

Something has Invaded the Nasu Multiverse

anoanowilkum · Tranh châm biếm
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18 Chs

Short Entry#1

Radix Foundation

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Type Entity Class #1

Threat level:Safe

TEC#1 is a group of 10 females ranging on the age of 15-40. They are discovered on January 10' 1976 in an unknown Church of Decadism Base and was retrieved by the foundation

After the ritual that was made by the Decadism members the females was immediately impregnated.

The ritual circle was discovered to be a time acceleration and a portal creation circle

The Members of the Church was to be tortured and be force to tell the reason for this ritual

An interview by one of the Members of the Radix foundation named Dr. Mary Light to one of the Members of Decadism

Rain Fall


Dr.Light: Nice to meet you Mr. Rain Fall

Rain Fall: A Foundation Researcher?

Dr.Light: Easily known huh

Rain Fall: How could I not know

You Radix Foundation has been a thorn to our cause

Dr.Light: Lets not focus on history now. I believe that we have to discuss about the **** of these women.

Rain Laugh.

Rain Fall: You and your mole was late

He mustved enjoyed us tasting those women

He laugh again but now he was electrocuted by Dr.Light

Dr.Light: Why did you do this?

Rain Fall: You wanna know why? Hahahahaha. We only wish for our god to Descend why not accelerate the process.

Dr.Light: By doing that to Innocent women

Rain Fall:Yes. Why do you care for those female, they should be grateful that they are used for our caused. Now i wait for our Gods descend hahahahahahaha.

Dr.Light: Im afraid you will not. For your end is just an hour from now.

Rain Fall: No matter. At the very least my brothers and sisters will finally see what they worship walking in this world

Dr.Light: are you certain that what you did will bring your god to this world.

Rain grins

Rain Fall: Even if it is not my allies will always find a way.

Dr.Light: and we will intercept that

Rain Fall: you are in a losing game foundation, for It is inevitable.

The interview was then cut off

All the pregnant females then started giving birth the next day after the ritual.

And was given Memory neutralization pills to go back to the normal life they used to have.

The designations was then given to the children that are kept by the foundation for research.

Each of the children has been observed to contain anomalies and supernatural abilities which have been uncontrolled after an hour of their birth leading to breaches in the Radix Base

These Children have been dubbed with

TEC#1-1 to 10.

The first child to be born.

Code #1-1

Has the ability to spontanously generate or create energy that is emitted to its surrounding via light and Heat

It then started melting its sleeping chambers and was contained again in a reinforced high grade metallic room.

Second, Code#1-2

Has the ability to disintegrate any materials via Electromagnetic Disruptions.

It was contained in the Imaginary space.


Has the ability of teleportation and spatial displacements

It was contained in a stabilized spatial bounded field.


Has the ability of making any biological life near(approximately 10 meters in radius) it mutate uncontrollably and making it highly aggressive to any forms of life

It was kept contained and given nutrition by Automatons


Has the ability to Create Time Dilations

Making the surrounding area near it have a time ratio of 10:1

It was used by the Foundation as time dilation field to hasten research


Has the ability to shift temperatures

From 10000000000 °C to absolute zero

It was contained in a neutronium room


Has the ability similar to Code#1-2 but on a higher scale but it can only affect living beings

It slowly erases the concept of a living being and eventually erasing the being itself

Was contain through automatons


Has the ability to Summon Materials fron other Universes

These are discovered due to T.K.L or Trimart Kaleidoscopic Lens

These materials have the chance to be normal or anomalous

Was contained in a giant storage chamber


Abilities Are not fully discovered. But has been seeing manifesting creatures surrounding it and then disappearing immediately.



Did not manifest yet.

Contained easily.


"It is said that these children can all be possibly the reborn god

But all i see are innocent babies with powers that they cannot control yet

Possible termination can be made

But are we monster that will kill something that is innocent and still new to this world

I pray that this will not happen."

Dr.Mary Light

Radix Foundation


The babies was then taken care of by the Foundation and will be trained to control their abilities before sending them to the normal world after their anomalous abilities have been controlled and dormant.

The Children can also be trained to be great soldiers for the Foundation.

Reality Shifting Scenario


It was a normal day at the foundation.

Until sirens was heard

All personnel started moving to respective safe zones during the couple of minutes.

Addendum II

"What is going on? I started asking other researchers in which they shrugged

we started running into the safe zone

I see the walls of the build starting to bend unnaturally like i drunk some kind of drug

Its not just the buildings but our surrounding as well

Objects randomly Floats and Disappear

Everything is in chaos

After a while of locating the Safe zone did we finally take a breather.

"What was that" one of the personnel ask

"I dunno" all the others were confused as to what is going on until they see a monitor screen and was given an explanation that sends a chill down on everyones spine.

Reality was getting shifted by something unknown

I then remembered the babies

"Wait i need to save those children" i told the other personnel

They thought i was out of my damn mind but i dont care.

I took spatiotemporal stabilizing suit and carried a hammerspace box to store the children.

I then walk outside the safe zone again and felt the gravity shifting to zero or even the 10x of the earth

I gritted my teeth and kept on moving to the containment chambers

But i was too late

Code 1-1

Was smothered by his own containment chamber which is filled with lava

Code 1-2

Created a hole in the earth so deep that he was burned from the crust

Code 1-3 to 7

Was not in their containment chambers

Code 1-8

Suffocation under random materials

Code 1-9

Disappeared carried by unknown flying creatures

And lastly

I prayed to whatever god out there.

My prayers are answered as i see a baby in a pristine condition silently sleeping in its chamber.

Code 1-10


It was crying.

"Thank God" at least one is alive and well

I took it within my arms and it cried harder

The gravity then becomes even heavier like carrying a mountain in your back

The suit then adapt to survive in its max output

I then slowly sung a lullaby and the gravity slowly lessens as i run back to the safe zone.

I was tired. But its worth it

I look into the child and saw it slowly going back to sleep.

The siren then stops blaring as reality becomes normal again.

Atleast we survived.

Dr. Mary Light

Radix Foundation


Addendum End.


Code 1-10 was then put for cryogenic sleep until the Foundation can find its use and its abilities are Known.