
The Heart Know What It Wants and Where It Wants to Be

Prompt by:

It was finally Monday morning, both you and Lena had woken up early to get ready for the meeting.

It took over 3 hours for you to give the presentation and at the end, Mr. Tanaka was very impressed over the presentation and how both of your attitudes improved. He wanted to see that the two of you could work well together before deciding to go ahead with the project. He was even more impressed with the new addition of the powerpoint about the married couples. Both of you give each other a quick hug as everyone leaves, simply just being happy for the success of the project.

Mr. Tanaka had stayed behind, explaining the terms of the partnership. He wanted you to stay behind considering your contract had ended with L-Corp. His company needed someone to facilitate working with L-Corp and who better than to hire the lead engineer for the project.

Lena stayed quiet as the two of you talked. She was overall happy to hear that he wanted to partner up but didn't like the fact that he wanted you to stay behind. The two of you were just working things out and now she was going to lose you again.

You didn't want to agree as it meant being away from the kids but you wanted for this to work for Lena. You agreed and thanked Mr. Tanaka for the opportunity as he left.

Sasha had heard the news about you working with her father right away and called you to celebrate the good news. Lena was standing to the side, pretending not to listen to the conversation when she got a call from Emily.

"Congratulations baby!! I knew you could do it." She starts as soon as Lena answers. "Also! I've already had 5 designers do a gown for you so that you can pick. The fitting is next week so you finished right on time. . I really can't wait to see you wear any one of them at our wedding. I'm really excited."

Emily tells her without even giving her a chance to talk. Lena had tried to interrupt but Emily just wasn't having it.

"Emily...about that, I...."

"I'm sorry, babe. I have to go. Our wedding coordinator is here. I'll talk to you later. I love you!"

You hung up and noticed how uncomfortable Lena was. You would have asked her what it was about but realized she was on the phone. There was only one person who could make Lena react like that, Emlily. Not wanting to get in the middle of it, you bid her goodbye and headed out to meet Sasha.


Sam had come to Japan to finalize the papers before Lena left and was currently helping Lena pack her things. While Sam took her bags to the car, Lena stayed behind to talk to you. Trying to convince you to come back with her, without really telling you.

"I'm sorry, Lena. I can't go with you to the airport. Mr. Tanaka wants me to start right away. Just take care of yourself and tell the kids that I'll visit soon.

Lena was quite annoyed with you. She really thought things were going to change after Sunday but she was wrong.

"Okay, thanks for everything."

She started walking towards the car but stopped and turned around to face you.

"Is that all you're really going to say?"

Lena could tell you're hesitating to answer the question and it made her feel a little hopeful.

"Actually....I forgot to tell you that."

Lena's heart started beating faster. This was it. This was the moment things were finally going to go back to the way things were.

"God bless your trip."

Lena's face fell. She still had hope but not anymore. All she wanted was for you to stop her from marrying Emily. That you still loved her. She would have broken everything up to be with you again. She took a deep breath to calm herself down and nodded. Pulling out a necklace from her pocket, Lena handed it to you.


You opened your hand to realize that it was a necklace that held your wedding ring. You almost broke down in the middle of the street after seeing.

Sam noticed how upset Lena was and tried to distract her but it failed. All Lena could think about was that you no longer wanted her anymore. She was okay with that, you had at least forgiven her.


You were leaning outside on the balcony, drinking some of Lena's leftover wine as you watched several couples kiss and hold hands on the streets. Sasha came from behind you, shaking her head as she realized that you were alone now. She might have tried to date you but after seeing the two of you, she knew that she could never interfere.

"That could be you and Lena. You're just stupid and stubborn."

You turned around, surprised to even see her.

"Take my keys and chase after her. You're going to regret it if you don't."

"But what about your father? The agreement?"

"Let me worry about him. Now go! Before it's too late. You can pay me back with all the juicy details of how you won her back."

"Thank you!"

You yelled behind you as you ran to the parking lot to find Sasha's car. You speed out of the parking lot, breaking nearly every speed limit to reach the airport in time.


You yell loudly as you hit traffic. This was one of the times that you wished you had taken Alex's offer to teach you how to ride a motorcycle.

At the airport, Lena stopped holding it together and broke down in the middle of the airport. Sam was trying to best to comfort her but there was only so much she could do.

"Maybe you and (y/n) are better of this way, Lena."

Sam says with the intention to calm her down but it just makes Lena cry even harder.

You were still stuck in traffic but close enough that you could run to the airport. After thinking about it for a second, you climbed out of the car and ran to the airport. You were definitely going to need to get Sasha a new car.

You're able to reach the airport in a record time but are then stopped by security. You tried to explain them the situation but they refused to listen. Simply saying that you were going to need to come with them. You pretend to listen to them for a second and ran away the moment you could.

You sigh in relief when you notice Lena's plane at the runaway. The relief is soon replaced by dread when you see that it's starting to move. You continue running after it, hoping you still had a chance of stopping it.

"LENA!!!" You yelled while chasing after the plane. "LENA!!" You yelled desperately hoping the plane would stop. You're exhausted from all the running you've done that you soon fall to your knees. Part because you were tired and part because you had missed your opportunity. "Lena....please don't leave me." You say to no one in particular. It was over. You were too late and had lost your chance.

"(Y/n)?" You hear someone call out your name from behind. You think you're hearing voices but realize someone is actually calling your name. You turn around, finding that it was Lena calling for you.


With a burst of energy, you stand back up and run after her. Hugging her real tightly.

"I love you and I can't live without you." You say still out of breath. You reached for her hand, holding a ring in the other. "I loved you before, I love you today and I will always love you forever. Please tell me that I'm not the only one who feels like this. Tell me yes and I'm all yours."

All Lena can do is nod as she starts crying.

You slide the ring on her finger and pulled her in for a deep kiss.