
Fantasy: Reincarnated as a Wolf

DaoistWzIBju · Huyền huyễn
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9 Chs

Chapter 4: A Lot of Information and First Kill

After a long time, Yuji finally opened his eyes.

"What the hell happened, and why does my head hurt so much I remember seeing a lot of notifications from the system." Yuji said as his memory of some time ago is hazy.

"Huh.... wait, why can I speak and what the heck? Why do I look like a human? Just what the hell is happening. System, show me my status." Yuji said hurriedly as he was really confused about what had happened to his body in the last few hours.


Name: Sato Yuji

Species: Divine Beast (Yin&Yang Werewolf)

Age: 16(Physically)/32(Mentally)

Physical Rank: Bronze (1st)

Cultivation Rank: Uninitiated

Spiritual Rank: Nascent Soul (1st)

HP: 385/385

Spiritual Energy: 360/360

Constitution: 35

Vitality: 35

Intelligence: 20

Wisdom: 30

Attribute Points: 12




Yin&Yang Body


True Yang Body Art (Growth), Lich's Yin Soul Art (Growth)


Eyes of Truth, Shapeshift, Yang Embrace, Yin Corrosion, Undead Rise, Undead Storage


"What the actual hell? Why is my status so different than before I mean, it's a good thing, but still, what is just going on. Hey system, explain to me about every new thing I have gained or else I will go mad with all these sudden changes." Yuji asked the system desperately while holding his head with frustration.

[Ding! Certainly Host

Species: Divine Beast(Yin&Yang Werewolf) -

These Divine Beasts are known for their Shapeshift abilities, which let's them transform into 3 forms. These Werewolfs also have a high affinity for Yin and Yang cultivation arts they also have the ability to directly use the Yin and Yang energy from nature to a certain limit.

Physique: Yin&Yang Body -

This physique increases efficiency for all types of yin and yang cultivation techniques by 200%, and it also adds 30% more power to all Yin and Yang based skills.

Technique: Lich's Yin Soul Art -

This transforms the users Spiritual energy into Yin spiritual energy and let's him summon Undead from the shadow realm and also makes a storage for the Undead in host's soul when host reaches Soul Scattering 1st stage it transforms host's soul into a Pure Yin soul and when host reaches the Soul Transcendence realm his soul transforms into the Supreme Yin soul. (Upgradable)

Skill: Shapeshift -

Let's the host transform into three forms. ( Wolf, Werewolf, Human)

Yang Embrace -

Uses the Yang energy in the surroundings to strengthen host's body.

Yin Corrosion -

Uses the surrounding Yin energy to corrode the body and destroy internal organs.

Undead Rise -

The host can use this skill to summon Undead from the shadow realm. The current maximum level of the Undead that can be summoned is level 2.

Undead Storage -

This skill builds a space inside the host's soul for storing his summoned Undeads. The current maximum storage is 11 Undead. ]

"Freaking Hell, I am overpowered just look at all those abilities and my race is so overpowered. Hey system,

can you tell me the current rank of my soul cultivation technique and why both of my cultivation techniques are now upgradable." Yuji asks the system even though he already has an idea of why he can upgrade his techniques now.

[Ding! Host thats because the two cultivation techniques are made to work with each other to obtain a Yin&Yang harmony when ascending into the mortal realm as such when the Undead Soul Art upgraded to S-tier Rare it created a balance between itself and your body cultivation technique which made you forcefully evolve.]

"Yeah, I thought so as my evolution was a Yin&Yang Werewolf, so I thought it must be related to these two techniques. Anyways, I have sat here for too long let's go out and maybe find some civilization or something." Yuji said as he started to stretch his body.







Some hours later.

Yuji was just walking forward without a care in the world when suddenly he smelled some blood as such, he quickly hid himself and looked at where he smelled the blood from.

As soon at the direction he saw some three men and two women in daoist robes fighting with eight people in dark clothes.

'Hey, what the hell is going on here? Why are these guys fighting, and why do I feel like those guys in black are weak but they can not be weak right after all those doaists are struggling in front of them. Anyway, let's just check with the eyes of truth first.' Yuji thought as he activated eyes of truth.

'Hmm.... I see so these people in black are at the middle and late stages of Nascent Soul, yeah there Spiritual energy is weaker than mine even though their realm is higher no wonder I thought they were weak and these doaists are in the 1st and 2nd stages of Qi Refining that's why they are struggling anyway I think I should help but which side should I help?' As Yuji was thinking about he should help he suddenly heard those people talking.

"You bastards from the Sword Soul Sect aren't you ashamed of yourselves attacking us when we were resting after our battle." said one of the men in red daoist robes.

"Hehehe what do you mean by we should be ashamed don't you know we are the disciples from an evil sect this is what we do you idiots. Now die yo..." Before the man could even finish his sentence, he threw blood.

"What is going on?" The man said before he threw blood again and then died because of his internal organs getting destroyed.

"Huh wh..what did you do?" another man in the black robes asked the red clothed daoist before he also died after throwing up blood.

Slowly, two more men died by throwing up blood while still shocked by what just happened and the other four ran away.

"Phew this skill is really overpowered they didn't even notice until the yin energy corroded their kidneys." Some distance away Yuji said as he was astonished by the power of his own skill.

"Wh..who is there? Show yourself and state your purpose." The woman in white daoist robes said while pointing her sword in the direction where Yuji was hiding.

"Hey hey no need to be so scared I just saved your lives didn't I so don't worry I don't have any plans on fighting you guys." Yuji said while holding his hands up to show that he meant no harm.


"Author's Note: SORRY for the late chapter. I was busy studying for my exams but the future chapters will also be a little late as I still have some exams left."