
Fairy tail the eternal phoenix

A man is born into fairy tails world with the powers of marco the phoenix. Is this a simple man or is he really..........

Thomas_Hodge · Tranh châm biếm
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35 Chs

Phantom Lord Vs Fairy Tail!

After retreating the Members of The guild return the guild halls basement to lick their wounds.

" Come on! I'm not getting any kind of read on where mystogan is!" cana exclaimed

" Oh dear you did your best." Mira said

" If Lucy's their real target their bound to attack sooner or later. Right now we've got too many wounded to put up a fight." Cana said

" Master's seriously injured and we can't seem to locate mystogan. You're the only one we can turn too. Help us laxus fairy tail is in terrible danger." Mira said begging for help.

" Hahahaha! Oh man Makarov is freaking pathetic. I don't see how this is remotely my problem. You're big girls so deal with it yourselves." laxus said

" So you're not gonna help us?' Cana asked

" of course not! That old toad started this. Why do I have to be the one to clean up his mess?" Laxus asked

" Please laxus, Phantoms trying to kidnap lucy!" Mira said

" Who? Do I even know her? Oh wait is it that new girl? I'll tell ya what if you can talk blondie into being my woman I'll do anything she wants." Laxus said

" You are such a pig!' cana yelled

" Are you sure you wanna talk that way to a guy you're begging to help ya! Do me a favor, if that geezer manages to pull through this tell him he's over the hill and he should hand the guild over too me! HAHAHAHAHA!" Laxus laughed as Mira destroyed the communication crystal.

" Mira?" cana asked

" I don't understand how can someone in fairy tail be so heartless and cruel? I can't just sit here and watch I have to join the others and fight!" Mira said

" Wait, don't be ridiculous!" Cana said

" i feel totally useless being stuck here at the guild hall I wanna help!" mira said crying

" I understand, but you'll only get in the way as you are now, even if you were an S-class wizard." Cana said to the girl

As she cried Marco approached her from behind giving the woman a hug. Mira turned to cry into the mans chest.

" It'll be ok Mira! Me, Erza, Natsu, and gray are still here and ready to fight. We will Protect this guild to our dying breaths. And I will protect you just the same. I love you Mira!" Marco said guiding the woman into a kiss.

Cana left to give the two some privacy however an explosion went off that rocked the guild hall and alerting all of it's members.

" What the hell was that? it's coming from outside. Mira stay here."

" No! I'm not leaving to you to fight alone."

" I'm never alone as long we both wear this crest. We'll always be together.' Marco said running up stairs.

Marco arrived outside to see erza clad in armor preparing to tank a massive blast, Before it could hit her Marco Rushed up into the air in front Of her intercepting the Heavy Blast that hit him.

" MARCO!" The Guild all yelled as they watched him take the magical blast.

Once the dust cleared everyone could see Marco surrounded by Flames regenerating his body. Marco collapsed to the ground in front of everyone.

" You ok say something!" Mira said running to Marcos side.

" Makarov has fallen and now Marco the phoenix is taken out of the fray. Any chance of victory has slipped through your fingers. Surrender lucy heartfillia immediately. YOU HAVE NO CHOICE!"

" Who Says I'm out of the fray!" Marco yells getting back to his feet. " I don't care how many of you there are, there's no way you're getting you hands on lucy!"

" No guild would over one of their own to a monster like you!" Bisca said

" You hear that! Lucys staying put!" Macaco said earning cheers from everyone in the guild.

" We Would never betray Her like that! YOU"D HAVE TO KILL US FIRST!" Erza yelled

" YEAAAAH!" The guild all yelled in agreement.


" Fine! You want to die so badly? You got 15 minutes until jupiter fires again. Sit there and ponder the folly of your actions. Jose says as he unleashes his phantom soldiers. " You're in quite a quandary aren't you fairy tail? Either you get torn apart by my soldiers or get destroyed by jupiter."

" SO what you're saying is we got 15 minutes to destroy that Jupiter canon? Then come on Natsu, happy, Elfman, Gray, Erza we're gonna do what we at fairy tail do best. Destroy everything in our path. LET"S GOOOOO!" Marco yells as He, Natsu, Happy, Gray, Erza, and Elfman all rush towards Phantom lord.

" YEAAAAAAH!" They all yelled in agreement.

Marco and natsu both fly towards the canon.

" Alright Natsu Hit this thing with everything you got! You hear me!"

" yeah I hear ya loud and clear marco! FIRE DRAGON IRON FIST!"

Coating his legs in haki. " PHOENIX DARK BRAND!"

Both natsu and Marco hit the canon with everything they got Nearly tearing the cannon off of the building.

" YEAAAH! Look at them go!" Macao yells

Marco goes for one more attack to destroy the cannon, but before he can Eneru emerges and Slams into Marco Forcing him off the canon and away from the guilds fortress.

" YAHAAAA! You're fight is with me now!" Eneru says laughing at marco.

" Fine round two lightning Bastard! Natsu! I'm leaving the canon too you! Give them Hell!" Marco yells getting a nod of agreement from natsu

The two wizard continue punching each other flying through the air, towards the forest. A magnitude of Ferocious blows are thrown back and forth between the two fighters.

He's so damn fast even using observation haki I can barely keep up with him. " Raaah! PHOENIX DARK BRAND!" Marco yells hitting the man in his chest

" 100 Million volt Vari Black! Eneru yelled as He fused haki into his bird of lightning.

" Gaaaaah!" Marco yells in pain as he hits the ground.

It's not long before Marco gets back up as Eneru lands with him.

" Ok I gotta admit that actually hurt me! Bastard, but you made a mistake!"

" Yahaha! And what would that be!" Eneru asked Flaring his magical power.

" You gave me a place to really let loose, Without having to worry about hurting the others!" Marco answered the man flaring his magical energy now too.

Both wizards pushing their magical power to their limits. A pillar of flames erupting from marco, While numerous bolts of lightning strike down around Eneru. The two get a running start at each other. Marco using his haki enflamed arm as a sword striking downwards at eneru, While Eneru lunges towards Marco Like a spear hoping to pierce Marco. The Ensuing Collision Shakes the forest and the near by city.

The wizards from both guilds observing the Terrifying display of power. Watching as An enormous pillar of fire and Lightning erupts from the forest. Even master Jose Who is one of the 10 wizard saints believes they maybe his equal.

I can keep up even if only barely, but It's not enough my observation haki isn't enough. Not yet. Marco thinks to himself. He backs away from eneru and closes his eyes. " Every attack has it's intentions." Pops guide me.

As marco does this Eneru connects with another fierce attack " 100 Million volt Jamboule!"

" Arghh!" Marco yelled as the attack ripped through his flames. " damn it that hurt!" No calm down marco. Calm down.

" Yahaaa! What are you doing? Eneru asked. What is he doing, even though we both know I'm faster he was still at least trying to fight back, now he's just standing there. Eneru thought to himself. " Let's see if you stop this 200 million volt Lightning Circus!" Eneru yelled launching a series of Sharp Lighting bolts towards Marco.

Feel the intentions Marco.


Marcos eyes glow red as he dodges every bolt of lightning.

" What The! Hrggghh!" Eneru yells as he continues firing bolts of lightning. All of which completely miss marco

" Seems Like you're having a bit of trouble "Kami!". Marco says taunting the man who proclaims himself a god. " That speed of yours is quite something, I fought a man not to long ago who was just as fast as you are and I could only keep up with him thanks to my ability to heal. Now thanks to you I've taken another step forward, Towards the top."

" You Insignificant bug! How dare you talk to god like that! RAhhhhhh!" Eneru yelled as he transformed into a Giant Clad in his lightning. " I'll blow you and everyone you love to dust! Ultimate move 400 MILLION VOLT AMARU!" Eneru yelled as he extended his hand releasing a blast of lightning so big It covered the sky.

Everyone from both guilds stopped fighting to see the giant blast of lightning headed their way, but what happened next no one saw coming.

Marco The phoenix Stood there in the floating. " The Flames in My right hand Are the flames of life the heal All wounds. The Flames in my left hand are the flames of destruction that burn everything to Ashes. Combine MY flames With the Force of Haki, and turn all things in the universe to ashes! DARK PHOENIX ROAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR!" Marco yells as his golden flames turn a blazing Black.

The two attacks blanketing the sky

He thinks he's going to beat my Amaru! He's lost his mind. Eneru thinks to himself before the two attacks collide with each other. " WHat! His attack is pushing mine back!"

I Have to keep pushing. Marco thinks to himself as the two attacks clash in a beam struggle High above the forest of magnolia. Marco manages to overpower Enerus attack with his own, with eneru just barely being able to dodge Marcos attack.

" What!" Eneru yells as Marco rushes towards him.

The two wizards begin throwing blows back and forth at each other again Sparks of fire and lightning Blasting off into the sky.

" What the Hell! Is with this magic power those two are monster!" Jose said

" He isn't a monster! He's marco the phoenix of fairy tail. The only monster I see is you jose!" Erza yelled as she attacked the wizard saint.

" What the hell! Gajeel said " i didn't think fairy tail had anything like that in their roster."

" Oh yeah Marco! Now I've got a fire in my belly. Give him hell!" Natsu said getting up and punching Gajeel in his face.

" Yeah! Alright That's my man Marco!" Gray said as he had just beaten juvia

Looking up into the sky watching the two wizards battle. " Do it Marco!" Mirajane said with hope on her face.

The last time we fought He was beating me, because I underestimated him. This time I caught him off guard. I took him seriously. I had the speed advantage, and yet he's now dodging every shot I through at him. Even with my mantra I can't keep up anymore. Eneru say as Marco slowly, but surely begins to overpower him.

" This is for, Lucy, Jet, Droy, Levy, the master, and THIS IS FOR FAIRY TAIL!" Marco yells pummels Eneru. " PHOENIX FIST!" Marco yells as he slams eneru with a fire fist that sends him crashing towards the ground with force. Knocking him out.

While not to far away at phantom Natsu had just finished his battle with Gajeel and destroyed the the gears for the giant fortress.

" Hehe! How'd ya like that bastard!" Marco said as he landed. His Flames healing the the multiple wounds across his body. " ugh I... Huff! huff! Have to get back and help them stop Jose!" Marco said as he took flight towards phantom.

" I have to hurry Erzas strong, but even she can't beat jose!" Marco said as he got closer and closer towards Phantom lord. Hearing Erzas screams of pain Marco rushes faster towards the giant. Marco bursts through the walls of the giant and slams his Haki imbued Foot into Joses Sides. Knocking him away from Erza and destroying his spell on her.

" Erza are you ok!" Marco asks as he grabs hold of erza.

" Marco? I'm glad to see you. Marco!" Erza shouts as she sees the condition his bodies in. Even using his flames of healing he's still badly bruised and bloody. There are even burns on his body.

" Don't worry about me right now! We are the only two left who can beat this guy! We have to stop him right here right now." Marco says to erza

" Arghh! You bastard how dare you!" Jose said as he spits coughs up blood.

Jose launched an attack at Erza that Marco blocked, but was still pushed back quite a bit.

" Rrr! rotten bastard!" Marco said before noticing the presence that was getting closer.

" You pathetic fool! Do you really think you can beat me?" Jose asked mockingly

" We don't have to beat you Jose!" Marco says with a grin on his face.

" What do you mean marco?"

" I mean you can handle this guy alone, RIGHT GRAMPS!" Marco said as a bright light flashed into the room.

[Uh-oh guys Jose is hearing boss music now.]

Fairy Law OST.

Makarov begins descending down into the room. " You have shed the blood of our children and that is unforgivable! They have been made to suffer because of the incompetence of their parents. We are both to blame Jose. This war between us has gone on long enough. Let's end this here and now." Makarov said

" Ha! Matser!" Erza exclaimed happily

" If we fight it could create a catastrophe!" Jose says as his eyes turn a dark black.

Both Guild masters flaring their magical power

" In order to save my guild I will gladly take that risk!" Makarov responds

" Hehehehehe!" Jose laughs.

As the two wizards power up, Everyone in the room who was previously unconscious begins to awaken.

" What the! for some strange reason this warm light reminds me of the master." Gray said.

Jose launches a spell that Makarov blocks easily.

" You kids need to get out while you can!" Makarov said

" Gramps!" Gray yelled

" we'll stay with you!" elfman yelled as well.

" No we have to do as he says! Let's go!" Erza said

" But erza!"

"Not now gray!" Marco shouted.

" Mira Come here I got you!" Marco said as mira held onto him. " Elfman you climb on to!" Marco said as the Strauss siblings grabbed on to him. Marco took off carrying the both of them out of the building with him.

" Well Now that you're here I have no interest in those children of yours. After I kill you I'll finish those pests off. It's been 6 years since we last came face to face, then phantom was number 1 and no one knew how large fairy tail would become. Heheha but now it's been reduced to rubble."

" Our guild hall may have been destroyed, but we are as strong as ever!" makarov yelled

" I must admit I'm looking forward to this, though it is frowned upon by the magic council. I can't wait to see whose the superior wizard saint!" Jose said

" I couldn't have done this without you my children, bless you all be proud that you are members of fairy tail!" Makarov yells as he and joses magic attacks clash with each other. creating a thunderstorm around them as well as earthquakes.

" Tears Wave!" Jose yelled as he attacked makarov. An attack makarov blocked before sending his own back at jose.

Marco observing the battle between the two wizards with mira stares in amazement. " Wow The old man really is amazing. I've still got a long way to go! Mira?"

" Yes marco!"

" Keep watching over me. One day I swear I'll be the strongest wizard on this continent." Marco said to the girl with a smile on his face

" Of course!" She says responding with a smile of her own as she kisses him passionately.

" Kick his ass old man!" Marco says

back to the battle.

" I'm impressed. You have so much power at your command I can see why the council named you one of the 10 wizard saints. However your misusing your power for your own personal gain. You could have become a role model for the next generation, instead you become a lesoon on what not to do!" Makarov said

" what is this, a lecture?' Jose asks

" I've a rule that seems to work well with my fairy tail kids! You have to the count 3 to do exactly as I say. Kneel to me!" Makarov says

[ Uh-oh the boss music is back jose you should do as he says]

Fairy law ost.

" WHAT!" Jose asks offended.

"1" Makarov says putting his hands together

" So you want me to concede and kneel to you, No way in hell!" Jose yells

"2! Hmmm!" Makarov says as he moves his hands and a sphere of light emerges.

" Why would the master of the top guild in this kingdom ever stoop so low as to kneel before you? technically we are equally powerful, but my ability to be heartless makes me even stronger!"

"3!" Makarov says finally

" You are the one who should be kneeling before me! Now you and your precious fairy tail children are going to die!"

" Times Up!" Makarov says

"This is it! YEAAAAARRRRRRRG!" Jose yells as he launches an attack at makarov that vanishes completely

" I invoke FAIRY LAW!" Makarov says as he slams his hands together. A giant magic circle appears in the sky and starts destroying everyone of Joses soldiers.

" What the hell! Is this Magic power!" Marco yells feeling just how powerful this fairy law spell is without being the one attacked by it.

" It's one of master makarovs strongest spells. one of the 3 legendary spells of fairy tail. FAIRY LAW!" Mira said

Once the dust had settled Jose stood before makarov all the color leaving his eyes, hair, and lips as he stood there shaking and trembling.

" You will never bother fairy tail again Understand! I'm sure the magic council will be watching us after all the chaos we've caused.. You better be on your best behavior from now on, I know i will!" makarov said taking his leave.

" the master has fallen how sad. The old man's left himself open again this is my chance!" Aria says trying to attack makarov, before being sent flying by him.

" The war is over, there's no reason for us to fight anymore, but if you push me to the point of anger I'll wipe out your entire guild without hesitation. Now you kids get out of here and take jose!" Makarov says with a smile on his face.

"ALL RIGHT! WE BEAT PHANTOM!" Everyone cheers

Laxus and mystogan looking off into the distance knowing the outcome of the battle.

" We are victorious, but I had very little to do with it. This victory is yours my children!" Makarov yells to his guild.

" we couldn't have done it without you big guy!" Natsu says with a smile.