
Falling in Love with the King of Beasts

[COMPLETE] Reth stalked towards her, chin low so the shadow cast by his hard jaw cut across the thick fur collar of his vest. His hair had fallen over his eyes in the scuffle, so he peered at her through it like a lion in the grass. With each step, his graceful, rolling gait reminded her of a predator stalking its prey. Despite the forest floor littered in twigs and leaves, he didn’t make a sound. “Wh-who are you?” Elia stammered, backing away, her hands up. He met her step for step until she came up hard against the tree behind her—and didn’t stop until he loomed over her, so broad his shoulders and chest made a wall in front of her. She could feel the heat rising off his skin in the cool, night air. “I am the Leonine King.” His voice was a dark, husky gravel. Behind him a chorus of wheezes, howls, and chirps of agreement rose from the people watching. “And you are?” “Elia,” she breathed. “Elia,” he growled, leaning in closer, bringing with him the scent of pine and rain and the musk of something distinctly male. “I am Reth.” He said the name with a strange, guttural roll in his throat. “I am the King of Beasts. I am Clan Leader, and I am Alpha of WildWood.” Several snarls rose from the crowds behind him then, but he ignored them. Elia swallowed as he leaned in until the scruff on his jaw rasped her cheek. “I am the King,” he said, “And you will be my mate.” The forest behind him erupted. ****** Elia is a poor university student until the night she's taken to the world of the Anima—ruled by humans whose ancient hearts pulse with the blood of animals. There she's forced into a battle to the death. But when Elia survives, and refuses to kill her final opponent, the King must either kill Elia himself, or take her as his mate. Reth, the brutal King of the Beasts with the blood of lions, shocks everyone when he chooses the weak, human Elia to become his Queen. He promises her every comfort of his wealth and position—but he is clear: She will not warm his bed. He chose her to defeat those that were trying to corner him into blending his Leonine line with the Wolves. Elia needs the help of the Anima to become stronger and rule them well. But the vengeful Wolves see only a weak human that brought them shame. As Elia and Reth grow closer, the wolves are determined to destroy her. Will Reth and Elia admit their feelings for each in time to fight for the Kingdom—and their lives—against the villainous wolf-tribe? Or will the wolves kill Elia and steal the throne? [Mature content - no sexual violence] Cover Art used by paid copyright permission. Illustrated by Aenaluck--see more gorgeous art and support them on www.patreon.com/aenaluck

AimeeLynn · Kỳ huyễn
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699 Chs

Kissing the King


He stared at her, staring up at him. Watched her throat bob. And by the Creator's mane, he prayed.

She stepped closer and one of her pale hands slid out from between the furs she'd kept around her like a shield. She put that hand to his bare chest and they both sucked in.

"Reth?" she whispered into the dark.

"Yes?" he whispered back, his hands at his sides, shaking because he was working so hard not to touch her, not to scare her away.

"I've never been with a man before," she said, her voice shaking slightly.

He swallowed. "I know."

"I'm assuming you have—with a woman, I mean."

The huff of laughter broke out of him before he could catch it, but he stifled it quickly. "Uh, yes, I have."

She nodded and he heard her breath catch in her throat. Her slim, white throat that she bared as she lifted her chin to meet his eyes, her hand still on his chest. He wondered if she knew what that meant to him. Her scent was an intoxicating mix of desire, curiosity, and nerves.

"So, since you've done this before, and I haven't… doesn't it make sense that you show me? Instead of me leading, I mean."

Reth's breath left his lungs in a whoosh. The trust she showed. Especially for a human woman who knew males could violate. It was… humbling.

"Are you certain?" he breathed. "I don't want to frighten you or… do things you don't enjoy."

Her lips pressed together, but tilted up on the sides, like she was stifling a smile. "Well, I'm guessing you've figured some stuff out over the years and… I trust you. Show me. If I don't like it, I'll tell you. And we can try something else."

His chest rose and fell like a bellows. He put a hand to her face and she leaned her cheek into it. His fingers were shaking. Him! The King! She did things to him that he'd never experienced before—and in innocence! How was it possible? "But how will I know, Elia?" he murmured, his voice pleading. "How will I know what you want?"

Her eyes locked with his in the dark—he knew his were glowing now, the animal blood in him rising to the mating call… no pun intended. "If I don't say no," she whispered, "then the answer's yes."

A shudder rocked him. "Are you certain?"

She blew out a breath and stepped up to stand between his massive feet, so her chest almost brushed his abdomen. The hand she'd had on his chest slid up to cup his neck, then the other came up to his collarbone as she dropped the fur.

Reth groaned as the fur slid down her curves like water over the land. She tensed, aware of her nakedness in a way an Anima female would never be. But as Reth scented her fear, he also scented her demand—and her desire. She raised her chin and met his gaze defiantly as she said, "I've never been more certain of anything in my life."

"By the Creator's Light, Elia—" he groaned as he finally released the tethers he'd held on himself since the moment he saw her in the circle. He closed the space between their bodies, pulling her into his chest and tilting her chin to meet his kiss in the same movement.

When their lips met, they both sucked in heavy breaths, then forced them out.

With a rolling purr of approval, Reth tilted her head for a better angle and let his lips trail over hers so lightly at first, a feather touch. Then, when she didn't pull away, he dove deeper, burying his hands in her hair and sliding his tongue against hers.

She clung to his neck and shoulders, her breath coming quickly, kissing him back with surprising skill.

He let his fingertips trail down her spine and she rippled under his touch in a way that made him want to roar. The beast within him fought for release and he battled it back, keeping his touches gentle and whisper-light, giving her time to find her desire and lose her fear.

But he was already trembling with the desire for her. His nose full of her scent, his ears full of her breath, of the tiny whimpers that escaped her throat, his touch full of her skin, the rest of the world tunneled to nothing except her.

Slowly, slowly he nudged her backwards, step by step, without breaking the kiss, still stroking her skin, until they reached the sleeping platform. But before he could lean down to lift her, she dropped her head back and whispered his name, "Reth!"

Her pure, white throat was bare and open to him and it almost brought him to his knees.

He'd had women, yes. And he'd had a wonderful time. But never once had a woman given him her throat like that.

Shocked to the core, Reth stared down at her, then brought one of his hands up, using two fingers to trace the line from her jaw, down the cord of her neck, to her collarbone. A lazy growl rolled in his throat as he leaned down to taste her skin there, kissing, licking, then letting his teeth scrape her clavicle.

And she buried her fingers in his hair and pulled him closer.

Her scent was round and full, musky with her heat and the mating call swelled in his throat. "Oh, fuck, Elia," he groaned. "Are you sure? I can't… if you need to stop—"

"Please don't stop," she gasped, goosebumps pebbling her skin from his touch at her throat, all the way down to her thigh. He let his hand trail down between her breasts, then to her waist, following the trail of them, until he cupped her behind and kissed her neck, right under her ear, and another growl puttered in his throat.


IMPORTANT: This is the final free chapter for Reth & Elia. I can't tell you how wonderful your support for this book has been so far. I'm truly grateful. You are world-famous in my home, ha! Thanks, and hold on, because this is where things start to get interesting!