
Falling for my Step son ( Moved to a New Link )

Alyssa is a young superstar in her early twenties who decides to marry a billionaire twice her age hoping to pay off her mother's debts. Her husband's son Calcel is extremely handsome that Alyssa doesn't resist falling in love with him. " I love you even though you are my step mother ! " Calcel declared looking straight into Alyssa's eyes. Alyssa couldn't believe her ears. Didn't Calcel hate her earlier for breaking his father's marriage ? How did he end up falling in love with her ? Alyssa wondered. For the full story please read and support this novel only available at Web Novel. Love You ...

Ruth_arn · Thành thị
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202 Chs

Chapter 40: I love you Calcel !

May got confused and put her ice cream on the near by chair before running after Calcel . Herman and Alyssa looked at each other again confused.

" Why's Calcel behaving weird now days ? " She inquired.

" I thought that you are the one who gets him better since you spend most of the time with him.." Herman said which was true.

" That's right , But he seems to be so angry. Especially when I talk about you. " Alyssa muttered solemnly.

" Aly , May has gone to check on him. So hurry take your ice cream before it melts . " Herman said to Alyssa .

The two smiled at each other and say down to take their ice cream.


When Calcel left them , He hurried to the parking and was about to get on his car when May stopped him.

" Sir ! " She called and Calcel turned to look at her before opening his car.

" Why are you leaving all of sudden ? " May asked confused about his sudden behavior.

" How can I stand there and watch my step mother having a good time with another man ! " Calcel yelled angrily.

" Calm down Calcel ! " May begged .

Calcel tried to calm himself down as he heaved several breathes. " I am so sorry for shouting at you ! " He said.

" I understand that Calcel. Please get inside the car , I well drive you home . " May said and quickly entered the car sitting on the driver's seat.

Calcel had no other choice but to also get inside. Soon May started the driving . They arrived at the Wong's Mansion when both May and Calcel got put of the car.

" Thank you for driving me home ." Calcel said solemnly.

" And thank you for allowing me to drive you here. " May replied.

" Ah.."

" Of course. Driving you home was one the things that I wanted to do with you. " May said making both her and Calcel to laugh.

" Really ? Which other things do wish to do with me ? " Calcel asked.

" A lot ! " That was the only answer that May could give.

" If your okay with it can you tell me one of them . " Calcel said nonchalantly.

" Hmm.." May smiled. " I am afraid that you won't do them for me .. " She said her smile fading as she pressed her lips.

" Why wouldn't I ? " He asked looking straight into her eyes.

May looked deep into his brown eyes . ' If I say that I love you , Will you accept me ? ' May thought innery and heaved a sigh .

" Is there anything that you want the tell me ? " Calcel asked as of reading through May's mind.

" Calcel , I love you ! " May finally attered out

' Calcel l love you ! Calcel I love you ! ...' The voice kept on ringing in his mind.

Was he dreaming this or not ! He asked himself.

Seeing that Calcel had no responce to her words. May looked aside and said.

" I am sorry if I brought it up in a bad away. Please don't mind about it , I will leave now. " May muttered and left immediately.

Calcel was still in daze that he didn't realise that May had left. He only came back to reality when Jenny called him from behind.

" Mr Calcel , You are back ? " She asked walking to where he was.

" Yes Ms Jenny. Is Father still around ? " He asked returning to Jenny.

" Not really , He left with Mr Donald to visit the orphanage. " Jenny said with a smile. " Are you okay ? " She asked.

" Ah...Yes. I will head to my room . " Calcel said and left .

Jenny looked at him leave and cocked a brow. She was sure that Calcel was hiding something from the way he looked like at the moment.

Calcel was from having a shower. He got a small book from his library and went to the Mansion's garden which was not far away from the main gate. He sat on a wooden arm chair that was in the middle of the garden and started reading through the book. He was there when a maid approached him.

" Good afternoon Mr Calcel. " She greeted.

" Good afternoon. " He simply replied.

" May I bring you anything like a drink or snack ? " She asked him her head bent a little .

" Lemon juice.." He said.

Hearing him the maid left and came back the juice and some snacks. She put them on the table and left. Calcel was trying to read the book but he wasn't focused at all. He decided to put the book aside and got the glass of lemon juice. He has just taken two sips of it when he saw Alyssa's car park. Alyssa got out of it and headed to to Mansion but before she could go further she had her voice being called.

" Alyssa..."

She turned around to find where the voice came from. He was Calcel in the gardens. Alyssa put a smile on her her face and went where he was.

" Calc , Your calling your me ? " She asked to confirm while she was a short distance away from him.

He got up from where he was seated and walked to her but the expression on his face wasn't pleasing at all. He wasn't the normal Calcel that Alyssa used to see. This Calcel in front of her looked angry than never before. But to Alyssa's surprise the more he looked angry the more handsome he became.

' Oh my God ! What's wrong with me ? Why does he continue to be handsome everyday. '

Alyssa asked herself innery as the man walked closer to her. Her heart started again beating at a high speed. The devil in his eyes was enough to prove how angry he was with her. She calmed herself down and cleared her throat.

" What....what is it ? " She asked in stammers.

To her surprise Calcel didn't reply anything but grabbed her wrist with his strong hands and dragged her inside the Mansion. The few maids who saw this were shocked but wise enough to keep the mouths shut. They didn't want to lose their jobs.

" Where are you taking me ? " Alyssa tried to ask but the grip on her arm instead become stronger.