
Fairy world: The untold truth

Searching why she felt different than the other fairies around her, a teenage fairy finds herself in an awkward situation of life and death, when all the truth about her past slowly unravels by the entrance of an unexpected guest.

Abeeha_Aslam · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs


The monster was a more hideous version of a stray dog. It was gigantic, with a bloody mouth and pointy teeth. His head was half ripped off, exposing his brain. It was a dreadful view. His arms were big and strong, almost as if it worked out at least 5 times a day. His ears were sharp and tipped. One of his ears was bitten off from the edge. It was a weird-looking creature with a dark brown skin complexion.

Miss Megan's screams were followed by a large growl. She was standing a few feet away from the mist. The monster barged at her at full speed but screeched loudly in pain as he stepped away from the mist. He struggled to get up and continued to growl as he wriggled on the floor. All of a sudden it exploded. His organs and blood splashed on Miss Megan's entire body. She took this opportunity to run back to the auditorium.

"It can't come out of the mist! It can't get out of the mist!", screamed Miss Megan covered in blood.

"Are you okay? Why are you covered in blood?", asked one of the teachers in the auditorium.

"The mist, it can only survive in the mist. I was making my way up to my office when this creature came after me. I stood there, a little away from the mist, and when it got out, it just shattered into pieces.", said Miss Megan.

"So we can still survive this?", said Abby. Miss Swan took Abby to the other side and asked her to think positively and relax. She was going off to join the other teachers in the auditorium when Abby grabbed her hand and said, "Can I ask you something?". As much as Miss Swan wanted to stay there and listen to Abby, she needed to work with the rest of the fairies to come up with a spell to push the mist away so that the creatures couldn't harm anyone., "We will talk later when all of this is finished, okay?". She kissed Abby on the forehead and joined the others. No one was an expert in survival magic. No one had ever created a new magic spell on the spot. They were trying to think of a spell, but nothing came to mind.

"How on earth will we create a new magic spell?", said one of the fairies amongst the teachers.

"I think I can come up with one.", said Miss Ginny as she got up from her chair. "I have done a lot of magic, created a lot of different spells for survival, I think I can deal with this one too.".

Everyone laid their faith in the hand of Miss Ginny. Miss Ginny has over fifty years of experience in doing stuff like this. She sat at the corner of the auditorium with her spell book and began to flip through pages, combining different relatable spells.

After hours and hours of going through the spell book, Miss Ginny had finally found the right spell. "GOT IT!", she exclaimed.

All the teachers and the principal flew towards Miss Ginny with high hopes.

"I got it, I got it! This spell that I found needs to be read very carefully. It should be read by all of us at the same time so that it produces enough power to push away the mist.", she continued.

Abby and Dory were sitting at the back towards the auditorium door. The door was made of clear glass, which gave the outside view. "Umm, guys? I think the mist is outside the auditorium now."

-Everyone turned around to look at the back. The mist was now crawling all over the school.

Miss Swan and the rest of the teachers got up to teach the students the magic spell.

Miss Swan climbed up the auditorium stage and said, "Everyone gets up and gather here. (clears her throat) Miss Ginny is going to dictate a spell and, we want all of you to say it with her, memorize it and say it loudly.", Miss Swan stepped off the stage and escorted Miss Ginny up.

Miss Ginny took out her spell book and asked the fairies to recite it along, "Leve' so ma e'e laro, marst olla leck jone' fress to eka ti, me losa felas to rum.". The teachers, principals, and students recited the spell with Miss Ginny at least 10 times to memorize the entire spell.

Later on, she asked the entire auditorium to repeat the entire spell all by themselves. "You try it now my fairies.", said Miss Ginny.

The students were perfectly in sync as they read the spell out loud, "Leve' so ma e'e laro, marst olla leck jone' fress to eka ti, me losa felas to rum."

"Good, good, good, now keep this up in front of the mist.", said Miss Ginny.

Everyone's faces lit up with hope and a chance to get out of this mess. There was positive energy spiraling around at the moment and everyone felt confident. Now was the time to open up the auditorium doors and get rid of the mist. As confident as they were, everyone's heart pounding at an abnormally fast rate. Thoughts of death and failure began to enter their minds. Miss Ginny requested the fairies to clear their mind and recite the spell with full concentration and a good heart.

All of them now aligned themselves in rows and columns. They held hands as the auditorium doors opened wide. The mist began to spread throughout the auditorium. Faint growling and thudding made everyone skip a heartbeat. "Are you ready?", asked Miss Ginny. The fairies nodded their head and began to read the spell.

"Leve' so ma e'e laro, marst olla leck jone' fress to eka ti, me losa felas to rum.". "Leve' so ma e'e laro, marst olla leck jone' fress to eka ti, me losa felas to rum!", they continued.

The creature growled loud and clear and came running into the auditorium. A different tension began to pile up in the room when the creature appeared.

"Oh my god.", whispered Abby. "Stay focus and recite the spell, Leve' so ma e'e laro, marst olla leck jone' fress to eka ti, me losa felas to rum.", said Miss Ginny. The entire auditorium full of fairies began to chant the spell loud and clear. The mist was gradually disappearing and going out. "it is working!", screamed Dory. There was a relieving smile on everyone's face. they continued with the spell and made it outside. As the mist went outside the main school door, the teachers quickly closed the door and locked it with a spell to prevent anything from coming in.

The hallway was full of applauds and cheering of the students. They were hugging each other and celebrating. Abby turned around and hugged Dory tightly, "IT WORKED, IT WORKED, IT WORKED!", she chuckled. Dory's face also lit up with happiness, "Damn that was both scary and stressful.", said Dory. Abby took Dory's hand and they all began to move around the school, checking for any open windows or doors.

"We forced the mist out of the school, maybe we can also use it to force it out of the entire town?", said Miss Megan. "Yeah, but how will we tell others about the spell, the radio, the cellphones, everything is down.", said one of the teachers. They all sunk back into their thoughts to come up with a way to communicate with the others.

"Maybe Miss Ginny could cast a spell on the radio or something to make it work. She could contact Papa Morgan, tell him about the spell.", said Miss Swan. "that is actually a great idea. Papa Morgans headquarters had loudspeakers attached all over the town, maybe he could chant it out in the mic and make the mist disappear.", said Miss Morgan.

"This is a useless idea. Do you really think that Morgan would care enough to help? What makes you think he didn't do this?", said Miss Ginny as she approached the rest of them, "I am just saying, he is one of the oldest fairies in town and he knows many spells we do not know about. I am telling you it does not sound good to me.". she continued.

"What makes you think he would do such a thing? You are accusing our leader, the fairy who had put their heart and soul into this town, and you think he will be the one to destroy it?", replied Miss Megan angrily, "Is this what he gets for being humble?".

There was an awkward silence in the room, they kept staring at each other's faces. Miss Ginny walked away and Miss Megan went to her office. Miss Swan followed Miss Ginny out of the corridor, gently grabbed her by her shoulder, and said, "Look Ginny, I know you have your differences with the council but it is not about them. this is about the safety of our town. Look at these children, look at their faces. Do you really want to see the looks of dismay when they find out they can never see their parents again? Huh? Just think about it, don't do it for the council, do it for us, please."

At first Miss, Ginny brushed off the conversation and walked away. Miss Swan sighed in disappointment and went back to the student. Miss Swan's heart-touching speech moved Miss Ginny. After a couple of moments, she went through the hallway into the principals' office and looked at the radio, "I think I changed my mind, let's do this.", said Miss Ginny.

She swung her hands around in an odd manner and cast a spell on the radio. She stepped back and stared at it for a while but there was no sound on the radio.

Meanwhile, Vivian and Joe were stuck in Robs' supermarket. They couldn't come with a plan, nor figure out a spell. None of them were spell masters. Joe and Vivian practiced magic spells through potions, which were present in their homes. Rob had never a done spell before, he always kept it simple, he thought of magic spells as useless.

"What are we going to do?", asked Vivian. "I don't know Vivian I am trying to figure it out for the past hour with you!", replied Joe aggressively. Vivian got annoyed at his tone, "Why are you shouting at me? What did I do?". "We have been stuck here for an hour now and all you have said is 'what are we going to do' (he mocked Vivian) If you could put that energy into actually thinking of a way then we would have found a way out already!", he continued.

Rob, who was in the back store, jumped out and stood in the middle of both of them, "Hey, hey guys. We are dealing with life or death; I think it is not the perfect time to argue like a husband and wife. PLEASE.", said Rob. He tried to cool down Vivian and joe when a static noise came from the back. "It is the radio, it is working.", said Rob. They quickly flew towards the radio and Joe grabbed the mic to speak into it,

"HELLO! HELLO! Is anyone there?". The radio remained silent for a while and then buzzed again, "Hello, hello, can anyone hear me.", said Miss Megan over the radio.

"Yes, we can hear you, who are you?", asked Joe. "I am Miss Megan, the principal of Middleton high school, is this Papa Morgan's office?", she replied. "No, I am Joe, I am a member of Papa Morgan's council and we are stuck in a supermarket.".

Vivian looked at Joe and whispered, "That is Abby's school, that is Abby's school!". Vivian snatched the radio from Joes' hand and said, " ABBY! Is Abby okay?". "Everyone is fine, we made it through the mist. Our school was attacked by the monsters in the mist. We found out that the creatures cannot survive out of the mist, they die.", said Miss Megan. She then went on to say, "Miss Ginny has discovered a spell that would drive the mist away. No mist means no monsters.". Vivian, Joe, and Rob looked into the radio with lit-up hope. "What is the spell?", said Rob. "How many of you are there?", asked Miss Megan. "Three, we are three.", replied Rob.

"Three will not be enough to drive the mist out. The mist is created by a very powerful black magic, more of you will be required to blow the mist away.", said Miss Ginny over the radio. Rob began to look around his supermarket for something that could help. He made his way to the basement to find something. In the meanwhile, Vivian and Joe looked around the supermarket to figure a way to get out of the mist and away from the creatures. After flipping the market upside down they returned towards the radio with no success. "How are we going to do this? There is nothing in this market.", said Vivian in dismay.

Rob came from the basement up to the top, "Did you find anything?". Rob shook his head in disappointment and sat down on the floor. The radio buzzed again, "Did you have any luck?", said Miss Megan.

"No, we didn't.", replied Joe. After a long pause over the radio, Miss Ginny replied, "Do you have speakers or anything around the supermarket. Something loud, something that could double the power of the spell. Rob, who sat behind the radio, jumped up and said, "I have three speakers around my supermarket, will that be enough?". "It will be perfect. Okay, I will dictate the spell, I want you to write it down and say it as loudly as possible.", said Miss Ginny. She read the spell out loud and Vivian wrote it down on a piece of paper. Now it was their turn to do the brave work. Rob, Vivian, and Joe stood up from their spots and took a deep breath. They looked at each other and began to recite the spell. The mist was still outside, it didn't move.

"It didn't work, why didn't it work? We spelled it correctly.", said Joe.

"Um, you stupid fools I think we are supposed to open the doors first.", said Vivian.

"Oh yeah, that makes much more sense.", giggled Rob. He unlocked the supermarket door and opened it up. He flew back to Vivian and Joe and began to say the spell. It was working, the mist was moving away. Joe was reading the spell into the speaker and Rob and Vivian stood in front of the door, reciting it as loud as possible. the Spell created enough room for them to look outside and see the buildings.

"Look there, that is Papa Morgans council, let's go!", They flew there in a rush and closed the door behind them as they entered Papa Morgans headquarters.

"Papa Morgan! Papa Morgan! Where are you?", screamed Viviana as she flew towards his office. The headquarters looked more like a church but wasn't one. It had a big stage upfront with multiple chairs lining behind it. At the front seat sat a fairy, up straight and quiet.

"Papa Morgan? Is that you?", questioned Joe. The fairy sitting on the front seat didn't reply. Joe stopped Vivian from going towards it.

"Something is not right here.", Rob whispered to Joe. All three of them gradually stepped closer and closer to the fairy. They were halfway there when the fairy stood up facing its back towards Rob, Joe, and Vivian. They stopped moving as the fairy made a move. It was a weird fairy. His clothes were torn up, his wings were dark black and he wore a pointy hat on top, he was shoeless and had long, sickening nails.

"Who are you?", asked Joe furiously. The fairy didn't turn around just yet. It raised its head and gave a repulsive laugh. The sickening laugh glued Vivian, Joe, and Rob in one place. The fairy turned around steadily, revealing his face. Vivian and Joe gasped loudly and stared at the fairy's face. Rob was confused because he didn't know who the disgusting fairy was.

"Richard.", whispered Vivian.

"Yes, the one and only.", replied Richard laughing.

"How are you still alive?", said Joe.

"After what you did to me did you really think that I wouldn't seek revenge,", he growled.

"The mist, it is your doings, isn't it?". Richard lifted his hands to check his nails and replied, "An amazing entry, am I right. I have been gone for years and I thought this could be the best way to welcome myself back into town.", he laughed.

Vivians' and Joes' faces stared at Richard in shock and fear. "What did you do with Papa Morgan!?", sad Vivian violently.

Richard took a few steps towards the fairies and continued, "I thought Papa Morgan needed a little time off, besides he has been running the council forever and he must be tired of all the treacherous acts you all conduct.".

Vivian, Joe, and Rob stepped away from Richard and towards the main door.

"So are you planning on running outside Now, I wouldn't do that if I were you.", laughed Richard, "Would you mind sitting down for a little chit chat, I mean, we haven't seen each other in a long time, I was thinking we could catch up.".

Miss Megan was waiting patiently beside the radio, hoping for them to answer. "Answer me! Can anyone hear me?", said Miss Megan.

The radio was silent and there was no reply. Miss Megan sighed in distress and said, "I don't think they made it out alive.". Miss Megan was overwhelmed by all of this. She couldn't shoulder the burden of someone's death because of her. She was heartbroken and sad. Miss Swan knocked on the principals' office and came in to see tears rolling down Miss Megan's eyes, "Are you okay?", she asked. Miss Megan sat down and said, "Abby's parents, they made contact through the radio and I don't think they survived.", cried Miss Megan, "How will I tell her that I told them to go out into the mist.". Miss Megan continued sobbing and Miss Swan tried her best to comfort her. Miss Swan was emotionally moved by this news but tried her best to stop thinking about it and comfort Miss Megan.

"Ma'am, it is not your fault. Whatever happened, you were not responsible for it. Plus, you don't even know if they are actually dead, they could still be alive and well somewhere us.", she said.

"Let's not lose hope.", she added.

Miss Swan went back to the children in the hallway and classes. They were still cautious about the whole situation. Abby was in the bathroom with Dory cleaning up. "Do you think I should talk to Miss Swan about all of this?", asked Abby.

Dory splashed water on her face and said, "I think you should but not now. Everyone is confused and dazzled at the moment. Maybe when all of this is over, you can talk to her about it.". Abby gave a silent nod and both of them proceeded back to their classes.

The situation in Papa Morgans' headquarter was not looking good. Richard was furious about what the council did to him.

"I think everyone should be present right here, right now, to listen to all of this. I am sure you shut the town off and lied about it.", said Richard, "I think your little experiment, Abby should be here to listen to what I have to say.", he added.


Richard waved his hands around and lipid a spell. For a second everyone looked at him in confusion but realized, he blew the mist away.

"Look, the mist!", said Abby in excitement, "It is going away."

The student flew towards the school window and saw this backing up and disappear. The mid-day sky glory was retrieving and the sun came out, shinning like a golden medallion.

The entire school cheered and screamed with happiness. The teachers, the principal, the staff, all took a breath of relief.

"But what made the mist go away all of a sudden?", asked Mis swan.

"I don't know, but it is good that it did.", replied Miss Megan.

The students chanted Miss Ginnys' name as they all crowded in the hallway outside the principals' office. They thanked Miss Ginny for helping them fight the mist in the school. Miss Ginny had never felt so appreciated and welcomed in a long time. This feeling had her put on a continuous smile on her face.

As the mist cleared out and the school elders confirmed that there was nothing left to worry about, the fairies in the school left for their homes after a tiring day. Abby was going home with Dory when the town speaker buzzed and an announcement was made. The town speakers are controlled by Papa Morgans' headquarters, the headquarter makes announcements now and then. Everyone in the town follows Papa Morgans' instructions strictly. If he says something, everyone follows it with care. The speaker buzzed and an unknown voice over the speaker said, "Hello my fellow fairies and leprechauns, I look forward to seeing you all in Papa Morgans' headquarters. Thank you!".

Miss Megan looked up at the speakers and said, "This voice sounds so familiar.".

Everyone took off to the headquarters and thought that Papa Morgan might have assembled them to talk about the creatures and the mist.

"Seriously, I had to go home and sleep, this day couldn't get any worse.", sighed Dory in disgust. "Don't say that, what if it actually gets worse, I'll blame you for it then okay.", joked Abby as they made their way to the office.

The headquarters is very old, it was first set up by Martha's brother, Tinsdale, who devoted his life, along with his sister to protect fairyland. Unfortunately, Tinsdale died in a war between humans and fairies after the establishment of the fairy world.

Tinsdale was one of the most punctual and honest fairies in all of the fairy world. He was caring, sweet, thoughtful, and extremely polite. His death put everyone in severe shock. Tinsdale had great leadership qualities, his dream was to make fairyland a better place, free from humans and torture. After his death, Martha took up his responsibilities and took the fairy world to the place where it stands now.

The doors of the office were shut. The doors are like palace castle doors, they are big, antique, and creaky.

Abby opened the door, "Hello, Papa Morgan?", she said.

"I don't think anyone is here.", whispered Dory. Abby and Dory were followed by the rest of the fairies and teacher. Miss Swan, Miss Megan, and Miss Ginny proceeded towards the door. They looked inside and said, "Huh? This is weird, why is there no one inside. Usually, Papa Morgan and the rest of the council would be seated on the stage and upfront."

An eerie feeling aroused in the room. The door slammed shut behind them as Abby, Dory, Miss Megan, Miss Swan, Miss Ginny ad a few other fairies entered inside. The rest of the fairies were outside, banging at the door. Abby and Dory were bewildered by the entire situation.

"Welcome my beloved fairies and old friends, come please, sit.", smiled Richard as he flew from the top portion of the headquarters towards the stage. "How nice of you to join me, I was desperately waiting for all of you.", he said. Abby and Dory didn't know who Richard was, they had heard about him in stories but have never seen him in real life. Abby nudged Dory and said, "Do you know who that is?"

Dory nodded and said, "I think he is someone evil.". Abby looked at her and whispered, "WOW! Dory, thanks for telling me, I didn't know he was evil.", mocked Abby.

Miss Ginny, Miss Swan, and Miss Megan were amongst a few of the fairies who had seen Richard. Their faces drowned in terror and their hands quivered with fear.

"Oh, come on, don't be scared of me, have a seat.", said Richard. Dory stood right next to Miss Swan, she tapped Miss Swan on her shoulder and asked who the creepy fairy is,

"Miss Swan, who is this?". Her face wasn't as blown away as the rest of the fairies, "This is Richard.", she replied, "Richard Kingston."

Dory's mouth was left wide open, she had only heard about him in stories, an evil fairy who disappeared, but he was standing right in front of their eyes.

All of them sat in the seats at the back. There, they saw Papa Morgan, Vivian, Joe, and Rob tied up in the front chairs.

"Mom! Dad! screamed Abby. Miss Swan grabbed her hand and pulled Abby towards her, "Don't do this, please. Stay close.", she said.

"Please, take the front seat, I want to take a better look at you all, come on.", smiled Richard.

Miss Swan and Miss Megan held the children close to them and proceeded to the seats where Papa Morgan and the rest of them were held.

"Great!", said Richard. Vivian had her eyes locked towards Abby, she saw Miss Swan seated next to her. One look at Miss Swan and her heart melted, she was in shock, flashbacks appeared at the back of her head as she saw Miss Swan, wingless, with the rest of the fairies. Tears rolled down her eyes. Miss Swan turned her head to look at Vivian. An awkward eye contact between Vivian and Miss Swan left Abby and Dory anxious. They were eager to know what had happened between the two.

A weird tension between the two grew and both of them kept on staring at each other. One bang on the table broke their eye contact.

"I see you were a little caught up in your own world, I thought why not wake you.", said Richard, "You might be wondering why I gathered all of you today, well, today I would like to tell a little story to you, all of you.". He used his powers to open the door, he forced all the town inside and continued his story. He gave an unpleasant smile as he looked at Abby, "Well well well, if it isn't the experiment here.", he looked at Vivian and said, "It worked out? wow! I thought you were going to fail this one, taking the life of an innocent child."

"STOP!", screamed Vivian.

"Stop? Oh, honey, this is only the beginning.", he replied. Richard wandered around the stage as he said, "Once upon a time, in this fairy world... lived a fairy named Richard. Richard was a nice fairy unlike the others in his town, but he... he was labeled as gruesome and evil. I was not gruesome and evil.", he pointed towards the town council and said, "THEY WERE! They took my life away from me because I told them that I would expose their little secret. Their 'pretend to care' face. Does anyone want to know what their secret was? Because I am dying to tell YOU ALL!", he screamed. He made his way to the other side of the stage where the students were sitting and said, "Nora....you should support me on this?".

"Nora?", questioned Dory. Miss Swan turned her head down in unease, she didn't say anything.

"Or not.", said Richard, "Anyways THESE PEOPLE, these people whom you call 'friends, are your worst enemies. The humans weren't our enemies, we were their enemies. We snatched their children and turned them into fairies."

"That is enough!", said Papa Morgan, "You don't get to manipulate my fairies.".

"My fairies? I WAS YOUR FAIRY, what did you do to me huh? Left me to rot in the middle of the fire which you said was an accident.", said Richard.

Richard continued with his story when Joe tapped Papa Morgan on his leg. He used sign language to communicate with him, "Cast the spell.", it read. Papa Morgan slowly turned his head towards the stage and gave Joe a reassuring nod. Although Papa Morgans' hands were tied, he managed to free himself.

Papa Morgan was not as strong as Richard. All the time he spent in the dark, looks like he used it to practice dark magic. Richard was stronger than before and thirstier for revenge than before, it would be extremely hard to stop him.

Papa Morgan knew he couldn't do this alone. The entire headquarter was echoing with Richards' voice, Papa Morgan tried to catch Miss Ginnys' attention. Miss Ginny was full into Richards story; she knew from the start that the council was up to something disgusting. Richard roamed around the stage and stopped at Miss Ginny, "And Ginny, of course, you would like to know what the council did to your husband."

Miss Ginny gasped. Tears rolled down her cheeks as Richard unraveled the secrets of the council.

"I remember, he was down on his knees, asking for help when....".

Papa Morgan released himself from the knots and drove Richard from the stage. A fierce fight took place in the office that afternoon. Magic bounced here and there, fairies were falling from the sky and hitting the ground. Vivian and Joe were untied by Papa Morgan, they combined their strengths to take Richard down. Miss Swan and Miss Megan got all the children out of the office, "KEEP YOUR HEADS DOWN!", screamed Miss Megan as she forced all of them out.

Abby held tight on to Dory. They tried to get out of the office, "Mom!', screamed Abby.

"Just go!", shrieked Vivian. Miss Swan grabbed Abby and Dory and took them outside. Terrifying noises were spiraling around the office, the magic and the dust were shooting like fire cannons. The scene was extremely horrifying to watch, there was blood everywhere, parts of fairies, their wings, everything was scattered on the office floor. Miss Ginny was also inside trying to fight Richard. Although she opposed the council, she sided with them to protect her town. "I NEED BACK UP NOW!", screamed Papa Morgan. Richard was stronger than all of them combined, he brought back the creatures of the mist. The creatures were growling for blood. "GO, GO, GO, GO!", screamed Miss Ginny as she gazed into the creatures' eyes.

Vivian and Joe flew outside, Papa Morgan ran towards the door when the creatures appeared. They tried to put the creatures down as much as possible but it didn't work. The creatures doubled in number. In the effort of trying to get everyone else into safety, Miss Ginny was caught by one of the monsters.

"I didn't want to see you die like this Ginny.", said Richard. Miss Ginny looked at Richard in disgust and said, "Rot in hell Richard.". "You first honey.", he smiled. Papa Morgan turned around to see Miss Ginny on the ground, towered with the bloodsucking monster on top. Papa Morgan wanted to go back to help Miss Ginny but couldn't do that. There was not enough time to save her, he could either save himself or die with Ginny.

A feeling of disappointment ran through his vein as he saw the creature kill Miss Ginny. He flew out of the office and sealed the door with magic. The magic wasn't strong enough to hold the monsters back but it was enough to buy them some time.

"Where is Miss Ginny?", asked Miss Megan, out of breath.

Papa Morgan lowered his head and walked towards a safe place. Miss Megan was left shocked, she felt miserable and accountable for Miss Ginnys' death. Miss Swan grabbed Miss Megans' hand and said, "I know it is hard but we have to get out of here first, please.". Miss Megan tagged along with the rest of the group as the banging on the door became vigorous.

Papa Morgan escorted the fairies to a safe underground basement he had built for emergencies. He warned the rest of the fairies in fairyland to either stay inside and lock their doors or follow him. A huge number of fairies went to the basement. The basement is a wide, shallow space of concrete floor with nothing else occupying any area, it was an abandoned piece of land. They could hear the rumbling and voices of the creatures as they ran on the surface.

"We can't stay here for longer Papa Morgan, they will find us soon and we will not have anywhere to run this time.", asked Joe. Papa Morgan didn't reply to anyone at the moment. He needed some time to recover from all of this, the loss of his town and the death of one of the fairy worlds' oldest fairy.

Things were not right at this point. Vivian looked for Abby in the crowd and quickly hugged her tightly, "My baby", she smiled. Abby pushed her away and said, "What was he saying mom, experiment?". Vivian mumbled and moaned for a second, then replied, "Oh honey, why would you believe any world he says, he is lying, he is a monster.", she said in a soft, calm voice.

"No! You lied about Miss Swan, you lied about me and you lied about the closet, you are nothing but a liar!", replied Abby in anger. Vivian was really upset right now and she couldn't help but release her aggression on Abby. She slapped Abby in front of everyone, "You don't get to say this, after all, I have done for you..... go..... just go.", she cried.

Dory quickly jumped towards Abby and took her away, Joe grabbed Vivians' hand and pulled her into the corner, "Hey, hey, just breathe okay, it's fine.". Vivian regretted the fact that she even slapped Abby. Abby was with Dory in the corner of the basement.

"Abby, don't cry like this man, it hurts me to see you like this.". Abby wiped away her tears, "She can hurt me all she wants but that will never stop me from figuring out the truth.", she said in a shaking voice. Dory hugged Abby and comforted her until she was normal. Miss Swan stood at the edge, observing the entire situation. Vivians' eyes were blood red and tears were continuously rolling down her cheeks, she looked up to see Miss Swan standing at a distance, looking at her. Miss Swan rolled her eyes and approached Miss Megan who was greatly affected by Miss Ginnys' death, "I hate it, I hate every second of it. How am I supposed to act normal and recover from all of it.... it is really heavy.", she sobbed. Miss Swan tried to calm her down as much as she can. "It is not your fault.", she said.

"She was right, the council is corrupt, Papa Morgan left her to die when he could have saved her. HE COULD HAVE SAVED HER!", cried Miss Megan. She continued to sob and didn't listen to anyone; the teachers nearby also played a role in consoling her.

Abby was still angry with Vivian and wasn't speaking to her. The fairies underground waited patiently for a way out. Papa Morgan was having a meeting with the rest of the council members on how to deal with this. The tension was growing and time was running out. They had to come up with a solution very shortly. The growling and the screams in the town grew intense. They could hear the fairies yelling and crying out in pain. Miss Megan couldn't stand the torture her fairies were facing, she walked up to Papa Morgan and said, "Are you going to let the others die as you let Miss Ginny die?". Papa Morgan turned around and got a little close to Miss Megan, "I didn't let her die, she made a sacrifice which will forever be cherished in this town.".

"Cherished? If this town survives to see another day then we might have a chance to 'cherish' this so-called sacrifice. You left her there, you could have helped her!", screamed Miss Megan.

"If I would have helped her, we both would have been dead!", said Papa Morgan. Miss Mega gave a mocking smirk and said, "See, she was right all along, you only care about yourself.". The conversation between Miss Megan and Papa Morgan was heating up faster than a toaster machine. Joe jumped in between the two and said, "I think we should find a way to stop all of this rather than fight.".

"You hear this? The screams... their blood is on you.", said Miss Megan pointing at Papa Morgan.

Abby went to her uncle, Rob, who was sitting on the floor all depressed.

"What is wrong with you?", asked Abby in a concerned way.

"Nothing. Just a little tired.", he replied. "You look more drunk than tired.", laughed Abby. Rob wiggled his hands in the air and shook his body like a clown, "Am I drunk?", he said funnily. Abby laughed and leaned beside the wall to sit next to him. Rob looked at Abby and continuously stared at her.

"What?", replied Abby. Rob leaned a little closer and said, "What is up with you and your Mom?". Abby gave a sickening look to Rob and sighed, "She is lying to me, continuously. I don't think I can trust her anymore.". "what is she lying to you about?", asked Rob. Abby rolled her eyes and said, "Forget about it. I don't think she wants anyone to know about it.". Rob chuckled and said, "Your Mom may be a liar, a brat, a prick, careless... but she is still your mom. Don't let any of that get in the way of her motherhood. Okay?". Abby got up from the floor and walked away to Dory.

The growling upstairs got intense, "We have to do something about it, we can't stay down here forever.", said Miss Megan.

Richard had found the door leading to the basement. The door cracked open slowly and steadily. The fairies flew to the other side of the basement, opposite to the door. Papa Morgan and the rest of the fairies cast a spell to create a bubble of magic, that would hopefully protect them. The door slammed shut and footsteps approached the basement. A horror silence prevailed as Richard reached the basement, "Well well well, so this is your secret hideout huh?", he laughed, "It was a little difficult to find you but I finally caught you. Plus, you intervened in my story. That was harsh man. After thinking a little, I have decided that I don't want to kill you....(his voice deepened as he said this) I want all of you to suffer!".

Richard moved his hands around, creating a cluster of fairy dust. He created a full ball of his dark magic and released it in the air. The ball shot like a fiery sun, breaking through the ground and escaping into the atmosphere. As it reached the sky, the dust exploded and spread all across.

"Enjoy.", said Richard as he gave a repulsive smile to everyone. He swirled around with his wings and vanished into thin air.

"Where did he go?", asked Vivian.

"I don't know.", replied Joe.

"Papa Morgan was demented by the entire situation. He was not sure where Richard disappeared.

Miss Swan approached Papa Morgan and said, "Do you have any idea of what he did, Papa Morgan?". "No, but whatever he did.... is not good news.", he whispered.

"What did he mean by 'enjoy'?", said Abby. "I don't know but I am very scared at the moment.", replied Dory. Abby was walking with Dory when she noticed her mom walk beside her, "Let's go home, Abby.". Abby gave her a repulsive grin and said, "I am going to Dory's house right now.". Vivian stopped her and said, "It still not safe. We don't know what he did to sky Abby. I want to keep you with me and know that you are safe.".

"Safe?", chuckled Abby, "I am not even safe with you.". Vivians' eyes flooded with tears, but she tried so hard not to cry. Joe walked up from behind Abby. Abby turned her face away from them and said, "Right now..... I need some time to myself, to think things out. Please.". She walked away with Dory as Joe and Vivian stood there silently in distress. She was heartbroken and her hopes were shattered into millions of pieces, "Hey, you knew this would happen someday. We tried. We tried our best but the truth always wins.", said Joe, trying to support and console Vivian.

The danger had not settled yet, Richard was still out there and he had cursed fairyland with God knows what.

The fairies were taking strict precautions and stayed inside their houses.

Papa Morgan and the rest of the council gathered in the headquarters to figure out a way to stop Richard.

"He is powerful than before.", said Liz. Liz is also a part of the town council, along with her sister candace.

"He almost told everyone the truth.", said Vivian in a worry.

"It is okay. No one trusts him, they have faith in us. They will never disobey us.", replied Papa Morgan.

They spent hours and hours to come up with a spell that would be strong enough to defeat Richard. Time was flying by but Richards' spell hadn't been in action. The sky was crystal clear and everything seemed normal. Nothing was going on. Abby was in Dorys' room, peering out of the window, "Maybe he didn't do it right.", said Dory, "Otherwise, something might have happened.", she added.

"I don't know... (she took a deep breath) Nothing has been normal since that shadow crept behind me.", said Abby.

"Talking about the shadow, have you felt its' presence recently?", asked Dory.

Abby walked away from the window and sat in Dorys' swing, "No, It hasn't been back since the day we snuck into my parent closet. It was right to not trust them.", said Abby as she rolled her eyes.

Dory crept a little closer towards her and asked in curiosity, "Abby?".

"Hmm.", she replied. "If Miss Swan knew that your parent tortured her, then why did she get close to you?", Added Dory. Abby sank into deep silence for a moment and then replied, "I don't know? I am confused too.". Abby and Dory spent the rest of the day together, on the other hand, the council was waiting for something to happen so they could undo whatever mess Richard had gotten them into. After several hours of waiting, nothing seemed different.

"Nothing happened.", said Vivian, "Maybe he made a mistake.".

"He is Richard... He doesn't make any mistakes.", replied Papa Morgan.

"Anyways, everyone should go and rest, we will see what happens tomorrow.", said Papa Morgan.

The council took off for their homes, waiting for something to happen. The town was a complete mess. There was shattered glass, broken trees, mud, blood, etc. all over the place. The cleaners were already clearing up the mess from the streets.

An element of curiosity was embedded in everyone's mind related to Richard. Did Richard actually make a mistake while casting the spell? Or was the worst yet to come?