minutes, I see many people walk inside the Great Hall. The one that leads the group is Minerva, and behind her is a group of First Year students, and I must say that the number of New Students is not as many as I imagine it would be. The New Student that arrives is around 50 to 70 students.

I then wait for the Sorting to end, and as the Student sits down, Dumbledore gets up from his chair and says.

"Welcome to Hogwarts for the First Year student and Welcome back for the Older Student. Now enjoy the Feast."

Dumbledore then waves his wand, and suddenly many foods appear on the table. I can see many students that have a shocked face at that little trick. I must say, The Rune that Dumbledore uses is impressive. The food appears from the kitchen and gets teleported to the Great Hall as Dumbledore waves his wand, sending a little bit of magic to the invisible rune on the table. I don't know if that was Dumbledore rune work or not, I will study the rune on the table. I guess I slowly embrace my need for knowledge after becoming a Magus.

When the Feast ends, Dumbledore waves his wand once more, and the food disappears from the table.

"Now, all of you are full and refreshed. I want to introduce you to our new DADA professor, Ritsuka Fujimaru. Don't let her age fool you. She is a prodigy that comes from the Chaldea Academy."

As I get up from my chair, the Student claps wildly at me. I blush a little at the attention. After a few seconds, I immediately sit back on my chair.

"Thank you, Professor Fujimaru. Prefect, please guide the first year to the common room. First-year, please follow your Prefect. Off you trot."

I stay at Hogwarts for at least an hour before I go back to the base where my lovers and daughters are waiting for me.


The next day after having some breakfast and taking a bento Mama Emiya made for me, I then go to Hogwarts for my day teaching. When I arrive at the Great Hall and sit down on the chair, I hear the Assassin voice in my head.

'Lord Mage'

'Hmmm? Assassin? What is it?'

'Voldemort has gained another follower.'

'Who is it?'

'A wraith that feeds upon happiness.'

'A Dementor, how did he get their alliance?'

'Voldemort promises them a feast.'

'I see, I will handle this. Assassin, I need you to go to St. Mungo's Hospital and look after the Death Eater inside the hospital. I need you to go to their house and steal every riches their family has. I know you are an assassin, but I don't want Voldemort to get the money for his campaign.'

'Lord Mage, We are the creature of the Dark where you are the being of the Light. Leave the dirty work to me as you lead the other in the light.'

'... Thank you, Assassin.'

'With pleasure, Lord Mage'

After talking to Hassan, I looked at the people inside the Great Hall, eating their breakfast. Some of them are ready for a newspaper, and I can see some of them look at me with awe. After having breakfast, I walk toward my classroom and prepare myself. I look at my schedule that shows that the first Student I have is the Sixth Year, which makes this a little bit easier.

A few minutes later, the Student arrived at my class. I look at all of them and see that they are from Slytherin and Gryffindor.

"Welcome to DADA class. My name is Ritsuka Fujimaru. You can call me Professor Fujimaru, or just Professor will do just fine. Now this year, you guys will learn more practical side, but of course, there will be a theory as well. Sixth Year has two hours every morning to learn DADA, so we divide it by making one-hour theory and one hour Practical."

After saying that, I summon my staff, which makes the Student look at me in awe before I tap the floor in front of them as a magic circle appears on the floor.

"Now, we will study Dementor…"

Suddenly Dementor appears from the magic circle.

"Don't worry. This is just an illusion. A solid Illusion. You can touch it if you want to go ahead."

I then make the Dementor move toward the Student that touches it one by one.

"Now, Dementor is a Non-Being the same with Boggart and Poltergeists, however... "


"... That is the way to repel Dementor."

I teach my Student about the Dementor and the way to repel them, and when I finish my lecture, my phone rings as I set a timer for an hour.

"And just in time for our practical side. Alright, Student, please come forward."

I see the Student stand up and come near me. Seeing all the students come near me, I tap my staff to the floor, and suddenly the chair and table disappear, and the room becomes ten times bigger than before.

"Alright, people, please go back to your original position."

The Student then goes back to their supposed table, looking confused for the reason I do this.

"For practical study is to cast a Shield Charm so that I will attack you guys, and you must cast a shield charm. You guys can attack back as well. I want you guys to fight me seriously, as your life depends on it."

"Are you serious, Professor? Because there are 30 of us here."

"It's okay."

I then tap my staff on the floor, and suddenly a ball of Light appears around me.

"The lesson is BLOCKING."

The advance chapter can be found here:


Or if you want to give me some coffee


LuxVonDeuxcreators' thoughts