
-Falling for you-


Angelica_lovely · Kỳ huyễn
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Falling for you

Falling for you




I'm at our spot waiting for my bestfriend but when soemone pour a water kn my head I quickly stand and saw lucy-

Lucy;did you enjoy the water?

Yn;Lucy if your here to have a fight would you please leave me alone?

Lucy:why? I'm just having fun aren't you having fun?

Cheska;btw y/n I heard something that you and angel are talking about.

Yn:oh did you? Cheska is it your hobby to listen to soemone conversation?

Lucy:she's keeping an eyes on you stupid -rolled eyes -

Yn: oh.. I didn't know I have a stalker now?

-Angel came-

Angel;oh I came in a perfect time

Lucy;my sister in law it's nice to see you again darling, how are you? -smile-

Angel:cut the crap Lucy you don't have to pretend your nice my brother isn't here so stop acting that your an good person

Cheska;why so rude? We're not here for a figth can't you be nice to us?

Angel;no freaking way.. Why would I be nice to my bestie enemy? I mean let me rephrase that why would I be nice to you guys your my sister in law enemies.

Lucy;sister in law? are you replacing me? -angry tone-

Angel;why not? We both know your not good for my brother remember you cheated to him

Lucy:that's in the past angel I came back to prove my love to your brother of all girls why her -point at y/n-

Angel;she has so many attitude that you don't have don't expect you and my brother will be together again because while I'm alive I won't let that happen

Lucy;okay then if you want y/n to be your sister in law then go ahead but does your mom want her cmon angel we both know your mom likes me and I will prove everything I will do my best to bring your brother back to me -smirk-

Yn;Lucy can't you just stop Jungkook doesn't love you anymore just let him be happy with someone else.

Cheska;ofcourse you will say that it's because you want to be with him do you think Lucy is stupid enough to let you win?

Angel;girls. Lucy instead of having an argument with us why don't you find a perfect dress for tonight and make sure you'll be pretty if you don't want to be defeated by y/n.

Lucy;w--what do you mean angel? What are trying to say?

Angel;what I'm saying was, she will be coming to the family dinner tonight with me isn't it great my brother and her will have some privacy -smirk-

Lucy;n-no your just saying that to make me mad why are you bringing her does Tita agree her to come she isn't even part of our family -annoyed-

Angel;why? Your not even part of our family too. Remember? Your no longer in our family y/n is my guest so you can't do anything about it. So if I were you try too look pretty for tonight so bye -leave with y/n-

-Lucy throws the plate and the plate breaks everyone was staring-

Cheska;Lucy just try to relax everyone is star-

Lucy:I don't care if they stare at us. Cheska y/n will be joining us how can I have some privacy with my fiance -mad-

Cheska;you know there's only a way Lucy just say the word I will grant your wish.

Lucy; no

Cheska: no? What do you mean by no?

Lucy;I think I have a great plan for tonight thanks for the offer cheska but I can manage these on my own -smirk-

Cheska:I know your plan will succeed so if your done now can we pls eat? I'm hungry

















-7 pm-

Yd pov

I'm at the living area doing some work until my daughter came -

Yd: y/n why did you come home so late?

Yn;sorry dad me and angel went shopping to buy some dresses -hug y/d-

Yd;dresses for what? Is there a occasion?

Angel:Tito I invite your daughter to join to our family dinner tonight, well you could join to if you have a free time -smile-

Yd;angel.. I really appreciate your kindness to my daughter but isnt it dangerous? your brother doesn't like my daughter also your mom right? I don't want anything bad happen to my daughter

Yn:daddy I know you care so much but you don't have to worry your baby girl is a big girl now I can take care of my own , so pls dad let me come -pout-

Yd;y/n I'm just trying to protect you.. I don't want anyone to hurt you so angel I'm sorry but I won't let my daughter go with you..

Angel;Tito I won't let anything bad happen to y/n I promise I will keep my eye on her I want dad to meet her.. so pls uncle let ynieee come with me I really need her for tonight plsss , and don't worry about my brother I won't let anyone hurt your girl soo pretty plsss uncle if you let her come with me I'll be the happiest girl in earth so pls let her come -beg-

Yd;okay fine.. But angel pls protect her

Angel:I will if you wanna come your also welcome uncle?

Yn:yes dad, it will be more fun if you met my bff parents so pls come dad these is will be our daughter and father bonding -smile-

Yd;you should enjoy sweety. And besides your dad has plenty of works don't worry we will be having a time together so both of you get dressed specially you angel don't you want your parents to wait.

Angel;okay uncle let's go changed y/n I'm really excited to see my dad now -pull y/n-

At ynie room-














-Angel braid her half hair and y/n make her hair as a half ponytail and ang put some make up on ynie few SEC's angels done putting makeup on y/n-

Yn;angel why do you have to put me some make up?

Angel;duhh to be pretty in my brother s eyes I won't let that Lucy be the pretty girl for tonight it must be you not that bitch -rolled eyes-

Yn;angel I want to ask you something serious?

Angel:sure you know I will answer your question honestly

Yn;did you mean what you said? Do you really want me to be your sister in law?

Angel;ofcourse yessss. Why would I want you be my future sister? Y/n all you did was kindness you've been so nice to me and that girl deserves my brother so it's you y/n your the only girl that my brother deserves so I will do everything to be my brothers girlfriend, it will be hard but I promise you that Jungkook and you will be together I will do my best ynieee -smile-


Angel words were so sweeet I try not too cry because my makeup might be ruined I don't want to waste the hard work that she did so I hug her but I broke the hug when soemone call her-

- she speaker the phone-

On the phonee-

Jk:where the hell are you??

Angel:brother relax I'm still here in ynie house

Jk;and F'CKING tell me what are you doing there?

Angel: is it bad to visit a friend I'm just leaving

Jk;you better be get here now our parents are waiting -end called-

-Angel sigh-

Yn;Angel I think we should go?

Angel; yep we really should maybe daddy is there are you ready?

Yn;well tbh I'm kinda scared for your mom reaction would be like but since your on my side I'm always ready -smile-

Angel;that's my girl you don't have to be sacred babe, I'm always on your side whatever happens -smile back-

Yn;iknow babe, so lets go we don't want your brother to be fully angry -grab angel-









-at their house-

-Yn and angel goto the pool area because that's where the dinner is angel dad hug angel -

Few seconds they broke the hug-

To be continued

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