
Farming As An OP Immortal In DxD With Zenith Greyrat As My Lovely Wife

Immortality at times can cause immortals to become bored of life. This particular overpowered immoral who is known as Lux chose to go a different route in his next life. A route that ended up with him taking Zenith Greyrat as his wife. Partially inspired by Akros_Zero’s story: Reborn in Mushoku Tensei with Unique Skill Great Sage

SkyXanxus112 · Tranh châm biếm
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17 Chs


Today is another hot day working on the farm for Lux, currently he is plowing through a new field. His goal is to grow crops of lettuce that promote vitality and cell activity within the body in this field.

Everybody else was doing their own thing, when suddenly all of them sensed 3 powerful signatures heading toward the farm. Not even 20 seconds later they heard 3 loud roars. 3 huge wyverns made their appearance high in the sky above the farm. These 3 were clearly non/near-sapient beasts. One wyvern is the color red, the other is yellow while the last one is gray.

Zenith, Rias, Venelana, Akeno, Shirone, Shuri, Kuroka, Shizaku, Ranga, Kuro and Yuki all made their way towards Lux.

"So anybody has got a guess as to why these wyverns suddenly appeared?" Rias asked.

"These weaklings dare to disrespect my master by thinking they can burn the farm?!" Ranga roared in anger, black sparks of lightning appearing around his body.

"It is a bit odd, because of how potent the magic is around here most magical and demonic beasts tend to stay away from approaching the farm." Shuri noted.

Suzaku nodded in agreement with her aunt.

"Ara, so who is the one that gets to kill them?" Akeno asked the real question.

All of them have the power to easily destroy these suicidal wyverns. Granted these 3 are surprisingly stronger than normal wyverns, they are as strong as mid-tier Ultimate Class Dragons. A mid-tier Ultimate Class Devil will struggle heavily against either of these wyverns.

"Isn't it obvious? It's a farmer's duty to protect his farm from wild animals after all. Right dear?" Zenith smiled at her husband.

While they are all technically farmers outside of Ranga, Yuki and Kuro, Lux is obviously the main owner of the farm. He built it up from scratch while still putting in the most work into it every single day that he can.

"Of course, their disrespect cannot go unpunished." Lux replied.

Since he already had his All-Purpose Farming Tool in his hand, he decided to use it to handle this situation.

Willing it to change from a hoe into a spear, he swiftly spun the spear in his hand.

All the Wyverns gathered their magic to unleash 3 powerful fire balls from their mouths. When they unleashed their attack all together, the protection wards activated a purple barrier over the farm to block the 3 giant fireballs. The barrier was more than strong enough to effortlessly handle the combined strength of the Wyverns.

Once the barrier deactivated, Lux tossed the spear directly at the red Wyvern who tried to cast a magic barrier to protect itself. Sadly the triple barriers it put up were easily shattered through, allowing the spear to pierce directly through the scales of the red Wyvern causing a huge hole in its chest.

His spear immediately returned to him after killing the red wyvern. The immortal farmer did not hesitate tossing his spear again this time in the direction of the yellow Wyvern. He had thrown it so fast that the poor yellow beast couldn't track it with its eyes. Leading it to be killed similarly to the red Wyvern.

The gray wyvern sensed the danger it was in and tried to escape. Unfortunately Lux wasn't feeling merciful today, with a final toss of his spear the last wyvern out of the three also met its end with a huge hole in its stomach area.

All 3 Wyverns had crashed into the ground dead.

Lux's tool returned to his grasp.

"Well that's taken care of." He said.

Suzaku could only shake her head. "Lux-san, your farming tool is way too overpowered. It's still a bit unbelievable that you can just create something like that with a simple snap of your fingers."

"RIP bozos you won't be missed. All you did is commit suicide and provide dinner for us." Shirone bluntly said while eating out of a bag of sweets.

Rias couldn't help but laugh at Shirone's comment.

"I agree with Shirone-chan, they did provide themselves to us as dinner for tonight." Kuroka spoke up.

"Wyvern meat is pretty delicious, especially Wyverns from this forest in particular." Venelana agreed.

"That is true, Lux you should send some dryads to go recover the corpses." Zenith suggested.

"I will." Lux sent a mental command to some dryads.

"Also do you think it's a coincidence that 3 wyverns attacked the farm at the same time?" Zenith asked her husband.

Lux shook his head. "Nope, maybe if it was just one but three? Yeah, someone definitely sent them over here with bad intentions."

"The most obvious 2 choices are either the Devils or the Fallen Angels. Heaven would use the church first if they wanted to cause problems for us." Venelana said.

"But why would either faction suddenly do such a thing?" Shuri wondered.

"More than likely information gathering, by now I'm sure many factions have noticed the vast increase of not only the magical and demonic beasts. But also the overall increase in magic emanating from the Forest of Death itself. Honestly it's not surprising at all, I was expecting something like this to happen much sooner than it did. If anything I'm glad that someone is finally making a move." Lux shrugged.

"Why?" Suzaku asked curiously.

"Simple, I'm ready for the farm to start causing chaos." Lux grinned.

Rias snorted. "As if it already hasn't done so."

"Ara~ I feel the same as Lux-kun. I do wish to have enemies experience my Holy Lightning. Hearing the sounds of their screams will certainly get me in the mood." Akeno smiled, imagining the terrified screams as she unleashed her power upon their enemies.

"Akeno dear, control yourself." Shuri told her daughter, knowing how she is.

"Yes mother." Akeno replied.

"You guys can go back doing whatever you were doing, I'm gonna go skin and prepare the wyvern meat for later tonight." Lux informed them.

"Did you say wyvern meat?" Tiamat's voice was suddenly heard as she literally appeared next to the group.

She officially moved into the farm months ago.

Some of the others laughed, of course Tiamat would appear after everything happened.

"You're late to the party Tia-chan and yes we are having wyvern meat tonight." Zenith informed her while chuckling a bit.

"Oi I was busy with the hatchlings, those runts needed a good kick in the ass before I could make my way here." The Chaos Karma Dragon grumbled.

"Nya~ aren't the hatchlings usually well behaved though?" Shirone questioned.

Tiamat crossed her arms. "Doesn't matter, they still needed it."

The white Nekoshou just shrugged and continued to snack on her bag of sweets.


In the underworld, Serafall Leviathan is sitting in her office annoyed and a bit stressed.

"These damn Fallen Angels are getting out of control, then there's the Old Satan Faction who are making things even more difficult. Seriously it's either they are said to be working with the Fallen or fighting against them. Now there's some rumors that Hades and his Grim Reapers are plotting to stir up the already burning pot." Serafall complained to herself, feeling very frustrated.

Usually her personality is cheerful and childlike, but there are times where she's serious. This is one of those times.

"At this rate, another Great War will start within a damn year! Satans, why can't Azazel keep a tighter lease on his own people? He says he wants peace but he's certainly not doing much to prevent another war from breaking out!" She groaned.

Honestly she can't fully blame Azazel when she and the other Satans can't even fully control their own faction. As much as she wants to, they cannot just kill off the entire Old Satan Faction without making sure the backlash won't be too severe.

Serafall sighed. "At least So-tan is handling the responsibilities of the Head of the clan well, honestly I'm so over being a Satan I'm this close to saying screw it and leave the Underworld for a long vacation. For now let's just get this meeting with the others over with, hopefully Ajuka-chan has some good news this time."

The female Satan got up from her seat, left her office and made her way to the designated meeting room.

It took her a few minutes before she reached the room, walking inside she saw that Sirzechs, Ajuka and Falbium were already here.

"Sorry I didn't mean to be late." Serafall said as she took her seat.

Sirzechs waved her off. "Don't worry about it, we've only been here ourselves for less than 5 minutes."

Falbium yawned, feeling tired. "Yeah what he said, can't we start this meeting now. I want to go take a nap after this."

"Fabi-chan….you literally look like you just woke up not even 10 minutes ago." Serafall noted with a smile.

"Hmm more like 15 but the point still stands." He lazily replied.

Sirzechs sighed. "You should try to sleep a little less and do more work, Falbium."

Falbium retorted while rolling his eyes. "I don't wanna hear that from the guy who constantly passes off half of his paperwork to Sera."

"Oi! It's not half!" Sirzechs complained.

"Oh yeah, right not half, it's 60% of it." Falbium said.

Serafall giggled as Sirzechs could only look away in a bit of embarrassment.

"You do slack off a lot Sirzechs-chan." Serafall added in.

"To be fair, we all kind of do. It's just that Serafall slacks off the least amount out of all of us." Ajuka said.

After some more small talk between the group of friends, eventually it was time to start the meeting.

"So why did you call us for a meeting so suddenly Ajuka?" Sirzechs asked.

"I'll get straight to the point, remember the suspicious activity that's been going on in the Forest of Death in the human world for the last couple years? I believe I finally discovered some concrete information that can lead us to the root of the suspicious activities." Ajuka explained.

The female Satan internally groaned, the Forest of Death is another headache she and the others have been dealing with for awhile now. For some reason for quite some time it seems none of the factions within the supernatural were able to gain the slightest clue as to what was going on for at least a year. It wasn't until a little over a year ago when the factions suddenly noticed a massive increase in powerful magical and demonic signatures residing in the forest. If that wasn't bad enough, the sheer amount of magic now radiating from said forest is literally insane. How in the world did the density, purity and the amount of the magic of the Forest of Death change to such a degree without any type of signs of warning?

It just doesn't make any sense to any of the factions, especially considering that particular forest is one of the top two dangerous forests in the entire world, human or supernatural.

Still hearing Ajuka's words surprised Serfall, Sirzechs and Falbium. They could finally get a hint to this weird situation.

"What exactly do you discover?" Falbium asked.

"It's best if you see it for yourselves." Ajuka replied.

He used his magic to project the video one of his spy bugs captured. These bugs were created decades ago by Ajuka to gather information.

All four Satans closely watch the video of Lux destroying the 3 Wyverns who tried to attack his farm. They saw only a very small portion of the farm along with everyone else who was standing by Lux at that time.

It's safe to say that for Sirzechs, it was shocking to him to discover his mother and sister were not only thankfully still alive. But also somewhere within that dreaded forest.

Once the corpses of the wyverns fell to the ground, the magic projection ended.

"Unfortunately that's all I was allowed to record." Ajuka said.

"Allowed?" Serafall questioned.

Ajuka nodded. "Yes, you see that the barrier that appeared to block the combined attacks of the wyverns is actually produced by extremely powerful protection wards. From what I was able to gather, that barrier can easily tank a full powered blast of Sirzechs' Power of Destruction in his true form."

The words of Ajuka made the other Satans incredibly shocked. It's very understandable since both Sirzechs and Ajuka are two of the top 10 strongest beings in the world. It's extremely rare for there to be any protection wards strong enough to tank any attack from beings of that realm of strength.

It also hit home on just how serious the situation is.

"The reason I said allowed is because prior to this, I haven't been able to get close to discovering a clue to what is going on in that forest. Meaning someone was preventing not only me but the other factions from finding out anything until that person allowed us to see whatever they wanted us to see. It seems that this person actually wanted us to discover them. If I had to take an educated guess, that person I'm referring to is the man who took out those wyverns. Those wyverns were more powerful than normal wyverns, they were at the level of mid tier Ultimate-Class Dragons." Ajuka finished his explanation.

"Are you serious?! Since when can wyverns get that powerful?" Serafall's tone is filled with shock.

"Normally they can't, but remember we can't judge the beasts of that forest the same as the others outside of it. Beasts of the same race who are born and live in the Forest of Death are usually stronger compared to the others who aren't born there." Ajuka stated.

Sirzechs still couldn't get over the shock of seeing his mother and sister alive within that place.

"I…of all places my mother and sister had to end up." He sighed.

Truthfully, Sirzechs wished he could've done so much more to help them that he regretted it everyday that allowed their situation to get to the point it reached. How could he allow both the Fallen Angels and Old Satan Faction to hunt them down for a year? He felt so pathetic and disgusted with himself.

But at the same time his hands are tied, he doesn't want to completely go against his father even if he is cooperating with the Old Satan Faction now. Sirzechs truly had a hard time accepting his father as his enemy in his mind. Not to mention he's also being pressured by his wife's clan, the Phenex Clan. This is a problem because Sirzechs has some suspicions that Lord Phenex is secretly working with the Old Satan Faction alongside his father Zeoticus.

His relationship with Lord Phenex already wasn't the best, but once Rias defeated Riser in a one on one match to end their engagement. The relationship between the two in-laws got much worse. His wife and her mother Lady Phenex tried to convince Lord Phenex to let go of the issue since it was stated in the contract that Rias was allowed to break the engagement if she desired.

Unfortunately the man ignored them, from what Sirzechs knows Lord Phenex only treats Lady Phenex as his wife in public. Other than that, he leaves her be or insults her for the most part.

Everything got even more troublesome when both Zeoticus and Lord Phenex still tried to force Rias to marry Riser regardless of her winning the right not to.

Ajuka, Serafall and Falbium all felt for Sirzechs, they knew he had been constantly blaming himself for his mother and sister potentially being dead and also declared traitors to the Devil faction.

"At least it seems like they are both alive and safe, Sirzechs-chan." Serafall comforted her friend.

"I agree, regardless of the dangers of their current location. It seems they are actually the safest there because the Old Satan Faction or Fallen won't be able to get them with those protection wards." Falbium said.

"Yeah, them being alive is more important than anything." Sirzechs nodded, knowing they're right.

"By the way, doesn't that weapon that guy used to kill the wyverns seem very powerful? Plus with the force it was thrown at it shows that the guy also has a lot of physical strength." Serafall noted.

"It seems we have a new unknown player on the board." Sirzechs added in.

"Seeing as he's with Sirzechs mother and sister, should we assume he's a potential ally? From what little we can tell of his actions so far, it's more than likely he's a neutral party." Falbium questioned his fellow Satans.

"It's better off to wait until we can gain more information about him and actually meet him in person before we come to a conclusion." Ajuka suggested.

The others agreed.

After another hour the meeting ended, Serafall went back to her office to finish up on her work for the day.

Hours later, she finally arrived back in her home. Serafall didn't sense anything off, not that she was expecting to find something since most wouldn't have the balls to directly try to attack a Satan within their home.

So imagine her surprise when entering her bathroom, she saw the same man she and her fellow Satans were discussing earlier taking a bath in her bathroom. Just as she herself was about to take a nice hot bath after a long day.

"Well, well, well, Serafall Leviathan, it's nice to finally meet my favorite Devil in the underworld." Lux greeted her as if his presence here is an everyday occurrence.

"…." Serafall could only stare in shock and a bit of amazement of his pure audacity.