

Something has Invaded the Nasu Multiverse

anoanowilkum · Anime & Comics
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Entry #10

Radix Foundation.

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Entry Accepted

Type Belief Class #10

Threat Level: Country possibly World, Currently Safe

TBC #10 Is a group Religious Cult that believes in Decacism.

Starting in popularity during 1692 Just before the Salem Witch Trials and has been growing ever since.

Their members are full of witches and fanatics that worship the God of ■■■■■■■■■■

And have been seen partaking in ritual rites such as,

•Blood sacrifices

•Drinking of a black substance


• Hexing

•Unified Reality bending

These are one of the most well known that the foundation has observed thus far.

One of our deployed spies which risen up the ranks in the cult told that the reason for this ritual is to Progress the opening of the Gate?

Whatever it was. To let their God enter the World.

They described their god as a dark humanoid being with 10 arms, 10 heads each with ten eyes.

10 arms which will bring the end of the world,

10 heads which will recreate the world with its mind,

And 10 eyes that will Observe the world so it can function.

Their god was then explained more in detail

During the interview of one of the decacism High priest that are caught and detained by the foundation.

The multiple interviews was recorded by Dr. William Fortez.

Interview I

Date: 1975, 1 of November

Dr.Fortez: Good morning. High Priest?

High Priest Kren: Kren Whateley

Dr.Fortez: Well how are we today

High Priest Kren: Everything is fine, i prayed to my God that this meeting of ours will be in favor of us both

Dr.Fortez: i see that its a good thing coming from you

High Priest Kren: trust me our Religion simply wish for humanity to know the truth

Dr.Fortez: and what is that?

High Priest Kren: Existence


High Priest Kren: They tarnish its truth

Dr.Fortez: what truth?

High Priest Kren then whispers something that cannot be heard by the recording

Dr.Fortez: I-i see, i guess this sums up the interview thank you for your time High Priest Kren.

The interview was then cut off.

Dr. Fortez was seen scribbling many things in his laboratory.

Writings related about mythological figures and its unknown background entity was studied thoroughly. And possible connections with the symbol X

An interview was made again in accordance to Dr. Fortez.

Interview II

Dr.Fortez: Good morning Again. High Priest Kren

High Priest Kren: Nice to see you too Dr.Fortez

Dr.Fortez: Lets get straight to the point.

What you said before i studied many of the myths, i understand that gods once roam the planet with humanity, what makes the god in the Background greater than all of them?

The priest eerily laughs and answered

High Priest Kren: when you think of gods what do you infer

Dr.Fortez: Forces or Things that have been given form by the world or human belief?

High Priest Kren: human belief is just the same as the world's,

thats where the counterforces like Alaya and Gaia stems from.

Belief is quite malleable Dr.

It birth these unique entities that we think are fantasies.

Dr.Fortez: that doesn't answer my question

The High priest then spreads both of his hands infront of Dr.Fortez

High Priest Kren: This is our God

Dr.Fortez:What do you mean?

High Priest Kren: What do you see

Dr.Fortez: Umm, your hands trying to block my vision?

High Priest Kren: More than that

Dr.Fortez: Ten Fingers?

High Priest Kren: Much like my hands and fingers our god encompasses us all.

Do you see anything?

Dr.Fortez: Nothing

High Priest Kren: thats right.

The interview continued but the High priest spoke cryptically and did not gave direct answers to Dr.Fortez

The interview ended shortly after.

Latest observation of the religous cult has been the abduction of 10 Female varying with age ranging from 15-40.

The Members of Decacism then started making a ritual circle which the Female was place and tied

After a while all the Decacism Members entered the ritual Circle and **** the Females continously for 10 minutes

only after discovering this

One of the foundation spies called backups which leads to the Saving of the 10 Females which have been impregnated and aptly coded by the foundation as TEC#1-1 to 10

They were regarded as safe class and was given Memory neutralizing pills after giving birth.

And all the members being detained by the foundation.

This event lead to small scale war between the Radix Foundation and The Decacism church.

Another interview was then proposed by Dr.Fortez

The Doctor now seems to be haggard and black bags can be seen under his eyes

But his will is unwavering

Trying to know the truth.

Interview III

Dr.Fortez: Answer me High Priest.

I have been studying your Religion for Weeks yet i cant understand, What is your god?

High Priest Kren: I though you already know.

Did you think?

Dr.Fortez: I have no time for this Games priest just tell me.

High Priest Kren: Ohh sweet innocent child, you are blinded by Ideas.

Ideas that have sowed chaos within yiur mind


Dr.Fortez was very Furious digging his eyes into the Priest

High Priest Kren: But you are Determined that i can respect

Very well

When you think your mind are filled with concepts

But our god does not need those

The more you try to find him. The farther you are to his glory.

Do not think for he is with you,

Do not mind for he is in you.

Just look into your self.

What is 'you[I Am]'?


High Priest Kren: Its better to not think for he is nothing.

Dr.Fortez: That is your god?

High Priest Kren: its even better to say that it is not a god

For a god is a concept given by man

The church simply uses it to attract everyone. And so that worship has meaning.

Dr.Fortez: More..

High Priest Kren: Hm?

Dr.Fortez: Tell-me-more.

The Priest grins

High Priest Kren: Lets talk about setting.

Dr.Fortez: is it connected?

High Priest Kren: Yes,verily so

Dr.Fortez: Setting is 'something' dont you think?

High Priest Kren: Call it a way to describe

High Priest Kren: Have you read the lovecraft

Dr.Fortez: Yes

High Priest Kren: then you must know about the ultimate gate no?

Dr.Fortez: yes, the all-in-one, ********

High Priest Kren: Funny thing is that the author that made that is a believer of Decacism.

He is close to describing our god, omniscient,omnipresent and omnipotent, sees the past and future and is lock outside the universe

Though me made at mistake at the last sentence


High Priest Kren: Its is the background in which our feet steps on, where events happen, the circle of causality moves,it is the unknown and the unknown is nonexistence waiting to be unveiled.

Dr.Fortez: A Y******* void diety then.

High Priest Kren: Though it is not lock outside of the universe. But rather it is outside itself

And us inside is simply a part of the outside

Which is a par-

Dr.Fortez: A part of itself

The priest smiled

High Priest Kren: Yes

The interview was cut thereafter

Dr.Fortez was seen in a good shape since then

And propose his own theory in relation to the God that Decacism worships.

Addendum I

"Gods. Beings that existed before humanity was even intelligent enough to make sticks into fire. Is that even true? Those divine entities could have help us before.

I speak with these subject for the reason of knowing the truth of Decacism

Sometimes i stopped thinking and felt my instinct being close to something

It is there although i cannot say it. Because from what the priest said. Our minds make concepts and such blocks us from knowing it is there.

God is a concept so i need to stop thinking about it. But alas a mans mind is chaos.

I tried what the priest said

Even advice to control my mind

To turn and stop its generation of information

And i must say that its quite lethal

You will forget how to breathe

To combat these i opted to use astral projection

I leave my body and let my mind think of nothing."

Dr. William Fortez

Radix Foundation


Dr. William Fortez was given instruction and a green light by both the Priest and the Foundation to use

the null mediation and astral projection.

the operation started on June 8, 1976

Videos was recorded during the process..


Dr.William Fortez sat on an advance chair with a futuristic helmet aptly named mobius that will help in the astral separation.

Other foundation researchers then started stabilizing the the array surrounding the chair. Until Dr.Fortez gave a thumbs up to everyone and don the helmet.

The operation started.

It was normal at the first 9 minutes

But then Spatiotemporal anomalies was detected surrounding Dr.Fortez and the chair

It happens for the next 10 minutes until the A.I system started malfunctioning almost leading to Dr.Fortez death.

After the Event Dr.Fortez seemed to be more calm and enlightened.

He then tells his story in during the process

Addendum II

"I Gave a thumbs up to my fellow researchers, I thank the God of ■■■■■■■■■■ they are with me in this endeavor. I might have become a bit of a believer but still live up to the foundation. Also a bit insane" Sigh.

"The process was silent. I stopped thinking once my mind is out of my body.

I then see myself travelling lightyears and seeing motes of light get past me until I stopped into what seemed to be the void

Im still thinking.


This is my mind we are talking about.

Is what the priest said about meditation a lie?

I need to stop thinking.




I see myself[I am]


I finally understand

Both I the the Church was wrong

You can think, yes

But the ideas in your mind carpets upon the truth...

What i found is

A [Dot]

A single point in my mind

It is hollow

I got close to it

I cannot get close to it

Wait what is[not] this?

It sees me.

The Dot then move towards me

It gets closer and closer

My mindbody then started to create ideas

I see the ideas themselves trying to carpet the supposed dot that is getting bigger

But its useless

The ideas are falling

The Once Black point is now A Giant Hole in my mind

I see it

I see the Truth[X]

I felt despair

Yet it didnt stopped me from going into it

after going into it did I know

I felt nothing

I felt everything

I am scared of it

I am unknown

I am not me

I am not Fortez


During this point Fortez is not the one speaking.

Fortez Mind was then taken out of the Hole and was retrieved safely.

"I knew

The A.I system saved me

And whatever that is in the hole let me escape

I discovered that its not just Nothingness but is Something more

Its both the absence and the presence.

X= Unknown/Nothing=Something

It also horrified me as it is present in all life

A hole in the back of the concioussness of existence that we are ignorant of.

Our mind driven us to write the myths about the gods and entities that once roam with us but there is something that we also focused, the setting where the events happened.

I studied how humanity wrote its setting in myths and found it similar to the ideas inside the Mindhole

The priest said that ideas aren't supposed to be thought of to find it but the HOLE is embedded within the mind

Therefore it is an IDEA but an idea that somehow knows how to hide itself and somehow feels like it doesnt come from the human mind.

Like an invader.

A parasite that hides in the back of our heads.

We cannot actualize it for it doesnt want to be known even now as i explain it to you my mind cannot give a true details of IT because i can't my mind forcibly erases IT from my cognition and if i really force to say whats in my mind i feel like i will become"

Dr. Fortez Voice then change to that of multitude of voices


Dr. Fortez then collapse after said his experience in his mindspace and was treated in the medical bay.

These findings though gave many researchers theories and proposals leading to more discoveries in relation to the subject of Decacism.

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