
-Falling for you-


Angelica_lovely · Fantasy
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Falling for you

Falling for you



hi armies before we start I want to introduce myself I am Lee y/n 19 yrs old I only have a father I don't have a mother anymore she got a accident and I don't have any siblings so I only have my dad and I have a bestfriend name angel well she's jeon angel because her brother is jeon Jungkook his brother is my worst enemy anyways my father is a CEO owner and I am a doctor but I'm still studying so I'm doing work and taking studies at the same time-


-Yn did her morning routine and goto the kitchen-

Yn:good morning Dad -kiss yd on cheek-

Yd; good morning too sweety btw what time did you got home last night?

Yn:1 am I have so many patients at the hospital last night why did you ask dad?

Yd:I just don't want you to be so tied sweety. Can't you just focused on your school and resigned as a doctor? Y/n you need to give yourself some rest.

Yn:daddy you know I love my job, don't worry about me I'll be fine, I always eat kn time. Dad besides I just can't designed just like that don't you remember your daughter is a famous doctor in korea, and I don't wanna waste my hard work dad. -look at yd-

Yd:you know if your mom is still here with us she will be so proud of you. I am so proud of you sweety. -smile-

Yn;that's all thanks to you daddy, I won't be able to be a successful doctor if you didn't help or guide me so I am very grateful daddy,

Yd:cmon sweety don't make daddy cry you should eat if you don't wanna be late for school.

Yn;okay -smile-

















I parked my car and I goto my locker area and I saw angel-

Angel:hey did you just got here?

Yn:yes I did, btw wheres your brother?

Angel;awww don't tell me you miss him already? -tease y/n-

Yn;miss him? Cmon angel why would I miss him? Remember your brother bullies me?

Angel;he bully you because he likes you can't you feel it?

Yn;uh-uh no, thankgod your brother isn't here. -sigh in relief-

Angel;anyways I heard something about you last night

Yn;something about me? Is it bad?

Angel;-scoffs- Y/n I saw it on Instagram your such a hero because if you didn't revive the baby maybe the baby is gone now I'm so proud of you bestie -smile-

Yn;oh I didn't expect you would know about that, and thankyou

Angel:everyone knows actually, so anyways do you have plans after school?

Yn:I don't why? do you have any plans?

Angel; uh I just wanna buy a perfect dress for tonight to our fam dinner because my daddy is coming home tonight

Yn:really? That's nice so you want me to come to the mall with you?

Angel:am I going to ask someone else?ofcourse your coming with me but not only to the mall -smirk-

Yn;w-wait what do you mean?

Angel;well I want to invite you too our family dinner I want you to be there so will you come? Pls say yes you know I won't take no for an answer

Yn;angel are you sure? I mean it's your family dinner and I'm not even part of your family so why are you inviting me?

Angel;I want you to meet my parents y/n and my daddy wants to meet you. and don't worry your not the only outsider who will be there..

Yn;what do you mean?

Angel:my brother ex fiance will be there -sigh-

Yn;did you just say ex? so it's Lucy?

Angel;yep. beleive me I don't want to see her there. But my mom really likes Lucy even tho Lucy it's not my brother fiance anymore my mother still likes her.

Y/n;oh.. but angel I don't wanna ruined anything I'm probably going to say no to your offer because you know Lucy right? She will be so annoyed if she sees me there I don't wanna fight with her specially infornt of your parents?

Angel:girl don't worry do you think I will let her hurt you? Don't worry I got you. Even tho my mom don't want you to be there she can't do anything because I'm the one who invited you and your my guest. so you really don't have to worry about it.

Yn;okay fine.. I'll come with you I'm only doing these because I love you so much -smile-

Angel:awww I love you too -smile back-

-Bell ring-

Yn:so let's go to class mylady?

Angel:let's go babe -pull y/n-

















To be continued

plz enjoy!!!!Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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