
Farming As An OP Immortal In DxD With Zenith Greyrat As My Lovely Wife

Immortality at times can cause immortals to become bored of life. This particular overpowered immoral who is known as Lux chose to go a different route in his next life. A route that ended up with him taking Zenith Greyrat as his wife. Partially inspired by Akros_Zero’s story: Reborn in Mushoku Tensei with Unique Skill Great Sage

SkyXanxus112 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs


Time continues on as usual, by now Shuri, Venelana, Rias, Suzaku and Akeno all have gotten used to their new lifestyle over the last few months. When they first were introduced to Lux, all of them were either a bit suspicious or nervous since they essentially knew nothing of him except the little they were told from either Zenith or Shirone.

Lux being who he is took little to no time in gaining their complete trust. It helped that it was an unusual sight for the 5 women to encounter a man powerful as Lux that loved being a farmer of all things. It was simply absurd to imagine yet at the same time it also allowed them to become interested in learning more about him.

Like seriously who in the world sets up a farm deep inside the trenches of the Forest of Death?

Surprisingly, both Venelana and Shuri quickly found themselves enjoying working on the farm. While neither ever imagined themselves becoming farm workers, they enjoyed it far more than they expected.

Rias liked it as well, however she preferred tending to the magical and demonic beasts. She found herself quickly developing a powerful bond with a Red Nova Dragon named Vance.

Over the years Lux also added dragons from the Yugi-oh universe. All of them have the ability to evolve meaning originally Vance started out as a Red Dragon Archfiend.

Akeno liked the farm a lot though didn't really care much for the farm work, but had no problem doing it. She just wanted to be around her mother and the others. What was surprising to Akeno is how fast she developed a friendship with Rias and Shirone. It's not that she didn't get along with everybody else because she definitely did, it was just with Rias and Shirone she meshed really well with them. Her relationship with Lux is also developing very well, she always makes sure to go out of her way to flirt with him a couple times a day. Although she wouldn't dare do this if she didn't already get the green light from Zenith.

They've even shared kisses with each other that almost led to Akeno being fucked by Lux. She's positive it's going to happen soon.

Seeing the progress that both Akeno and even her mother are making with their relationships with Lux not only caused Rias to be jealous. It also made her decide to step her game up and deepened her own relationship with Lux.

Suzaku originally had been worried about the state of the Himejima Clan. But due to talking to her aunt, Zenith and Lux, she came to a decision to let it go. While Suzaku cares deeply about the clan, in the end there's no purpose of stressing herself out about people who stupidly declared her a traitor. Both of her parents died several years ago, ever since her parental figure has been Shuri. Maybe if she was younger, she would be more hesitant to discard her worries. However as a grown woman she knew that her place in life involved being with her aunt and cousin.

Originally she had some reservations about becoming a farm girl, though lost those reservations after working on the farm together with Lux a few times. Those times together allowed Suzaku to learn more about the man, there were quite a few times she blushed in embarrassment after being caught staring at Lux by Lux himself.

Suzaku did wonder if the Shinto Faction is going to act due to her being the new host of the Vermillion Bird while not being involved with the Himejima Clan. Thankfully the immortal farmer told her that he will take care of it if a situation occurs.

Currently, Rias was in her room watching anime. She could watch any anime from different universes due to Lux having access to a certain streaming service that only true immortals across the outerverse are allowed access to. It's not restricted to anime, any tv show or movie ever created can be watched on the streaming service. Both Akeno and Shirone were with her.

Shuri, Zenith and Suzaku were all tending to the recently born baby inferno wolves.

Venelana is currently relaxing in the bath in the main bathroom located in Lux and Zenith's bedroom.

Lux and Kuroka on the other hand….

"You're such a horny little kitty Kuroka…" A groan escaped Lux as he was standing naked in the bedroom receiving an heavenly blowjob from the black Nekoshou. He had his right hand resting on top of her head.

Kuroka, who was also naked as well as deep throating Lux's cock, pulled back to release him from her throat. She placed both of her hands around his shaft to roughly jerk him off while staring up at her master with a loving and lustful facial expression.

"Nya~ only for you master can't help but always crave your delicious sweet milk~." She purred.

"I can tell, neither you or your sister can go a day without it." Lux smirked, he had spent some time earlier having sex with Shirone in her room.

"It's just that addicting like I always tell you, master~. Any woman who gets a taste of you will be immediately hooked forever." Kuroka began licking all around his glands while still pumping him with her hands.

The immortal farmer groaned in pleasure when Kuroka removed her hands and took his cock back into mouth. He slowly began to thrust his hip, the nekomata moaned in pleasure feeling her master roughly fuck her throat. Every time he forced his entire big dick inside her mouth, she sucked it eagerly without a complaint.

Her pussy was literally dripping in cum and burning from the heat and pleasure she's experiencing.

'Mmmm~ I love it when he takes control.' Kuroka thought.

Lux continued to throat fuck Kuroka for some time, eventually he sensed his release approaching. Kuroka, feeling his shaft twitch violently, also realized her master was about to feed her his precious milk.

With one last thrust, Lux shoved every inch of his cock down her throat. "My little pet, here's the milk you're desperately craving."

His orgasm was strong, feeling pleasure coursing throughout his body. Lux unleashed a powerful torrent of cum down the black Nekoshou's throat that continued on for minutes.

Kuroka happily swallowed her master's sweet release, even though some escaped and slid down the corners of her lips. She eagerly took in most of it, she always loved the excessive amount of cum he releases whenever he has an orgasm.

After a couple of minutes, Lux's orgasm finally died down. He moved his hand off of her head, enjoying the sensation of Kuroka's mouth as she cleaned off any leftover semen from his dick.

Eventually she pulled back and removed her mouth off of it. Placing several loving kisses on it while gazing up at him.

"Nya~ what should we do next master? Do you want me to pleasure you with my breasts?" Kuroka smirked sexily, she smushed Lux cock between her boobs and began performing a titjob on him.

While Lux really enjoyed the sensation of Kuroka's big breasts, he was in the mood to fuck her.

"Not this time, I want you on the bed on all fours my little pet." Lux told her.

Knowing what he wanted, the black Nekoshou quickly got on the bed. Just as Lux wanted, she was on her hands and knees with her back arched.

She turned her head to Lux, swaying her ass back and forth to tease him. "Master~ I need you so bad nya~ I'm soaking wet for you."

The immortal farmer wasted no time, he got behind her then aligned his cock with her entrance. He easily inserted all of his manhood inside of her womanhood in one go.

Kuroka moaned loudly, feeling the sensation of Lux's tool entering her; she felt his tip pushing firmly against her cervix. She wanted him to be in her as deep as possible.

Lux groaned, enjoying how Kuroka's walls were smothering and massaging his cock. He loved feeling her ass against his pelvis. Her tails moved excitedly, both Kuroka and Shirone actually have 10 tails each. All 10 aren't usually seen since the Nekoshou sisters have the ability to hide their tails.

Soon enough the immortal farmer started to move his hips, quickly developing a rhythm as he pounded Kuroka's pussy just the way she wanted it.

*Pah* *Pah* *Pah* *Pah* *Pah*

"Oh fuck! Yes master! Please your precious kitty nya~!" Kuroka moaned.

Her whole body was experiencing heavenly pleasure, the sounds of their mating echoed throughout the bedroom. She knew Venelana was in the bathroom taking a bath yet she didn't care whatsoever. All on her mind was accepting her master's affection for her.

*Pah* *Pah* *Pah* *Pah* *Pah*

Lux reached forward, grabbing two handfuls of Kuroka's breasts. He pulled her back so that his bare chest could feel her back. When she turned her head towards him, Lux smashed his lips on hers to engage in a deep kiss.

Kuroka eagerly returned her master's kiss, she enjoyed how his hands were molesting her breasts as if he owned them. She was moaning into their kiss as he kept fucking her, she made sure to use her walls to help stimulate his pleasure.

The nekomata became more excited when Lux suddenly removed his left hand off of left boob to firmly grip her neck as if he was choking her. God she loved when he did this.

*Pah* *Pah* *Pah* *Pah* *Pah*

"Master~! Nya~ I'm cumming!" A tsunami of pleasure struck Kuroka, loud moans escaped her.

Lux didn't stop his movements in the slightest, he kept pounding Kuroka while attacking her mouth with his own. He eventually let go of her other breast to grab one of her tails; he knew that both Kuroka and Shirone's tails were very sensitive during sex.

At the same time he also increased the speed of his thrust, he was giving it to her hard, fast and deep. The combination caused an extremely strong pleasurable reaction in the black Nekoshou.

She squirted all on her thighs, the bed and Lux. When Lux let go of her neck, her body fell onto the bed.

Yet Lux kept on giving her deep strokes, he ended up on the bed as well as he leaned over her. The collisions of his pelvis and her ass cheeks resounded loudly throughout the room.

*Pah* *Pah* *Pah* *Pah* *Pah*

Minutes later after Kuroka's third orgasm, Lux finally felt his release approaching. After one last powerful, deep thrust into Kuroka's pussy. He announced his release.

"I'm cumming Kuroka!" He unleashed his stream of cum deep inside of her womb.

"YES! GIVE IT TO ME MASTER~!" Kuroka's toes curled up as she came again and at the same time as Lux. She got addicted to the experience of him painting her walls with his semen.

Lux's thick milk mixed in with Kuroka's cum, the massive amount shooting into her couldn't all be contained so a good portion of their combined cum leaked out of Kuroka's pussy onto the bed.

Much to her absolute joy, Lux did not give her any respite. While he was cumming, the immortal farmer easily flipped Kuroka over onto her back all the while still being deep inside of her vaginal walls.

Without wasting a second, Lux once again had his way with the nekomata as he took her in this position. His powerful deep thrust is making a mess out of her smothering wet folds.

By the time Lux's release ended, Kuroka already had another orgasm herself. By now she's completely drenched her master in her fluids. Her moans became even louder when Lux out of nowhere used a tiny portion of his magic to stimulate Kuroka's erogenous zones. Her butt, neck, ears, nipples, armpits, clitoris and tails were all being stimulated by Lux's magic. He left her lips alone for now.

*Pah* *Pah* *Pah* *Pah* *Pah*

Kuroka felt her senses overloading as the already intense amount of pleasure she had been currently experiencing increased by at least 5 times. Instantly her most powerful orgasm erupted out of her.


Lux groaned, Kuroka's walls were squeezing and stimulating him to where he nearly came again right along with her.

After several minutes Kuroka finally came down from her pleasurable high. Lux knew Kuroka had more than enough stamina to keep going but he decided to give her a bit of a break. This is only because he smelled and sensed the arousal of Venelana who is currently pressing her wonderful naked breast against his muscular back. Her arms were wrapped around him with her soft hands sensually rubbing his pectorals and abs.

"Ara~ it seems you two are having fun here." Venelana said with a lustful expression on her face.

"Oi…why are you interrupting my time with master?" Kuroka grumbled.

The former Gremory woman giggled. "I am sorry Kuroka-chan, it's just that listening to you two go at it while I was bathing caused me to become wet and horny. Devils are creatures of sin after all. It also helps that Lux-kun is a very hardworking, powerful and sexy man~."

Lux chuckled in amusement while Kuroka rolled her eyes. "Tsk, horny bitch you could at least wait another hour. Fine, if Master is ok with it then you can substitute for me this round."

"Lux-kun?" Venelana left trails of kisses across his neck and shoulders.

"Sure why not? It would be wrong of me to neglect your needs." Lux smirked.

It's not like he can't attend to both at the same time.

The sky-blue haired immortal pulled out of Kuroka, his dick was covered in a mixture of his and Kuroka's cum.

He knew Venelana wanted to be fucked, even though he did want to fuck her breasts first he decided it could wait for now.

With a snap of his fingers his dick was now clean, Lux sat down on the edge of the bed then pulled Venelana to straddle him on his lap. Following his lead, Venelana aligned her dripping cunt with his glands and slid down his entire cock in one go.

"AAAHHHH~!!" The brunette milf moaned sensually feeling herself be impaled by Lux. This is not the first time they've been sexually intimate with each other. To be honest the moment she got the approval of Zenith, Venelana quickly began making her move on Lux. It only took her a couple of weeks to determine she liked and wanted him. She had no problems tying herself down with him for the rest of her life.

"Shit, as always your pussy is amazing Venelana." Lux groaned, this beautiful milf and her daughter fell into his lap and he didn't even have to really do anything.

It's as the old saying goes, power will always attract.

"You say this every time we're intimate Lux-kun." Venelana giggled.

"Because it's true." Lux latched his lips onto hers and shared a french kiss with the sexy milf. His hand grabbed two handfuls on her ass.

Venelana returned the kiss while moaning, she began to move her hips and ride her lover.

While this is going on, Lux is using his magic to stimulate Kuroka at the same time. This time he's essentially using his magic to fuck both Kuroka's pussy and give her anal. He made sure to tease her clitoris as well.

Lux masterfully battled against the milf's tongue, showing her who is the one in control. He gave her ass a hard smack and matched her movements with his hips.

The way Venelana's walls were trying to milk him, he knew his climax won't take much longer to reach.

Said Devil woman moaned happily as she was being dominated by Lux in their kiss. She continued riding him the best of her ability, the sound of their skin slapping against each other resounding loudly.

*Pah* *Pah* *Pah* *Pah* *Pah*

Minutes later the brunette tightly squeezed her pussy on her lover's shaft, unleashing her first orgasm all over him while trying to milk him for his seed.

Her actions did not go unrewarded since Lux shot his massive load seconds after. He groaned feeling the pleasure travel throughout his body.

Next Venelana found herself back pressed on the wall, being penetrated deeply. Lux pistoned his cock in and out of her vagina fiercely. Forcing her to experience multiple orgasms back to back all the while dominating her tongue.

'Oh Satan! I love being fucked like this!' She screamed excitedly in her mind.

"Where do you want me to cum my dear Venelana?" Lux lightly bit her earlobe.

"I-INSIDE! I WANT YOU TO SHOOT YOUR SEED DEEP INSIDE OF MY WOMB AGAIN!" She responded, her facial expression displaying the 'I'm being fucked stupid' face.

Lux gave her what she wanted and came deep inside of her.

"Master~ please come back I want you inside of me again nya~." Kuroka whined, even though he was still technically satisfying her. The naughty nekomata still wanted to feel Lux's actual cock in her pussy.

Just like that, Lux was lying on the bed together with Venelana while Kuroka was riding him in the reverse cowgirl position. Lux loved watching her ass move, especially whenever it jiggles when she slams herself down on his pelvis.

The threesome between Lux, Kuroka and Venelana continued on for a few hours. Currently Lux was enjoying a double blowjob from both of the beautiful women.

Kuroka was sucking him off as Venelana sucked on his balls. He made sure to use his magic to pleasure their lady parts. Both women made sure to take turns switching, they wanted to do their best to bring Lux to the height of pleasure. They craved his delicious, sweet, thick cum.

Relaxing and groaning from their sexual actions, Lux had some thoughts running through his mind.

'Recently I remembered that later on in the series Great Red got absolutely bodied by one of the Evie deities named Regalzeva. I wonder if that will happen in this particular universe, if they somehow end up trying to target me. I'll just erase their existence but I am a bit curious about them. Not enough to actively go out of my way to go meet them. Then there's the God of Breasts Chimune Chipaoti. It would be interesting if I someday crossed paths with her. For now I'll just keep doing what I've been doing, I'm positive very soon the upper echelons of the Underworld will soon know of me. Let's just hope the first one I encounter is Serafall Leviathan.'

Lux decided to think about that later, he sensed his orgasm was approaching fast. Kuroka and Venelana both could tell as well due to feeling Lux's cock and scrotum twitch violently.

"Mmmm~ cum for us Lux-kun~!" Venelana sucked lovingly on his glands.

"Please release your delicious milk all over us master~ nya~!" Kuroka passionately licked and sucked on his balls.

Lux had no reason to deny them. "Fuck, you two really know how to please a man…" Out of his urethra came a strong torrent of thick cum that shot straight into Venelana's throat. She couldn't swallow it all, leading to the rest leaking out of her mouth down Lux's shaft to his balls. Kuroka eagerly lapped up all of her master's milk that came her way.

Eventually Venelana had to remove her mouth causing Lux to spray both of the beautiful women with his seed all over their bodies. Neither woman minded as it only made them even more excited.

As Lux's orgasm continued on, Venelana and Kuroka smothered his cock with their breasts. The sensation of their skin felt heavenly to the immortal farmer. As they were performing a titjob on his shaft, Kuroka and Venelana also used their mouths and tongues to swallow more of Lux's release and keep pleasuring him. They were already covered in his semen so it didn't matter if more kept spraying on them.

Finally after a few more minutes, Lux's massive orgasm came to an end.

An hour later, Zenith showed up to the bedroom. When she saw both Venelana and Kuroka cuddling with Lux on the bed. She smirked seeing their current state.

'Kuroka and Venelana looked like they were put through the wringer yet my husband is still going strong. I expect nothing less from my wonderful man.' She thought internally.

"Well it seems you three had a fun time that I missed out on." She said to the 3 naked lovers.

"Ara~ don't be selfish Zenith-chan. You had Lux-kun here all to yourself for over a year. I'm sure you understand the need for his affection." Venelana replied playfully.

"Nya~ plus you had him all to yourself last night." Kuroka pointed out, snuggling into Lux's chest.

"True but just like you two, I can never get enough of him and he can never get enough of me." Zenith shrugged.

"That is true." Lux agreed, his cock twitching eagerly also showed the truth in his words.

Kuroka rolled her eyes and Venelana giggled.

"See? So I hope you guys won't mind if I briefly cut into your cuddle time?" Zenith asked.

"Not at all, I still want at least one more round before I go see what Rias is up to." Venelana answered.

"You're the main wife, you call the shots in this instance nya~." Kuroka said, this will not be the first foursome she's been apart of since living at the farm.

Zenith nodded and snapped her fingers, instantly her clothes were gone leaving her naked.

"Lu-mmph!" Before she could call out to her husband, Lux was already in front of her kissing her passionately.

Soon enough Zenith's loud moans echoed along with the sounds of Lux making love to her. He was taking her from behind while mildly choking the back of her neck, forcing her face into the pillow as she cried out moans of intense pleasure from being fucked by her one true love.