
13Chapter 13 The Killer Attacks

Late at night, a hundred meters outside Qingfeng Sect, five black figures suddenly appeared.

The five people who suddenly appeared were dressed in black, masked, and fully armed. They exuded a strong aura of blood and murder. They looked like murderers from hell, which made people feel chilled.

One of them, tall and muscular, was the leader of the other four.

"The Qingfeng Sect is in front of us. The person we are going to kill this time is Qin Ye, the leader of the Qingfeng Sect. According to the information we got, this person has just broken through the innate, so we'd better kill him with one strike." The leader in black clothes The man whispered.

"Don't worry, helmsman, we are just dealing with an innate who has just made a breakthrough. We have assassinated many of the established innate experts." One of the men in black said with a sly smile.

"Although this mission is a bit simple, we still shouldn't be careless." The helmsman did not refute. After all, he also believed that killing Qin Ye was not a difficult task for him.

The five people landed lightly on the clearing of Qingfeng Sect. There was not even a gatekeeper disciple. A man in black sneered: "I have been around for so many years, and this is the first time I have seen such a poor sect."

The other four people all nodded. This was the first time they had seen such a poor sect. It was so poor that it was even worse than a small family in Qingfeng City.

"Let's go." The leading helmsman shouted coldly and led the remaining four people towards the sect.

In the sect master's residence, Qin Ye was practicing cross-legged, when suddenly a figure appeared in front of Qin Ye.

"Sect Master, someone broke in." Gui Hai Yi Dao looked cold, but his words were respectful.

Qin Ye sensed it and found that five people had indeed broken in. One of them was very powerful and not weaker than himself. He was definitely an innate strong person.

Qin Ye frowned slightly, why did another innate strong man appear in Qingfeng City? This person seemed to be coming for him.

"Do you know what kind of strength they have?" Qin Ye's face darkened. These people were obviously coming for him, and he had only been to Qingfeng City last time. He had the ability to invite innate experts to take action. There are not many forces.

"The leader is born at the third level, two of them are at the peak of the ninth level of physical training, one is in the middle of the ninth level of physical training, and one is at the early stage of the ninth level of physical training." Gui Hai replied with a sword.

Upon hearing that the other party turned out to be a third-level innate expert, Qin Ye's eyes flashed with solemnity. He was certain that these people were not from Qingfeng City.

Such a strong lineup can sweep all the sects in Qingfeng City. It is impossible for any force in Qingfeng City to be able to defeat it. ..

If it weren't for Gui Hai Yida, it would be troublesome. It seems that the mastermind behind this really wants to die.

"Go and capture them," Qin Ye waved his hand and said with a knife to Gui Hai.

"Yes." Gui Hai responded with a knife and retreated.

"I wonder what kind of power these people are?" Qin Ye frowned slightly. If he could mobilize the power of innate powerhouses, there must be other innate powerhouses. It would be best to eradicate this power completely.

As soon as the five people entered Qingfeng Sect, they went straight to Qin Ye's bedroom. After seeing them, they already understood the architectural structure of Qingfeng Sect.

However, suddenly the five people stopped.

Because they saw a person standing there not far away, obviously waiting for them.

The blood-killing helmsman looked at the man standing with the knife in his hand, and his pupils shrank slightly. Although the man did not exude his momentum, standing there made him feel great pressure.

In an instant, he knew that the other party was an innate strong man.

Could this person be Qin Ye...

He quickly denied it. The news he got showed that Qin Ye was obviously much younger than this person.

Damn it, what kind of bullshit information did Hu Tianxiong give? Qingfeng Sect actually hides an innate powerhouse.

The face of the bloody helmsman became extremely ugly.

Among the five people who came this time, he was the only one who was in the innate realm. The other three were all in the physical training realm. However, Qingfeng Sect had two innate strong men. Let alone completing the mission tonight, can you escape intact? Still a problem.


The blood-killing helmsman gritted his teeth, and a bloody aura emanated from his body. He took the lead and struck at Guihai. The remaining four people also took out their weapons and followed.


Guihai Yidao said with a cold snort, a murderous aura flashed through his eyes, and with a wave of his right hand, he swung out a sword, exuding a tyrannical aura, drawing a beautiful arc and heading towards the five blood-killing killers.

In just a moment, the blood-killing helmsman was knocked away, and the four blood-killing assassins were hit by the sword energy, and their bodies exploded.


The blood-killing helmsman was extremely frightened. He did not expect that he could not even block a move. The opponent was definitely not an ordinary innate realm.

Gui Hai swung his body with a knife and was already in front of the Blood Killing Helmsman. He looked at the Blood Killing Helmsman with cold eyes.

Under the gaze of Gui Hai Yi Dao, the blood-killing helmsman kept trembling, "Sir, I said it was a misunderstanding. Do you believe it?"

Guihai snorted coldly, grabbed the blood-killing helmsman, and walked towards Qin Ye's bedroom.

"Tell me, who sent you here?" Qin Ye stared at the bloody helmsman and asked.

The leader of Blood Killing took a look at Qin Ye and knew that Qin Ye was the leader of Qingfeng Sect, but it was impossible for him to betray the Blood Killing organization.

"Don't tell?" Qin Ye frowned slightly.

"Hmph! Don't waste your efforts. I won't tell you anything." The blood-killing helmsman snorted coldly, looking as if he was dead.

"I think you are looking for death!" Qin Ye sneered when he saw that the blood-killing helmsman was so determined.

"Hmph! Even if I die, I won't tell you." The blood-killing helmsman said firmly.

"Really?" After Qin Ye said this, he slapped his palm, a violent palm print, directly towards the blood-killing helmsman.

Seeing this, the leader of the Blood Killing Helm quickly used his power to resist.


There was a loud noise, and the body of the blood-killing helmsman was directly knocked away, and he fell to the ground, vomiting blood from the corner of his mouth, and his face was pale.

"Sure enough, he is worthy of being a third-level innate person. He was not dead even after receiving a slap from me." Qin Ye snorted coldly and was not surprised at all.

"He won't say it. These people are all killers and have undergone strict training." Guihai Yidao said at this time.

"Actually, I can guess it even if you don't tell me. You are from a killer organization, and someone paid you to kill me." Qin Ye paused and said, "The person who invited you must be Hu Tianxiong. "

The blood-killing helmsman's pupils shrank, but he still didn't speak.

This subtle change was noticed by Qin Ye, who said: "Seal his cultivation, lock him up first, and then dispose of the corpses outside."

Gui Hai Yi Dao nodded and left with the Blood Killing Helmsman.

"Hmph! This Tiger Tianxiong actually asked the killer organization to deal with me. Is it because of what happened in the square before? It's impossible. Just because of this trivial matter, it's not worth the price he paid to ask the killer organization to deal with me. Maybe he had to deal with the former The men in black of the sect leader are the Tiger Fist Sect, so this makes sense. The Tiger Fist Sect cannot be left."

Originally, Qin Ye wanted to slowly search for evidence, but now there is no need. The other party has already taken action, so he is not polite.

This Tiger Fist Sect is destined to be destroyed.

He said it.

No one can be kept!