
12Chapter 12 Pure Yang Sword Body Awakening

The Sword Spirit Pearl seemed to be prepared by the system for Wan Chen. Qin Ye immediately took out the Sword Spirit Pearl. It was golden in color, emitting a strong golden light and a strong power fluctuation.

"It is indeed a heavenly treasure." Qin Ye's eyes lit up. This heavenly treasure is indeed what cultivators dream of. If it weren't for Wan Chen's need, he would really be reluctant to take it out.

"Master, what is this?" Women are naturally interested in glittering things. As soon as the Sword Spirit Pearl was taken out, it immediately attracted Wu Xuan'er's attention.

"This is the Sword Spirit Pearl, a heavenly treasure."

"What? A heavenly treasure..." Wu Xuan'er and Wan Chen were shocked. This heavenly treasure was unheard of and only seen in ancient books. Who would have thought that they would see it here today? It's not a dream.

On the contrary, Gui Hai Yidao just glanced at it and didn't arouse his interest.

"Wan Chen, do you know why your master took out this Sword Spirit Pearl?" Qin Ye asked.

Wan Chen paused. The master would not ask him for no reason, unless...

He immediately thought of a possibility and said excitedly: "Master, is it possible that my physique needs to use this sword spirit bead?"

Qin Ye nodded: "You are indeed very smart. Your physique is the Pure Yang Sword Body, which is the best sword body and is rarely seen in a thousand years. And your body is a little special, which makes the Pure Yang Sword Body unable to awaken. Only by swallowing the sword spirit bead can it be fully awakened."

After speaking, he used his spiritual power to send the sword spirit bead to Wan Chen, "You swallow it now."

Wan Chen took the sword spirit bead excitedly and kept kowtowed: "Thank you, Master."

Qin Ye waved his hand and said: "You swallow the sword spirit bead now, and we will protect you."

"Yes, Master."

Wan Chen nodded heavily and swore in his heart that he must carry forward the Qingfeng Sect in the future. The master actually gave him a treasure like the sword spirit bead. If he didn't work hard, how could he live up to the master.

Wan Chen took a deep breath, calmed down, and swallowed the Sword Spirit Pearl.

As soon as the Sword Spirit Pearl was swallowed into his stomach, it turned into a hot current that ran through his body, constantly passing through his meridians. Wan Chen gritted his teeth and endured the pain.

The Sword Spirit Pearl is a heavenly treasure. It not only contains rich energy, but also carries powerful strength. Wan Chen's body at this moment is as hard as a steel bone. Such physical strength is enough to rival the average Xiantian realm cultivator.

A hot current flowed from the Dantian into his limbs and bones, and a stream of energy filled his body. Wan Chen's body seemed to be expanding, and his muscles bulged. The whole person looked very burly, as if he would explode at any time.

I don't know how long it took, but it finally stopped. Wan Chen's muscles gradually contracted and returned to their original state. The whole person's breath became more condensed, and he exuded a powerful momentum.


Thunder roared from his body.

This is Wan Chen awakening the Pure Yang Sword Body.

As expected of the Pure Yang Sword Body, it has just awakened and thunder has already been generated from the body.

"Is this the Pure Yang Sword Body? It's so powerful. If I didn't have the system in my hand, I'm afraid I couldn't help but snatch it. It's worthy of being the son of destiny. However, after the Pure Yang Sword Body awakens, I don't know if it will restore his memories of his previous life."

Qin Ye looked at the changes in Wan Chen and smiled.

Now Wan Chen has reached the peak of the third level of physical training. He can break through the third level of physical training at any time and reach the fourth level of physical training. This is the power of the Pure Yang Sword Body.

Wan Chen suddenly opened his eyes, and a white light flashed in his eyes. There was actually a hint of sword intent in this white light.

"Is this the Pure Yang Sword Body? Such a powerful sword intent."

The sword light flashed, but it was still captured by Qin Ye.

"The sword energy is released, it seems that Wan Chen has completely awakened the Pure Yang Sword Body."

Qin Ye said in his heart.

Looking at Wan Chen who had opened his eyes, Qin Ye smiled and said: "Disciple, congratulations, you have awakened the Pure Yang Sword Body, and you will be a real practitioner from now on."

Wan Chen knelt on the ground and kowtowed excitedly after hearing Qin Ye's words: "Disciple Wan Chen, thank you Master! Without Master, there would be no Wan Chen today."

Wan Chen's forehead hit the floor, making a dull sound, and his forehead was already bloody and bright red.

Qin Ye quickly helped him up, "You are the eldest disciple of my Qingfeng Sect, so I naturally cannot let you lose the face of my Qingfeng Sect. Here is a good technique, you can practice it."

As he said, he pointed a finger at Wan Chen's brow.

Tianyuan Sword Technique continuously entered Wan Chen's mind. This is a heavenly technique with great power. Even though his body was transformed by the Sword Spirit Pearl, Wan Chen almost felt that his mind was about to explode.

After fully accepting the technique, Wan Chen was so excited that he couldn't speak. "This is actually a heaven-level technique. Master actually passed it to me like this... Before, Master used a heaven-level treasure to help me awaken the Pure Yang Sword Body, and now he took out a heaven-level technique. Is this the declining Qingfeng Sect? Am I dreaming? If this is called decline, then what are the other sects? I'm afraid even the Qin royal family is not so generous."

How could a sect with heaven-level treasures and heaven-level techniques decline?

Is all this fake?

Or is there a big force behind this Qingfeng Sect...

This heaven-level treasure and heaven-level technique are not something that ordinary forces can produce. I'm afraid even the Qin royal family may not be able to produce it.


Wan Chen took a breath of cold air, he didn't dare to think about it anymore.

He knew that he had entered an extraordinary sect.

Then, Qin Ye passed the Tianyuan sword technique to Wu Xuan'er, as for Gui Hai Yi Dao, he didn't need it, he practiced sword technique, sword technique was not suitable for him, and told her to practice well, if there were any problems in practice, go to Gui Hai Yi Dao.

Although Gui Hai Yi Dao practiced sword technique, after all, he was a master, and the problems in practice could be solved naturally.

Next, Wan Chen began to practice Tianyuan sword technique.

Time passed, and it was time for dinner in the evening. Qin Ye gathered everyone for dinner.

The food was cooked by Wu Xuan'er. Qin Ye, the master of a sect, naturally would not cook it himself.

Wu Xuan'er's cooking skills were still good, but she was now the elder, so she naturally couldn't come to cook every day, so Qin Ye decided to go down the mountain to Qingfeng City tomorrow to find a chef to go up the mountain.

The dinner was very pleasant. Wan Chen and Wu Xuan'er also asked Gui Hai Yi Dao about some cultivation matters. Gui Hai Yi Dao did not hide anything and taught them everything he knew.

After dinner, they left.

Not long after, Qin Ye felt a wave of fluctuations. After investigating, he shook his head and said, "This kid's perseverance is higher than I thought! He is still cultivating at this late hour."

After returning to the room, Qin Ye sat cross-legged on the bed. With a change of mind, he took out a few pills from the system space and swallowed them. Although this body-training pill was not of much use to him, it was a good choice to eat as a snack.