
Falling for my Step son ( Moved to a New Link )

Alyssa is a young superstar in her early twenties who decides to marry a billionaire twice her age hoping to pay off her mother's debts. Her husband's son Calcel is extremely handsome that Alyssa doesn't resist falling in love with him. " I love you even though you are my step mother ! " Calcel declared looking straight into Alyssa's eyes. Alyssa couldn't believe her ears. Didn't Calcel hate her earlier for breaking his father's marriage ? How did he end up falling in love with her ? Alyssa wondered. For the full story please read and support this novel only available at Web Novel. Love You ...

Ruth_arn · Thành thị
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202 Chs

Chapter 199: Who am I not to forgive you ?

His kiss was just gentle and short.

Alyssa smiled at him after that and they hugged again.

Later on, The two had a walk around the hospital compound. They water holding their hands and they kept on smiling at each other.

" So, Where do you want our wedding to be from ? " Calcel asked.

" ..I am.." She stopped walking and looked at him.

" How about I inquire from your mother ? " Alyssa asked.

Calcel's smile faded when she mentioned Juliana.

" I don't want her to get involved. " He said.

" But she is your mother. " Alyssa argued.

" Can we not talk about her ? " Calcel asked.

" Calcel...Your father forgave her. Which is it hard for you too ? " She asked sternly and he looked away to avoid her questions.

" Fine, I know she hurt you. But think about Clere. Do you want her to keep leaving the country ? Don't you think that she misses being with you and your father ? Don't you think that she deserves a full family ? " Alyssa asked but Calcel continued gritting his teeth.

" Calcel, I know how hard it is to have a single parent. My father died when I was little, I and the short life of Marvis that I lived, She also had no mother. And I realized what she went through. But Look, Clere is lucky that both her parents are alive and they are willing to reconcile for her. Why don't you forgive and forget everything too. Mr Wong has been taking good care of you as his real son. Can you now let his daughter be happy too ? " Alyssa asked.

Calcel glared at her speechless. But she was right.

" It's getting dark, Let's go back inside.." He said and walked away.

Alyssa sighed. She knew it would be hard to convince him but she has tried her best. She had no other choice but to follow him.

Calcel went back to the room and slept again. Alyssa stayed to watch him. At was getting to 8pm when the doctor came to check on him and Found Alyssa seated.

" How was he today ? " The doctor asked.

" He has been well so far. He talked to his family and also had a walk . " She reported.

" That is good. I guess he can be released tomorrow. I will give him a nurse to take care of him from home.." He said.

" No need of a nurse. I can take good care of him.. " Alyssa said to him making him smile.

" It won't be easy to nurse his wound every day unless you have the experience.." Said the doctor.

" I am free. How about you teach me how to ? " Alyssa asked.

The doctor nodded seeing her willingness and determination.

" Fine then. Let me send one of my nurses to teach you. "

" Thank you Doctor.." Alyssa said and after this he left.

Alyssa sat back and looked into Calcel's face again.

' This all happened because of me. I must take good care of you. '


From the hospital, Juliana went to the Mansion with Clere and Jenny.

" Ms Jenny, I think i should leave now. " She said.

" How can you leave ? Mr Wong asked me to prepare a special room for you and he said that you will be staying here. " Jenny answered.

' Was he serious when he said we should married again ? '

Jenny asked herself.." Its okay. You can tell him that I left. Calcel won't be happy to find me here. " Juliana said.

" Juliana, You should stop minding about Calcel's attitude towards you. He is your son and of course he will eventually forgive you. " Jenny said to encourage her.

" Do you really think that he will ? "

Jenny touched her shoulders and said. " He is a good boy. He will. "


The following morning, Juliana woke up early and offered to prepare breakfast for David and Clere.

When the latter were called to the dinning table, They were surprised to find Juliana in an apron.

She came to them with a smile. " Good morning.." She said while she set the dishes on the table.

" Good morning Mom. " Clere said.

" Why are you doing this ? " David asked on seeing her dressed like this and the way she had dressed.

" I missed preparing breakfast for you so I asked Jenny to allow me make one today. " Juliana said.

" Okay..then sit and eat with us. " He said and Juliana sat opposite him.

" We are going to pick Calcel from the hospital. You should come along. " David informed her.

" Sure.." Juliana smiled at him.

So after the breakfast , The three got into David's car and drove to the hospital.

At the Hospital...

Alyssa had left to go to her apartment and change clothes early because she wanted to come back and take care of Calcel.

When he woke up that morning and looked around she wasn't there and there was a nurse next to him instead.

" The lady who was here. Where did she go ? " Calcel asked.

" You mean Marvis ? ",The nurse asked cheerfully.

" She left this morning and asked me to stay until she u

is back. " The nurse reported.

He got up to sit on the bed and said. " Get me some water.." The nurse got up and walked to the fridge and she was pouring for him in the glass when the door opened and Clere came first running to him.

" Calcel.." she called while she opens her arms to hug him.

David came in followed by Juliana who was walking behind him.

" How are you today ? " David asked.

" I am fine now. And very ready to go back home. " He said.

When Calcel's eyes met Juliana's his expression changed. Juliana couldn't say a word but just glare at him.

" Let me go with Clere to settle bills. Juliana stay here with Calcel. " David said and held Clere's hand to leave.

Juliana stayed there expressionless and there was total silence in the room.

" I am leaving for the states tomorrow. " She declared to break the silence.

Calcel first kept silent and then said. " I thought you and Father are getting married again ? "

" I can't unless it will make you comfortable. " She said.

The were all staring in space and none of them dared to look at each other.

" Don't you still love my father ? " Calcel asked.

This question made Juliana to look at him and he also looked at her. She swallowed hard to clear her throat and said.

" There's no single day I stopped loving him. " She said.

Calcel's face turned melancholy. " If you really loved him then why did you cheat on him ? "

This broke Juliana's heart into pieces and her eyes begun turning wet. " There's no single day I don't regret what happened. But even though, On the other side I am grateful that I got you. " She said

" How can you be grateful about it ? " Calcel yelled and his eyes were also turning wet.

" I am sorry Calcel..." She said and burst into tears. She covered her mouth to cover up her wail.

When he saw her like this he also looked away and begun crying in sniffs.

Juliana sat on the arm chair and looked at him. " After one week of our wedding, David had to leave for a business trip because he was the one managing the company. His brother ...Maybe I can say your real father Denis stayed at the Mansion with me. I always bored and alone, So one day he asked to me to go out with him and his girlfriend just to cheer me up. " She begun narrating.

" We were at a pub when his girlfriend suddenly poured wine on her dress, So ...she went back home to change her clothes and I stayed with Denis at the pub. Because I missed David alot, I drunk too much that I couldn't even go back home on my own. So ..Denis took me back to the mansion and carried me fi my room. I was so drunk that i mistook him for David and asked him not yo leave me. He tried to give away but I pulled him back and kissed him. " Juliana said these in tears.

" So...It was just like and accident. We slept together. When I woke up the following day, I was alone in the bed and Denis had left immediately after he realized the mistake we had done. He decided to leave the country in much guilt and left me a note saying that he couldn't face David again after what he had done. "

She sighed and continued. " I regretted what had happened and I was about to call David and explain to him everything that had happened when he returned that morning and told me that he was not going to leave me so soon again. In order not to hurt his feelings, I kept it a secret and continued with him as a normal couple. When I found out that I was pregnant, I though it was David's. It was after four years when your father died. And when you were 18, David started suspecting that you were not his son because of the way you used to act differently from him. He had DNA test secretly and came back with the result which showed that you were not his biological son. That is when I also found out that your were Denis'. "

" So...you mean that you also didn't know ? " Calcel asked glaring back at her.

" Of course I never knew. " She said in tears.

" But I swear, I never stopped Loving David. Even when we divorced, Even when he married Alyssa..I still loved him so much . " Juliana cried.

" If my father forgave you , Who am I not to ? " Calcel asked her.

" You mean, You have finally forgiven me ? " Juliana asked and Calcel cupped her face.

" Afterlol you are my mother. " He said and hugged her.

Juliana wailed bitterly not believing this and hugged him back. She never thought or imagined that he could forgive her.

" Thank you son..i am so happy. " She cried.