

Have you ever given Fame a thought?

Argfoxus_Ichakeyno · Thành thị
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Fame is said to come with gains,

But then, it also comes with pains.

If you choose to avoid the rains,

You might end up in shame.

What a pity. This is Fame.

In the morning, it is sweet, sweet as berry.

In the afternoon, it seems to shift,

looking like blurry

In the night, depending on how you walk, it's either bitter or bigger, just be ready.

She is known by all and loved by some.

Her name is Fame, the one for all,

Some use her to make friends,

Others, for wealth.

While you still compare, on the difference,

Her enemies rise, and set their defence

Fame is sweet, only for the discreet.

Without empathy, she will return you to the streets.

Be kind and just, ensure to keep fit,

So when her enemies rise, you can defeat.

While you go for fame, remember six feet.

Be you, make them see this.

Consider the pains, so you work not in vain.

No pain, no gain, that's the short story of Fame.