
Where am I?

"I ponder as i look at the lifeless corpse of a foolish idiot who believed that he can save everyone, a moron who lived for a borrowed dream. Remembering how I myself was once this person who lay before me. Even though I succeeded at what I came here to do, I feel empty inside and a sliver of my consciousness condemns me for what i did. But i feel no regret with this my life, my history and my very existence should cease to exist. Now all there is left to do is to end my own life" as I was thinking a scream comes from his behind.

It was Rin Tohsaka. "Why did you do that Archer? Answer me!" she demanded. I look at Rin and the valiant knight that stood next to her, her existence slowly fading as she no longer has a master that can supply her with mana. I say "I did it because he was a fool. A fool that in time will repeat the same mistakes i made. Living and fighting for the happiness of others, without caring for ones self"."What does that have to do with you killing him!" Rin screams."It seems you have yet to realize who I am Rin. Did you never think to question how this child was ably to project a noble phantasm. How he was able affect and alter my reality marble with his pitiful amount of knowledge and skill in magecraft".I pause for a second waiting for a reply but none came so I continue "Rin, I am Shirou Emiya".

As soon as those words left my mouth Rin and Saber eyes widen in disbelief. Rin opens her mouth and says "Even then why? Why did you do this? and if you are really him how was I even able to summon you?". "Rin heroic spirits can be summoned from the past the present and the future as long as you have the required catalyst that relate to said hero in your case the pendant your father gifted you when you were young and the thing that saved my life. As for your other question, i believe I have already given you the answer". And with dad i slit my own throat with "Kashou". I close my eyes as I slowly began to dissipate. Opening my mouth one last time to say my last words to my wife "I hope you can find a person who will truly cherish you, unlike me"

Whit that Archer slowly fades away, thinking that his life has finally come to a closure.

One second passes then two, three, four and it goes on but somehow he's still able to think, whats even more surprising is that he is able to feel the wind blow against his face. Pain and regret slowly fills his mind as his attempt to escape from Alayas grasp by destroying his existence has failed or so he thought.

He slowly opens his eyes thinking he will see the same barren land filled with weapons of all type but to his astonishment what he saw was not a land of sword, fog and gears but a beautiful land lush with vegetation and trees. Archer Shirou Emiya asks himself "Were am I?"Shirou Emiya stood up and looks at his surroundings. His eyes land upon a nearby lake as he thinks that he is quite thirsty. At this moment a startled expression landed on his face 'I have a real body but how?' he immediately sat back down and started to analyze his body. First thing he found out was that he no longer possessed a saint-graph and that his body was very much real, but it seemed that the surprises has yet to end as he found out that he no longer has any magic circuits and in its place was a weird core that was filled with energy similar to mana also there was a another core hidden deep within his body that he was not able to fully visualize.

Shirou Emiya had no words but he was sure of few thing, his plan had been a success and that he was not on earth any longer. He walked up to the river to have a few mouth full of water to quench his thirst, looking at his reflection upon the water to see his young self. But he had already known about this when he used structural analysis on himself. He looked like his younger self but he still possessed his tan skin. The same applied to his eyes and hair as they were still grey and white respectively.

After quenching his thirst Shirou Emiya climbed up a tree to get a better understanding of his surroundings. After looking around for a while he came back down. He thought 'It seems that i still posses the skills i had when i was a servant'. He slowly walked south as he had seen markings of human road that way when he was up on the tree.

He showed a rare smile as he thought 'I wonder what this world holds for me'

Shirou Emiya walked and soon he reached the road contemplating which direction he should go. Good thing that he encountered such situations many times during his years of travel. He thought for a while and chose to go left hoping his E-rank luck won't screw him over.

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After 5 days of travel he finally met a carriage along the way. And he was able to disperse one of his major worries, which was language but it turned out that the natives here spoke English. That was one of his worries out of the way.

He spoke with the driver and asked him if he could give him a lift to the nearest town or village which the driver accepted kindly thinking that Shirou was a mage. Trough the driver Shirou was able to find out many things about the world he was in. It turns out that he was in a kingdom called Fiore and here magecraft or magic as the driver spoke was common knowledge to everyone. But only 10% of the people were capable of using it. These people commonly referred as mages joined up in groups in what was known as guilds in search of fame and riches. He also learned that they were heading to a town called Magnolia where a single guild called Fairy Tail resided.

All of this didn't sound weird to Shirou as the world he lived in was essentially the same.

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