
Joining Fairy Tail

After traveling for another 5 days Shirou finally reached his destination "The Town of Magnolia". Looking at the town Shirou was quite surprised by how well developed it was. Once he entered the town Shirou asked the driver were the Fairy Tail guild resides and got off to walk on his own. He walked around 10 minutes before he reached the Fairy Tail guild and stood before it's doors. Taking in his breath Shirou pushed open the door just to see a naked man with only his underwear on being flung towards him. He was able to avoid the crash but what he saw inside made him question if he chose the right guild.

Once inside Shirou saw broken seats and tables every were and people from old to young, man to woman fighting each other like a Free Far All brawl. It looked more like a bar than a guild.

Walking up to the counter while making sure to avoid the people who were fighting Shirou saw 2 women talking with each other. One with a blond hair the other with a white one. Walking up to the 2 of the Shirou asked "hello ladies could any of you tell me how to join this guild and if there are any requirements?"

Looking at the tan skinned, silver eyed man in front of him Mirajane smiled casually and said "of course. To join the guild you don't need to meet any requirements except being able to use magic and the guild masters acceptance". Hearing this Shirou was quite surprised. But he did not linger on it for long and asked "Then is there a way to meet the guild master now?". To this Mira replied "He should be coming out any second now". Shirou asked "to stop the brawling?". Mira only nodded.

Shirou though for while and said "I'm Shirou Emiya, but you can call me Shirou". Mira replied with "Mirajane but everybody calls me Mira". The two of them talked about themselves while ignoring a certain blond who was staring at Shirou with starry eyes. After sometime a loud yell came from the upper floor and everybody started shaking. Each step the person took shook the whole building soon the owner of the voice who presumably the guild master appeared on the second floor railing.

Contrary to his steps a the guild master was a man of small stature. Suddenly a bold young man with pink hair tried to attack the guild master just to be slapped on his head by a giant hand.

Shirou looked at Mira and asked "is that the guild master? ". Mira nodded. After the guild master finished lecturing his guild members he looked at Shirou and the blond haired girl jumping down to greet them. The guild master looked at Shirou and said "you posses quite lot magical power" from the side Mira spoke up "Shirou this is master Makarov. Guild master of Fairy Tail". Shirou who heard this bowed a little and introduced himself as Shirou. Master Makarov looked at the blond girl and asked "who might you be" the girl replied "my name is Lucy and I am a celestial wizard".

Makarov suddenly started laughing a said "well Shirou, Lucy welcome to Fairy Tail" once he finished speaking he turned around walking back to his office. From the side Mira spoke up "Congratulations for joining the guild Shirou, Lucy. As a sign of you joining us you must get a guild emblem were would you two like to have it". Lucy excitedly said "on my hand please" and Shirou said "the same here".

After Shirou got his emblem A pink haired boy who got slapped on the head came up to him and said "the name is Natsu. Gramps said you were strong let's fight" another voice came from the back " hey idiot he just joined and now you want to fight him you must be the biggest moron" the owner of the voice was the naked man who was sent flying at him when he just had entered. " the names Grey Fullbuster by the way". Shirou also introduced him self but this time to everyone in the guild hall " I'm Shirou Emiya but you guys can call me Shirou" the blond girl also did the same.

"That's a weird name where are you from" Grey asked. Shirou replied " a far away place " most people in the guild hall simply shrugged the answer off without questioning him further. Shirou turned Lucy and asked " hey Lucy you said you were a celestial wizard what does that mean? " Lucy said " oh, celestial wizard is a type of wizard who can summon celestial spirits using celestial spirit gate key. By the way Shirou what kind of magic do you use?" Lucy questioned. After pondering over it for some time Shirou said " my magic is quite unique for say. It allows me to conjure or rather project weapons that I have seen in the past" as he says this he project kanshou. " like re-equip magic" Mira asked. To this Shirou had a rather confused look. Realizing that Shirou didn't know about re-equip magic Mira explained.

"Re-equip magic allows the user to store numbers of different kinds of weapons and armor inside a sub space that can be called and equipped upon at any give time" listening to the explanation Shirou understood the similarities between his unlimited blade works and re-equip magic. "Yeah something like that but my magic doesn't allow me to create armors. But I can project any weapon as long I have analyzed that said weapon. At any given time" " what is it called" Lucy asked "Unlimited Blade Works" he replied.

Natsu who had been running out of patients screamed from the side saying "hey Shirou let's fight" seeing as how Natsu isn't giving up Shirou complied.

Natsu laughs and says "get ready I'm coming . Fire dragon Iron fist" Natsu strikes first with his fire dragon slayer magic which was easily dogged by Shirou as he was a magus who experienced years of fighting entity's who were much stronger then him. In Shirou eyes an opponent like Natsu was quite easy to read not to mention how he screams out the name of his attack.

Seeing how Shirou dogged his attack Natsu turned around and inhaled large amount of air then released it. Spewing large amount of fire in Shirou's direction.

Seeing the fire coming at him at fast speed Shirou projected Kanshou and Bakuya and moved through the fire. After passing through the flames Shirou saw Natsu's flustered expression seeing how his opponent was stunned Shirou used this moment to strike Natsu with kanshou and bakuya sending him flying through the room.

From the side Grey yells "guess we have another Erza now" while laughing. Everyone followed suit.

Shirou looked at Mira and asked "who is Erza?" . "She one of the 4 S class wizards in ou guild." Mira replied.

Suddenly Natsu came back flying and says " I was just fought off guard. Let's have a best of 4". From the side Grey laughs at Natsu telling him "Are you a moron how can there be a best of 4 you must have hit your head to hard on that fall" Natsu angered by this goes up to grey and yells "how about you put on your clothes on before you speak stripper" , "fire head" , "ice boy".

Whiles the two of them were fighting Shirou walks up to the quest board to make a quick cash. " are you interested in taking a quest now?" It was Mira who had asked. Shirou nodded. "How about you join a team" Mira suggested. "I'll work alone for now". Looking at quest board Shirou saw all kinds of job but one fought his eyes. It was a monster subjugation quest. The quest was about taking down a star horn shadow wolf which is a B class monster and it's pack consisting of 27 C class shadow wolf. That had been harassing a small village about 5km away from the north of Magnolia. The price was a huge 670'000 jewels.

Seeing the job he picked Mira looked at him worriedly seeing her reaction Shirou said "I will be fine I have dealt with worse and if push comes to shove I will just use this" he brings out caladbolg and his trusted black bow.

Seeing the magical energy coming from the weird spiral shaped sword Mira had some assurance. After thinking for a while Mira allowed Shirou to take the request.