
Fairy Tail: Another Dragon Slayer

I'm just writing for fun. Anyway same old cliche reincarnation. Guy dies gets reincarnated to Fairy Tail with no cheats or system just a blessing. Mc is an idiot from time to time. Slow pace for a couple of chapters so please be patient. Since I'm writing for fun probably gonna follow the cannon with some changes here and there. Any comments and suggestions are highly appreciated.

_Daemon_ · Tranh châm biếm
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13 Chs

Chapter 9

While Dino was traveling he opened the box that Gray gave him that supposedly came from Kurnugi. Inside he saw a necklace and two lacrima's.

The necklace is composed of small round beads, and larger magatama, jewels shaped like a comma.

The first lacrine is a record lacrima which contains a message for Dino telling him not to search for Kurnugi, and how to use the second lacrima and the necklace. The necklace is actually a magic artifact made from Kurnugi's bones and infused with space magic creating a 20 meter cube space storage inside the necklace. The second lacrima was a memory lacrima. Dino just needs to pour his magic in the lacrima and all the information it contains will be transfered to him.

After doing so the lacrima shine and a ray of light went to his head containing all the information from the lacrima before turning to dust.

The lacrima contains a set of dragon slayer techniques Kurnugi made from his 'Hiten Mitsurugi Ryū'.

[Dragon Slayer Techniques:

Tempest Dragon (Arashi Ryū) - The user dashes forward at blinding speeds and spirals into the air and delivers a powerful slash, taking the form of a Japanese dragon shaped like a cyclone.

Shredded Dragon Claws (Seidan Ryūsō) - The user leaps into the air and swings their blades diagonally to create 3 clawed slashes that cleave his targets into pieces.

Dragon Slayer (Ryū Metsu) - The user charges towards their opponent at high speeds and aims to decapitate them in one kenjutsu slash and makes a white Japanese dragon serpent.

Dragon Dweller (Ryū Junin) - The user holds their blade upside down and slashes in an X shape in quick succession.

Dragon Destroyer (Ryū Hakaisha) - The user dashes forward at blinding speeds performing powerful sword slashes that seemingly envelope the user in a white dragon aura, causing a massive explosion on impact.

Dragon Slasher (Ryūzan) - The user rotates upside down and performs a chaotic vortex of powerful extremely long-ranged omni-directional slashes that cut whatever is caught up within its attack radius.

Infinite Dragon Wheel (Mugen Ryubosha) - The user backflips into the air and while upside-down, unleashes a powerful swing taking the form of a dragon eating its own tail that slashes apart anything below.

Piercing Tail (Kantsūbi) - The user thrust or swings their blade forward, coated in magic and taking the form of a dragons tail, cutting within 180 degrees of them.

Dragon Dance (Ryumai) - The user utilizes their sense of touch to identify the position of enemies, allowing them to detect and track the locations of their opponents, even from their blind spots, and where and how their opponents will attack them.

Dragon Shroud (Ryū Ōi) - A defensive style which lets the user increase there reaction speed to block and dodge incoming attacks.

Spike (Kasui) - The user stabs and the opponent several times with great strength.

Dragon's Breath (Ryū no Ibuki) - The user increases there breathing and pushes there body past its human limits by increasing their strength and speed above that of what there normal bodies can handle before using this increase in power to attack the opponent.

Wrath of the Dragon (Ryu no Ikari) - The user increases their physical, sensory, and breath style power by gaining white dragon-like scales across their body and gain the ability to silence magic for a while. This technique cause heavy fatigue, but if the user is unconscious, their stamina will be completely replenished.

Dragon Slayer Secret Art: Ryujin no Zetsumetsu (Extinction of the Dragon God) - The user twirls the katana as it is enveloped by a white Japanese dragon that seemingly emanates red and blue electric sparks and flames as the user dashes forward at blinding speeds and decapitates the opponent, seemingly burning the air around themselves. This technique is capable of hitting or decapitating multiple oponents at once.]

(A/N: I got it from a Demon Slayer Fandom)

After a while Dino finished internalizing the set of techniques and pondered for a while.

"Don't look for you!? Does you think I will do it just because he said so!? You fucking stupid giant white lizard of a father!" Yelled Dino cursing his adoptive parent for a few minutes before stopping.

"First Ur, now this. Haaaa~ I better start training before searching for a way to save Ur while finding that giant lizard." Dino said and started training.


A year of training later, Dino finally managed to fully control his dragon soul take over although now he has a pair of fluffy ears whenever he transforms. He doesn't know why there are ears, but it didn't bother him anyway so he just let it be.

(A/N: I know the ears dont fit for a dragon soul take over, but if you saw the dragon form of Selene, the dragon god; then you will see that she has 9 fluffy tails just like a 9 tailed fox so I think it will work.)

Although Dino can use almost all the techniques that Kurnugi left him. They aren't as powerful as the images he saw from the memories.

And so Dino continued his journey to search for a way to save Ur and find his adoptive father who went to buy milk and never returned.


"Wake up! Time to work!" Said a loud voice waking Dino from sleep.

"Ahhh~~~ morning already?" Dino said slowly opening his eyes but was confused of waht he saw.

He saw that he was in a cave village of some sort with a lot of people from old to young wearing similar ragged clothing with cuffs on their hands with a red crystal embeded in it. He stands up and noticed that he was wearing the same thing but with additional cuffs on both hands and legs.

Dino rubbed his chin and tried to remember how he got here but nothing came up. 'Last I remember there was that guy wearing a weird mask that gave me food. Was it him? No, it can't be, bad guys don't give food to random people, right?' he thought.

He tried using his magic but nothing happened.

"Don't bother using magic slave. We put magic sealing cuffs on you just in case. Now go to work!" Said an angry voice to Dino.

Dino turned his head and saw the same guy that gave hime food. "Top 10 Anime Betrayals!" Dino said with shock written all over his face.

"What the fuck are you talking about!? Get to work!" Said the guy and dragged Dino.

While Dino was being dragged away, he saw a girl crying while electricity was coming out from another masked man's staff with pink eyeless monsters surrounding her. He shook his hand making the man let go of him before running in between the girl and the other man.

"Oi! What are you doing!?" Dino said menacingly looking at the man, the beasts felt threatened and slowly moved back from him while growling menacingly.

The man felt the same and backed away a bit before asking "A-And who are you stopping me from teaching her what she should do!?" he said but still has some fear for the kid.

The man who bought Dino here came behind him and said, "A new kid. We need more people to finish the tower since some of them died last week. Bunch of useless maggots." before looking at the two kids.

"You better start working or we'll kill you!" said the other masked man and walked away since he still felt afraid especially because of Dino's eyes while the other followed not nothered by what happened.

Watching them leave, Dino turned around and looked at the girl, "Hey, it's ok. They're gone now." He said kindly to the crying girl.

"R-Really!?" She said looking at Dino before looking around and finding no one else before wiping her tears.

"Yeah. So don't be scared. By the way, my name's Dino, What's Yours?" He asked.

"I–" Before the girl could talk, a group of kids came running towards them encircling the girl. Infront was a blue haired boy similar to his age with a red tattoo above and under the right side of his eye.

"What are you doing to Erza!" The blue haired boy said.


Shit, my whole body feels sore from work.

I don't have much to say for this chapter.

Just a time skip, change with his sword techniques, and Erza's childhood at the tower of heaven.

I'll see where it goes since the original plan was to let Dino meet Erza at the beach where she was sent to after the rebellion.

Anyway there's the chapter. Stay safe.

Chiao~~ (´^ω^)ノ